
Transmigrated life of village girl who love tea

Other people got transmigrated as female lead or villainess , young ladies but me not even close to plot line. When SuYan transmigrated as village girl in the fantasy murim novel as character which is not even described inside the book. She decided to roll far away from plot line while drinking tea. What female lead arguing with support female? I have to go watch. What, male lead is fighting with love interest, need to to see need to see. Mother: “where is SuYan “ “She go watch villager fighting” “Where is SuYan “ “At tea house listening gossip from story teller” “Such strong tea, what a wonderful tea” Ps: tea mean gossip. I will be posting it on royalRoad.com as well. Thanks.

Yuki3sec · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 10 RIP

Ps: hello everyone, since i have been writing this novel for a while, what do you think about the story so far, Since English is my second language sorry for some errors. I would love to know about your opinions so please leave comments, Always welcome about it. Moreover, do you want more chapters about lady Fan backstory. Let me know..thank you…


Su Xiao is the famous escort warrior in the town of XieLin Town and one of the popular topic of Quzhou village.Even with all applauses, his family received zero visit from match makers in nearby villages. The cripple from next village is more famous with match maker than Su Xiao.

As he turning twenty three soon, with his brothers having a few children of theirs own, Su mother is getting more and more worried for her youngest son marriage life. She affairs he will have no child under his name. The person in discussion is currently feeding rice porridge to his youngest niece while making silly faces.

"Yanyan, AHHHH!!!" As he said to his niece.

"Bababa…" the child look her silly uncle with distaste but open her mouth wide.

"Oh brother, let me feed her, you should go rest. You only got day off once in while." Suyan mother took the porridge bowl from his hand and keep on feeding her young daughter.

"YOUU BRAT, you go and fight or sleep sleep. That is only thing you know..!!! Why don' you bring daughter in law to me??" The mother Su said as she beat her youngest soon with broom.

"AHH!! Mother it hurt. Even grade 2 monster don't hurt me. Mother you are stronger than monsters" HE talk back to his mother.

"Are you cursing me. Old man come out you son is cursing his old mother now.WAA Waaa…oh heaven ya.. now sons are so big they even curse at his mother…i don't want to live anymore…!!" As she said and sit down in yard while fake crying but still beating at her son.

"…." All the people currently at the scene don't reply at her. Only SuYan look surprised at her grandmother. She think in her head:

"Wow, grandma acting should get Grammy nominated",Applauded in her mind. While lady Zhao is used to her mother in law technique and keep feeding her child.

"What!!!he curses you?" Another actor join the scene old man Su came out of his room with bamboo stick.

"AhAHAH!!! Mother and father why are you guy always bully me.." finally can't stop at his parents, Su Xiao complain back at them.

"Bully you? If you don't make that mistake a few year ago and got a stinky name. WHo will bully you. Now no lady want your cow skin guyyy!!! Ayo the more i say more angry i am." Old lady shout at her son.


The accident that happened a few years ago was;

A few year ago after know Su Xiao finally reach the first layer grade 4 Qi level which was a rare occasion in nearby towns. Most martial artist came to XieLin town to had friendly sparring at that time, and the town mayors and a lot of nobles host the sparring competition and a lot of. Young ladies who is fascinated with the new came to see Su Xiao.

During the Sparing Su Xiao notice a shapeshifter level 3 grade monster who is acting as a lady among the crowd, and without explaining the people, he flew down from the ring and beat at the monster. Most normal people who don't understand the situation though he is beating a young beautiful girl even after accident and explanation done later. The female demon Su Xiao spread wide across the nearby town and villages. Even till nowadays, if Su Xiao nick name is mentioned crying children got stop crying and young female got fainted.

"How can it be my fault!!!It monster!! It going to eat the people at that time…" Su Xiao reply to his mother who is in her storyteller at her granddaughter SuYan who is not even 1 year old yet. Actually SuYan is listening carefully at her uncle black history, She even want a few popcorn if possible. The old lady glacé back at her son

"I don't care..i only know i can't have MY daughter in law because of you…"

The old man and lady Zhao who is watching at two arguing with laughter. Soon a person running at Su household.

"Sister Zhao!!Sister Zhao!!" A village woman who is wearing old cotton with big bamboo baskets on her back running into the house.

"Si-Sister Zhao, it not good , not good.." She talked while breathing strongly. while Lady Zhao look calmly at the woman while still weaving bamboo basket. She calmly asked

"It ok talk slowly.."

"I came back from town to get some salt for my house. You know the salt shop is next to alcohol shop and i saw your. husband go into the shop.."


The noise of bamboo breaking can hear in the silence Su house. Both Su old day and her son also stop arguing and. Looked scared at the lady Zhao.

While lady Zhao still smiling and looking at her bronze bamboo basket and slowly look up at the lady,

"Where is he you said?" She asked again.

The middle age woman look abit scared but still replied "Alcohol Shoppp.."


Suddenly a deep crack happened under lady Zhao leg but still smiling and slowly glance at her mother in law and father in law and she ask

"Mother, father..can you please look after Suyan for awhile?? "

"Da-Daughter in law you you. Nothing just don't kill him.Ahump.."" the old Su said while look away from his daughter in law eye.

"You do want you want." Old day Su said.

"Them i am going to now." As she said and left the Su family house.

"SuYan, what should this uncle do. Your poor baby, you might grow up as fatherless.." Su Xiao said while looking at his niece with sadness.

"RIP big brother, this brother will take good care of little niece."

"RIP" old man said nonchalantly.

"RIP, my son" old lady said as well.

SuYan looked confused at her uncle, grandma and grandpa, and thought "what is happening."

Much later She realised her mother is much stronger then her youngest uncle and foundation established stage. She feel rip to her father as well..