
Transmigrated life of village girl who love tea

Other people got transmigrated as female lead or villainess , young ladies but me not even close to plot line. When SuYan transmigrated as village girl in the fantasy murim novel as character which is not even described inside the book. She decided to roll far away from plot line while drinking tea. What female lead arguing with support female? I have to go watch. What, male lead is fighting with love interest, need to to see need to see. Mother: “where is SuYan “ “She go watch villager fighting” “Where is SuYan “ “At tea house listening gossip from story teller” “Such strong tea, what a wonderful tea” Ps: tea mean gossip. I will be posting it on royalRoad.com as well. Thanks.

Yuki3sec · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 8_Lady Fan backstory 1

PS: recommend to listen Unsullied by Sa Ding Ding. It fit the atmosphere of this chapter.


In the big Capital of Ki,

A medium size household live family of 5th grade officer of book department.

Fan household


"You! You how can you do it to us"

Old man Fan say with tumbling voice towards a group of people:

"Ahump, Fan brother you and I know each others for so long you know my character. I am not a person who easily go back on my words"the leader of the group of people say with embarrassment.

"They are from upper realm, it not possible for us to say no to them. It already been my best to let you daughter stay as concubine"

"CLASH" another tea cup is broken.


Old man Fan replied loudly, old lady Fan and few servants hold his hand in fear that he will pass out with angers.

"My ancestors never accepted that kind of joke."

" when me and my wife can't give birth to our son for long time, my clan never forced to had concubines. Now you are asking my precious daughter to be a CONCUBINE!!!"

"Old man clam down " old lady Fan said is it with tears in her eyes.

"Even heavenly emperor want my daughter to be concubine, I will kill my whole family to say NOOO!!" He angrily shouted at them.

Soon a young man who was standing silently behind the group came out.

"Uncle please think twice. I know it all my fault. I know how shameless it to go back my promises to Fan er.."

"Don't called my daughter FAN-ER!!"

"….yes. uncle also know Miss Fan and I had been engaged since our birth. You know how much I love her. Even with these situations, I will still treat Miss Fan with all my heart. Only my love to her please trust it" he politely say to Fan family members while maintaining the scholar atmospherics. He quickly glance at the backdrop screen behind the family members as he continues:

"Moreover, the promised wedding of our two families was scheduled to held next month, if we break this engagement now, the one who will suffer from will be Miss Fan. With this reputation, i afraid it will difficult for her to marry in this life."

"You You..are you threatening me?" Old man Fan say with wide eye and trembling hand.

"I don't dare, this is just giving what if.."

"Moreover, this is also particularly my fault. Since i have no power to say no to lady from Zheng family, as they are top cultivators in upper realm. I believe even emperor will hard time with them but i will try to give Miss Fan the treatment she deserves." He coolly reply while still glancing at the backdrop screen.

"You don't need to say more Gongzi, i will never agree to be your concubine." A weak female voice came out from back of the screen.

"Fan-er!!" Old lady Fan reply with panic and quickly leave her husband's side and went back at screen. What waiting for her was a young girl in her 18s wearing pale green outfit with silver headdress on her greyish hair. Her eyes are forest green colour but all the liveliness of her eyes were not there. with the help of her maid she give greeting to old lady Fan,

" greeting Mother" she weakly send greet to her mother.

"Fan-er have you really think through. If you break this engagement I afraid you will never able to marry a man of that level." Old lady Fab said with wiping her tears, feeling sorry her daughter.

" it ok mother, my family only teach me how to uphold our own values, those teaching don't contain how to serve a man with another woman." She smile through tears.

"Ok ok, as you wished. Mother will follow your wish." Old lady Fan reply.

Meanwhile, the people who are waiting at the front hall are panicking especially the young man. He shout at the backdrop screen.

"Fan-er, think twice. How can our love of all those years can you bear to break our marriages. I promise i will treat you as highly as first wife."

"Gongzi please stop. Since you said you want to marry me as official, i waited to finished your imperial exam. While other lady already married at my age, i..i waited and believe you…Promise? You and my destiny is already broken once you agreed to marry another woman. Please leave." The girl reply from the back.

"I agreed with my daughter. I willl never my daughter to you." Old man Fan said strongly to the opposite group.

"Old Fan, think twice, don't follow young people voice, if you disagreed this marriage, all your fame as 5 grade official will be over! Think for you young son future career."

"I don't care.! I would rather be farmer if my career is based on sacrifice of my sister." A young boy who is around 12 running into the main hall. He look angrily at the group of people.

"You don't have to worry i will leave my duty, capital with my family. I Fan Zho would never marry my daughter as CONCUBINE!!! LEAVEEE!!" Old man Fan shout at the group of people.

" old Fan.."

"Don't call me, from today onwards, you and my Fan family have nothing to do with each other"

"Our small Fan houses can't host big noble family of winner of imperial exam and relative of upper realm, we will not. Send off. Please leave."he said at the group of people again.

"Good good, you will regard it old Fan. Son forget about it let leave."

The group of people left Fan family household but Gongzi still glance back at Fan family house with regret and melodies.

"Son, your father tried.. you know the upper realm people, if. you don't marry. They can easily kill our hold clan. Our clan life depend on you." The leader of the man said with sadness toward the young man.

"Don't worry father., i will forget about her..let return the wedding date we agreed with upper realm is coming soon." the young man reply to his father. He support his father and they went in horse carriage and quickly left the Fan family house.

After a few days later, the new of Fan family breaking their engagement and old man Fan retired as left the capital with his family to their ancestral house widely spread among the people of Ki capital like a wild fire.

At that time entire Fan family and their servants are already on the way to their ancestral land of XieLin town…
