
transmigrated into another world with my internet boyfriend?

psamathe · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 5


Deafening silence,

The feeling almost like floating in water,

Alex found himself in this almost infinite void for who knows how long before he spoke to himself, "is this what the afterlife is like?" It was clear to him that he wasn't going to get a answer so he went with his second best bet,

"Status?" Alex said, not confident but it would be better than finding out this is the rest of his existence in this non existent place, but luckily a mechanical voice came to his rescue,

[ Eligible Candidate Acquired ]


Name: Alex ■■■■■■■■

HP (10/10) MP (10/10)

level (1/10) *locked*

Class: none, sub-class: none

Physique: fames bestia (panthera)

Stats: (normal human 5, peak human 10)

Strength- 5

Dexterity- 6

Endurance- 4

intelligence- 7

charisma- 5

free stat points: 0

sub stats: (cannot add stat points to these stats)

perception- 8

wisdom- 7

Instinct- 10

(more will be added when unlocked)

innate skills: strong minded

class skills: none

Physique skills: *locked*

skills: *locked*


"Hm, why are so many of these locked?" Alex questioned to himself but the system quickly answered him instead

[Due to the rules placed on your dimension living beings could not progress past level 1 or gain/use non innate skills]

Alex made a small sound of acknowledgement but mostly delved into thought, he didn't remember dying nor did some magic circle appear around him and those are usually the first steps to getting stuck in a fantasy scenario, the voice continued as it pleased,

[ Establishing System Status ]

[ Generating Status Stats ]

[ completed ]

[ Complete ]

[ Initiating Transmigration Compensation ]

The system went silent but Alex's mind was in a buzz, he didn't know how he'd Transmigrated, would he have to start out as a baby? Would he take over some guy that just died? Is he being summoned? Atleast for now he wanted to see how his stats were changing so he called it to open again


Name: Alex (last name removed)

HP (10/10) MP (10/10)

level (1/10)

Class: none, sub-class: *installing sub-class*

Physique: fames bestia (panthera)

Stats: (normal human 5, peak human 10)

Strength- 5

Dexterity- 6

Endurance- 4

intelligence- 7

charisma- 5

free stat points: 0 *adding stats*

sub stats: (cannot add stat points to these stats)

perception- 8

wisdom- 7

Instinct- 10

(more will be added when unlocked)

innate skills: strong minded

class skills: auto-translation *installing* item box *installing* identify *installed*

Physique skills: none

skills: none


[ Transmigration Compensation Added Successfully ]

[ Transmigrator Role Added Successfully ]

[ Transmigrator Skills Added Successfully ]

The system kept going off in the background but Alex took the opportunity to use identify on the first things that caught his interest, he stated 'identify' in his mind and the system happily complied,


Name: fames bestia (panthera)

Rank: epic (purple)

Stat improvements:

Dexterity +2 per level

Intelligence -5 per level

Instinct +5 per level

Skills: none


A Physique that is akin to that of a starved beast making the barer quickly going mad, as compensation giving as much Instinct to intelligence lost. This Physique in particular is in part the same as a panthera Physique improving Dexterity, running, pouncing, and striking to kill.


"Well that explains amtgard" Alex said in understanding, if he struck someone with a object he was looking to win. Although once it fully processed for him it confused him, "I didn't feel particularly crazy at any point and the status said I was at 7 which is above average so" he moved to what he already guessed was the road block in this Physique's path


Name: strong minded

Rank: Rare (blue)

Effect: nullifies effects that lower intelligence up to epic (purple) rank

Type: passive


[ Upgrading Physique As Compensation For Transmigrating host ]

[ Error ]

As the system announced the error Alex felt a splitting go through his mind for a split second, even though it was for just a instance it felt like his mind tried to rip its self into a thousand little pieces, it made Alex for mentally exhausted and he unconsciously asked "what the hell was that?" And that was enough for the system to answer

[ An error occurred in the process of upgrading your Physique due to possible destruction to the mind ]

[ Looking for a solution ]

[ solution found ]

Alex's mind was buzzing again but now for a different reason, it felt like pins and needles

Pricked his mind, he couldn't even focus on that the mechanical voice was saying to him.

[ Upgrading innate skill in preparation for upgrading Physique ]

[ Success ]

Alex's mind finally started to settle down when the system rung out its actions to him, the prickly feeling changing to that of what felt like water flowing over him, Alex couldn't process what the system said before but he did his best to recall what it said while his mind was in pain.

[ As compensation for any harm done to the host you have been allocated one extra question from the system ]

Alex, holding himself with more confidence asked his final question, "if it's the final question, what's ..."

oh a cliff hanger, well atleast were done with the void for the moment scene change next chapter I promise, now let's hope I don't forget this app exists for another 10-12 months

psamathecreators' thoughts