
Transmigrated life of village girl who love tea

Other people got transmigrated as female lead or villainess , young ladies but me not even close to plot line. When SuYan transmigrated as village girl in the fantasy murim novel as character which is not even described inside the book. She decided to roll far away from plot line while drinking tea. What female lead arguing with support female? I have to go watch. What, male lead is fighting with love interest, need to to see need to see. Mother: “where is SuYan “ “She go watch villager fighting” “Where is SuYan “ “At tea house listening gossip from story teller” “Such strong tea, what a wonderful tea” Ps: tea mean gossip. I will be posting it on royalRoad.com as well. Thanks.

Yuki3sec · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 9 Lady Fan backstory 2

Ps; recommend to listen the Don't you know(ost of the story of Minglan)

In the small town at the eastern part of Ki country,

A few house carriages past through the busy street as they arrive near the western part of town. The carriages finally stop a the big gate, which is written, Fan Clan.

From the one of the carriage a young maiden who is wearing double buns with some silver hair clips jump down from the carriage as she open the curtain of the carriage as:

"Miss, we had arrived" she help another young girl who is wearing half bun with orchids shape silver headdress and blue dress to get out of the horse carriage.

The Young girl who look weak with white complexion quickly make her way toward another carriage.

" mother, let me help you.." as she say and took the hand of old lady who is coming out of the carriage. The old lady is Lady Fan former 5th grade official wife and the young girl is the young lady of Fu family.

They left capital of Ki since spring and finally after three months they arrive at the old man Fan hometown.

"Fan-er, how are you ?Is the carriage too tiring?" Old lady Fan ask the young girl with worries.

The young girl gently shake her head.

"Not tiring mother, but I am worry about father" she reply.

"Don't worry your father is head strong person, He will be fine . Let go greet your grandparents they must've been missing you" while she still saying

"Ago, you guys are here." A middle age woman with a group of people came out of the house. A old lady who is wearing dark green silk clothes with a few children on her both hands come to greet to Fan mother and daughter.

"Imm, you are here."

" greeting to mother"

"Greeting to grandmother"

Both mother and daughter greet at Fan tai tai who is the mother of the old Fan.

"Get up. Here is small town you don't need to be formal in future. Here we are one family." She let both mother and daughter get up.

" by the way, where is that naughty guy?"

" hahaha, mother you are the only one who still call big brother this way" the middle age lady joke at old tai tai. She have an atmosphere of very warm personality and she is the blood sister of old man Fan.

"Mother, my husband leaves later than us since he taking all the books collection so he took the waterway. I think he will arrive by next week."

"Look is I saying right. NAUGHTY. At this age still.. when his hold family is here he don't care about it and what traveling books like his father." Old tai tai glacé back at the old man who just came out of the house.

" what did I do?" Old man glance at his wife who is angry with confuses. But all the relatives of Fan family their subordinates laughed. With the happy atmosphere the Fan mother and daughter settled at their new home which the ancestors house.


At the same moment, a man who was described as headstrong and naughty is

"AHCOO..!!" Old man Fan sneezed while still reading.

"Master, are you having cold?Ayo let me ask the kitchen to make some cold prevention medicine." The housekeeper name Mr. Hu said with worry while still grinding ink for the old man Fan.

"Yes. I should be careful. The weather of river is a bit different. By the way also put some charcoal Basin near the books, with all the moisture some books will get moulds. Also let a few servants watch the fire."

"Yes master." The house keeper reply.

"I think my wife and family should arrived by now." Keep on writing while mumbling.

"Master, allow this servant to ask a question."

"You say."

"Why did you decided to send young master to cultivation sect instead of Scholar sect?"

"Hump, that not my decision, that his decision. I think with his sister broken engagement, the child finally saw the truth of this world."old man Fan said it but with worries in his eye.

"But young master is very talented with books even he had rare silver grade root he still when to be scholar why suddenly change." Old housekeeper reply.

"Hu, did you not realised this world power decided everything. No matter what you like or what you believed, when face with power we are nothing toward these people." "Hate to say it but this is the truth. That why i don't persuade toward them, i afraid it will only bring misfortune to my family."

"Master. Your sacrifices, we know master." Old man Hu reply.

"He used to look down on cultivation but now he finally realised. He also growing now. Only thing i am worried is he start too late and it would be hard road ahead of him."

"Young master is a clever person he might already know. But you master have you think about what are you going to do in future?"

"Hump, my family will not go hungry with all this wealth, but i thinking to continue my father academy." He said as he drink some tea that old man Hu offer.

"Hope there are a few good seeds.."


"Brother don't worry, go back to the study, your big bother and father is enough to support you."

A family who are sitting on the Kang advise a young man who is still with smile on his face as he continue peeling some roast sweet potatoes.

"Yes big brother, now father injuries is already healed. I can also help him with farm works. You don't have to worry anymore." A young boy who is in his 15 told the boys with anxiety.

"Son. Mother don't need you to pass the exam but the studies, finish the study ah! Do you want your parents to fill with sadness for stopping you from studying?" An old woman say with tears in her eyes.

"Son, father father is sorry to you.."

"Mother!!father!! You guys can stop faking the crying.." he nonchalantly replied while eating his sweet potatoes.

The old woman flicked from her crying and ;

"YOUU!! Brat ..go back to school already …" she shout at the young man.

"Old man it you. How can you sad face look too fake that why he see through." She said while beating her husband.

"A Hump..i follow your dialogue anyway. Your dialogue is not good why it me." Old man reply.

While the husband and bickering the eldest son and second son of the family still look seriously at their younger brother without saying nothing.

Finally the young man who is maintaining nonchalantly stop under the pressure of his two brothers.

"Ok ok, i will go back. Stop looking at me like that.."

"Good prepare and i will drop you off at the town academy tomorrow."


Thank you for power stone

Fan family is so much fun to write, almost forgot about SuYan hehe. I really love old man Fan character at the moment. Didn't expect it.