
Transmigrated as Nevillie Longbottom

Transmigrated in Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom after his uncle drops him out the window. There’ll be no bashing of anyone. Hogwarts Legacy, Movies aren’t canon. Spells are usually from canon, some might be made up.

Prometheus96 · Book&Literature
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Teaching Harry and a trip to the Library.

In an abandoned classroom stood me and Harry. I had afterall promissed him some spells.

"Ok Harry the first spell i'll teach you is Expelliarmus." I said. But on the inside I was laughing at the irony of teaching him his signature spell.

"What does it do?" Asked a curious Harry.

"It forces objects out of an opponents hand. It's a very useful defensive charm." I said.

"Now here you go." I said handing him a piece of patchment.

"What's this?" Asked Harry opening the paper.

"That is the instructions for the spell, i'll help you are you've read it."

After he'd read the paper he tried the spell. And… got it on the first try. Yep that spell was just made for him.

"Ok now that you've got that spell down i'll teach you one more spell. It called Langlock it locks the tongue to the roof of the mouth. As you can guess this would stop most from casting. Here's the instuctions have fun." I said giving him the paper.

"If you don't need anything else i'll be going, oh and good luck with Quidditch." I said exiting the room.

Now that that's settled I can get on with my own buisness.


The Hogwarts library looked to contain tens of thousands of books, upon thousands of shelves three floors up. A grand domed ceiling, barely visible. It's so high up. The wood itself is so ancient and dark, yet polished almost to a sheen, the ornate crest on top of every shelf holding a motif explaining its general subject matter. 

The restricted section is not hard to see, the entire right side of the bottom floor of the library is sectioned off with a rope. Probably there are wards placed all over there. No way that's an ordinary rope. No just walking in there with an invisablity cloak Deathly-Hallow or not.

As I walk across the emerald green carpeted floor. No doubt a way to lower the noise level. I took in the sheer amount of books.

Even someone with no life, wouldn't be able to read all this. 

Interspersed here and there amongst the beautiful ancient shelves, there were students at desks studying. At the opposite end of the entrance was a woman with, vulture-like features, sunken cheeks and, skin "like" parchment. The librarian Irma Pince. Behind her was a caged room, the gate not locked, I could see stacks and stacks of Daily Prophets. Not suprising for that to be here. Hogwarts is know to have one of the greatest, libraries in the wizarding world. 

Now that i'm here I walked into the Ancient Runes section. See fanon really got certain things wrong. Runes are just letters. They are the language used by ancient wizards. Runes also held no magical properties themselves, wards they are just spells. Rituals were their own thing. The reason I wanted to learn them was that a lot of knowledge is hidden by them. Take Dumbledore's copy of Tales of Beedle the Bard for example. Plus I planned to take it as one of my third year electives.


"What are you looking for, boy?" Asked Madam Pince, with a scowl.

 I placed several books on the counter. Advanced Rune Translation, Ancient Runes Made Easy, Magical Hieroglyphs and Logograms, Rune Dictionary, Spellman's Syllabary. And, last but not least for my personal amusement, The Healer's Helpmate.

"That is a lot of books boy." Said Madam Pince dryly.

"Is there a time limit or a book limit? If there is i'd be happy to put some back." I said innocently.

And much to Madam Pince's dismay she said. "No there isn't."

She then started noting down the books and asked. "Name?"

"Neville Longbottom." I answer. She then scribbled my name. And, waved her wand over the books.

"A warning. If you rip, tear, shred, bend, fold, deface, disfigure, smear, smudge, throw, drop, or in any other manner damage, mistreat, or show lack of respect towards this book, the consequences will be as awful as it it within my power to make them." She said. "Am I clear?"

"Crystal." I replied slightly fazed.


In the Undercroft I sat in an arm chair i'd repaired in the room. In my hand was A Healers Helpmate, read a couple pages in it gave a single spell Episkey. This spell was the only real healing spell and, one's proficiency with the spell determined a their competency as a healer. Anyway i'll read somemore later I should crack open one of these ancient runes book.
