
transmigrated into another world with my internet boyfriend?

psamathe · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

[ Eligible Candidate Acquired ]


the sudden noise echoing through the void did not wait for Peter's opinion and immediately carried on

[ Eligible Candidate Acquired ]

[ Establishing System Status ]

[ Generating Status Stats ]

[ Complete ]

[ Initiating Transmigration Compensation ]

Numerous notifications went off seemingly around Peter as well as sounding straight from his mind as if it was omnipresent, it seemed to stop for a moment giving Peter some time to think and gather what he just heard, but before he could speak it went off again,

[ Transmigration Compensation Added Successfully ]

[ Transmigrator Role Added Successfully ]

[ Transmigrator Skills Added Successfully ]

[ Upgrading Physique As Compensation For Ending Hosts Life Early ]

"Wait what!?" chirped Peter even though the voice was still ringing through what seemed all of existence, "What do you mean ending hosts life early?" the system quickly responded to this inquiry instead of ignoring it

[ Host would have Survived being buried in one foot of snow and why the driver did not go back for you ]

As Peter was about to complain at the voice again but he suddenly felt as though his whole body was being constantly pricked by needles, he wanted to writhe in pain but moving would only make it hurt more, Peter was left with no choice but to be perfectly still in the endless void as it seemed like the prickly feeling paraded all over his body. As the sensation finally came to a stop the voice chimed in.

[ Cuniculus Physique Upgraded To Spirit Cuniculus Prince]

[ Host Has Two Remaining Questions They Can Ask The System ]

The system finally buzzed to silence giving Peter a moment to catch a breath after the ordeal of his 'Physique upgrade' being muddle minded and wondering what it just did his second question was, "Just what the hell did that physique upgrade do?" he said while trying to calm his nerves, and like last time the system quickly responded,

[System has upgraded the host's original system from Cuniculus to Spirit Cuniculus Prince ]


Name: Cuniculus

Rank: Rare (blue)

Stat improvements:

dexterity +1 per level

charisma +1 per level

Skills: none


A physique that appears to be quite similar to common rabbits, causes intimidation to always be at a negative level making you seem unthreatening but also improves mobility, jumping, hearing, and libido


"L-Libido!?" questioned Peter but it seemed like the system ignored him this time continuing to the next description


Name: Spirit Cuniculus Prince

Rank: Unique (orange)

Stat improvements:

dexterity +3 per level

charisma +2 per level

intelligence +5 per level

Skills: Spirit guardian, Skillshare, Spirit taming


The physique of a Spirit Cuniculus or also called a moon rabbit due to a misinterpretation gives you spirit-related skills and lets you learn spells of the same type, being of royal blood lets you the ability to summon a spirit guardian


"at least it got rid of the libido," Peter said wondering how much of his life was affected by this 'increase in libido' but upon looking at this with a more clear mind he asked, "Why am being Transmigrated in the first place?"

[ Unauthorized information ] The system said quickly shutting down Peter, he was about to ask another question before the system, in a quite dickish way, then continue,

[ Initiating Transmigration ]

[ Good Luck Host ]