
transmigrated into another world with my internet boyfriend?

psamathe · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

as though a cut in a movie Peter suddenly found himself standing in a forest, no sudden forces, no passing out, or waking up in someone else's body, he was just there now.

"so this is another world?" stated Peter trying to make sense of the situation he was placed in, what felt like only 10 minutes ago he was walking to a store for a small errand. Peter slowly started to examine the forest more carefully and could see how it was different from the ones he knew from his world, the trees, which looked to have sort of gray at first glance, seemed to be more metallic and almost like silver, the floor of the forest seemed to be covered with a dense layer of moss rather than any other foliage, to go with the strange forest he landed in it seemed as noisy as a jungle with the sound of bird and insects going about their day, occasionally a woof or a roar would sound through the trees, the sun was either setting or just rose Peter could not tell for sure. It was like a crude mockery of a actual forest.

As the situation worked its way through Peter's head he abruptly announced his shock, " Wait doesn't this only happen in Japan why was I transmigrated? I'm Canadian!?" although Peter wasn't all too much into anime he was still aware of the type of situation he was in, a Japanese boy gets transported into another world, gets an op power, a bunch of girls fall for him, fights monsters, Peter can't do that, although he's decently fast he can't just immediately be good at sword or pick up girls, hell, he doesn't even like girls!

"What would they always say in those shows and stuff, umm, Status?" Peter said taking shots in the dark, the sounds of silence was filled with the chirps of birds and the ringing of bugs, but just as Peter thought nothing happened a blue screen came to life


Name: Peter (last name removed)

HP (25/25) MP (50/50)

level (1/10)

Class: none, sub-class: Transmigrator

Physique: Spirit Cuniculus Prince

Stats: (normal human 5, peak human 10)

Strength- 5

Dexterity- 8 (+3)

Endurance- 5

intelligence- 10 (+5)

charisma- 8 (+2)

free stat points: 5

sub stats: (cannot add stat points to these stats)

intimidation- -2

spirit- 20

perception- 4

wisdom- 4

(more will be added when unlocked)

innate skills: none

class skills: auto-translation, item box, identify

Physique skills: Spirit guardian, Skillshare, Spirit taming

skills: none


Going through the skill tree only served to make Peter frown, "Was I really all that basic to where the that was unique to me was that I was slightly more charismatic?" Peter questioned to himself with an upset tone, "Jeez this is so confusing, I bet Alex would have no problems with this" He reminisced about the experiences he had previously only to be interrupted by a low growl.

I edited this and it broke

psamathecreators' thoughts