
transmigrated into another world with my internet boyfriend?

psamathe · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

a low growl sounded behind Peter and although it was much quieter than the sounds of birds and bugs it sounded as clear as day, Peter quickly turned around to face a wolf with red fur and an ugly face, it looked at Peter as though he was easy prey, keeping about 8 feet away looking for an easy kill. Peter practically froze in place, he didn't know what to do, he lived in a suburb before this and the most scary wild animal he seen in close proximity was a raccoon once. As a million thoughts went through Peter's mind it was clear to the wolf that Peter was not prepared and it lunged for the opportunity, quite literally.

The wolf lunged straight for Peter's troat in what felt like a instance, the sight of a maw of teeth made Peter feel woozy, but, by either luck and divine intervention he went weak in the legs causing him to fall down narrowly missing the beast after his throat. The wolf flew almost 6 feet before it landed and recomposed itself it was clearly insulted by missing its mark, lowering itself clearly intending not to miss again but it was too late.

With a strong dose of adrenaline and being able to move again he quickly launched himself to his feet and bolted in the opposite direction of his red haired hunter, in his panic he didn't know what he was looking for but he quickly opened his Status and looked for anything that would help and looked through his skills, none of his transmigrator skills will work seeing that none of them were combat related or would of help him get away so he moved to his Physique skills he didn't know they worked so just went with his best bet

"Spirit guardian! ...?" Peter blurted out feeling a slight singe of embarrassment after he did it but the same mechanical voice sounded like there wasn't a issue

[Command received Initiating search]

[Time til completion 1 ~ 5 minutes]

"Eeeh?" Peter could only make a sound of confusion he wasn't sure he could make it for even 1 minute much less 5, the red wolf wad right on his tail so he moved to his last two skills as far as he was aware skillshare was useless at this moment so he was to his last chance was spirit taming.

As the wolf hunt continued through the forest although Peter seemed faster the wolf was more use to the terrain which allowed it to slowly catch up as it closed the distance to about Peter reached his hand behind and pointed it at the beast, "spi - spirit taming!" Peter shouted at the beast and although it did something and caused the wolf to slow down as Peter suddenly felt the lack of surface below his feet, in the short moment he took to turn around and attempt to cast the spell he didn't know if it'd even work he managed to run off a ledge.

The sudden fall took him off guard as he practically rolled down the ledge crashing into a tree, Peter clenched his eyes shut in pain although it wasn't extremely painful his whole body ached from the tumbling and the sprinting before that, the thought of resting invaded his mind as he tried to catch his breath, then, he heard a voice

"wake up loverboy, the wolf is still coming for you"

what? almost 12 months? I have no idea what you're talking about anyways here have a new chapter

psamathecreators' thoughts