
transmigrated into another world with my internet boyfriend?

psamathe · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 7

"So you probably have some questions I figure?"

Alex's words set off a wildfire of questions through Peter's mind, so much had happened in a short time that he could barely keep his mouth shut so he asked the first questions that came to mind,

"what is this place? How are you even here? What did you do to that beast?" And Alex seemed almost happy to immediately respond

"The place we currently are is a dungeon like from a video game, I was originally gonna be sent to be a hero for a kingdom but the system decided being your spirit guardian would be better, and that was physique based magic."

Alex answered all the questions quite proudly as of he was a detective that had already figured out who the culprit was, but each question only gave Peter more questions, "What is Physique based magic? That hardly explains what happened to the wolf. Also why are you floating!?"

"I'm sure you heard when that voice was going it said something about upgrading your Physique right? Well there's magic in this world and it comes in two forms, affinity and Physique, the magic I used on the beast was a Physique based spell, causing it to see illusions, the heart attack was unexpected

but as he opened his mouth to ask more he heard the rustling of leaves behind him.

"Seems our conversation will have to be put on hold for the moment"

Alex added commentary to the scenario already sending Peter into a panic he wasn't sure if he still had the energy to run if another wolf showed up, but when three what looked like humans showed up Peter could almost pass out in relief, the one in the middle spoke first.

"Oh what is a young boy like you doing out here doing in here? You don't look like you've even had your awakening yet." The man spoke in a tone of worry and surprise, and then Alex shortly after him,

"Alright Peter, two things, one these guys can't see me and two, I can give you tips on what to say to help with conversations as I got some information on this world as I traveled through, for a answer to this guy, say you were trying to hunt a monster so that you might get a better Physique."

Peter could barely focus on what the stranger said before Alex's words broke into his thoughts, and it wasn't like he had a better option so Peter took the option Alex gave him,

"I was uhm, trying to hunt a monster to get a better Ph-physique," Peter wasn't the best with lying and the thought of a monster drew his eyes back to the wolf behind him, which was noticed by what seemed like a archer to the left of the middle man, which laughed and responded to Peter,

"HAHAHA, is that rumor still spreading around? Sorry to break it to you kid but Physique's are basically decided by birth only thing hunting monsters would do raise is your level a bit after your awakening, no need to rush"

The man in the middle laughed to himself some more bringing all of Peter's attention back to the three, the man in the middle by far the tallest seemed to sport a large sword and metal armor, to his left what looked like a classic archer cloaked in green with a bow and a look like something wasn't adding up, and to his right what looked like a staff user or maybe a mage if this is a magic world.

"How exactly did that monster die? I don't see any clear marks on it and you don't have a weapon on you" the archer investigated the situation and questioned Peter much to his dismay before Alex chimed back in,

"Tell him that your not sure yourself it was chasing you and then just fell over." With nothing else to do Peter used the script Alex gave him,

"I-it was chasing me just a moment ago and then it fell over and hasn't gotten back up" Peter honestly had no idea if this would work but it would seem the archer accepted the answer before the swordsman spoke again,

"Doesn't matter now it's dead! Here let us escort you back to the safe zone and then we can work things out from there."

He pointed his thumb behind him as he spoke signaling it was in that direction, and it wasn't like Peter was planning to stay in this forest

I plead the fifth on why this took so long, go get a warrant

psamathecreators' thoughts