
transmigrated into another world with my internet boyfriend?

psamathe · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 6

"Wake up loverboy, the wold is still after you"

Hearing the voice was like a adrenaline shot for Peter, his eyes shot open and he almost instantly sat up from his prone state in complete shock

"Huh? Alex? What are you doing here?" Peter questioned ontop of the 100 other things he's been questioning since after to got game ended by a pile of snow but Alex was much less fazed of this situation answered quite pleased

"not now loverboy use your spirit taming ability on me before your hunter shows up" as Alex finished his words its only now Peter realized that Alex appeared to be floating off the ground, this would of probably of caused Peter to pass out but he was reminded of the wolf and quickly followed Alex's instructions, "Spirit taming!" Peter chanted more confidently than before which made Alex snicker

[ Spirit detected ]

[ Identified Spirit to be generated from Spirit taming skill, increasing taming chamce ]

"Accept," Alex said seeming to get his own system notifications informing him of the situation on his end

[ Taming successful ]

[ adding new skill possession ]

[ skillshare has detected a connection and is now sharing available skills ]

"There we go" said Alex as the systems notifications came to a end, Peter's body felt submerged in body temperature water for a moment but it quickly went away he was about to ask what that was but Alex spoke first, "and now to deal with the wolf, let me borrow your arm real quick" before Peter could process what Alex was saying he already floated close to Peter and wrapped himself around Peter's shoulders and used his hands to lift Peter's left hand before Peter got a word in, "Wait what are you doing?" Pefer finally asked but was ignored by Alex as the bushes Peter's hand was aimed at started to move with life, it was clear the wolf had made its entrance. The wolf slowly left its cover it could still see the fear and confusion on Peter's face but something about him had changed so it was best to be careful.

"And with this I'll also borrow some mana" Alex interrupted the tension but seemingly only for Peter, "huh?" He asked before he felt something move through his body, it was like he was aware of how the blood in his arm wad moving towards his fingertips before a circle with a sigil appeared in front of his hand followed by the almost excited voice of alex,

"Inflict curse: madness"

With those three words it looked like as if the wolf has seen a whole entire different world, it first lowered into a defensive stance before looking like it was trying to fight off enemies that were all around it until was panting ragged looked to the sky, twitched, than practically fell straight over dead. Peter didn't know how to take what just happened so many things were flipped on there head in what felt like less than 20 minutes first somehow ending up in some wacky scenario like out of a mass produced anime, than the weird as hell forest, Alex appearing like a ghost, than basically second hand murdering a wolf, before he collected himself Alex spoke first,

"So you probably have some questions I figure?"

my God it hasn't been 6 months but here's another post, must be a lucky day for the 1-4 people who find this interesting, I don't know how many of you there are

psamathecreators' thoughts