
Transmigrated as Nevillie Longbottom

Transmigrated in Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom after his uncle drops him out the window. There’ll be no bashing of anyone. Hogwarts Legacy, Movies aren’t canon. Spells are usually from canon, some might be made up.

Prometheus96 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Starting my carrer as a thief or a flying lesson

With Maruders Map in possession waited until the next day to use the Maruders Map I from the twins. My first thing on the agenda was to liberate a book from a certain potions classroom.

When I arrived at the door I cast Specialis Revelio on it the door. The door had two spells on it which were an alarm and anti-picking spells. Luckily I knew just the spell for it. "Surgito" I mumbled and the the enchantments on the door where removed.

A silent Alohamora later and the door was open. And, now to do the most important thing cast another Revelio to check to actual room before entering. Seeing that all was clear I shut the door behind me. Walking to the cabinet of books.

Opening it and, quickly scanning for "Advanced Potion-Making", I found the Half Blood Prince's copy. Not hard, since it had more notes than actual text. Taping it with my wand.

"Geminio." I said making a copy then, I placed the original book back in it's spot and, pocketed the copy. Consulting the map and, with an all clear I made my way out the potions room.

Next stop. Flich's office. Opening the map it said Flich was on the other side of the castle. So now was my time to strike.

Filch's office was a small, simple room with a single oil lamp hanging from the ceiling. And, smelled vaguely of fried fish. It also had many cabinets but only one I was looking for. Opening the Confiscated and Highly Dangerous cabinet. I was sorely disappointed, it was just unlabled potion and prank items. Eh. I'll take that sliver knife. Ou, a bottle of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion, don't know why it's there but i'll take it.

Checking the map, with the coast clean I left the room with my meager hall. And, since I have the Maruders Map I can also use the R.O.R without worry of Quirrell. Even though I don't I probably wouldn't have i'd rather risk running into Quirrelmort.

Arriving infront of the portait of Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls to dance the ballet. Pacing in front of it of it.

Room of hidden things. Room of hidden things. Room of hidden things.

And, a door appears for me. When I entered the room was littered with miscellaneous objects.

"Can a Hogwarts house elf appear." I asked. And to my surprise with a pop, appeared a humanoid creature barely three feet tall, with spindly arms and, legs and an oversized head and eyes.

"What can Tweak do for hoggywarts student?" Asked the cheery house elf.

"Can you give me all the money in here, any books, oh and if there is one a pensieve." I asked and at my words a small pile of coins appeared along with a stack of books and, a shallow stone basin.

"Thank you Tweak good work." I said smiling at the little elf.

"There's no need to thank Tweak! Tweak just be doing his job!" Said the excited elf.

"Still thank you." And with that the elf popped away.

Now, time to get through those books.


After sorting through the books I had one copy of Extreme Incantations by Violeta Stitch, Advanced charm casting by Eulalie Hicks and, a book titled simply Elements. The money wasn't much just 42 galleons, 22 sickles and, 100 knuts. And, one working pensieve. Stuffing all the thing I could into my bag and carrying what I could I left the R.O.R, after checking the Map.


One Undercroft trip later I was in the Great Hall. Sitting at the table announced my presence with a "Yo."

"Hey Neville were ya been all day?" Asked Ron with food in his mouth as always.

"Hello Harry, Hermione." I said completely ignoring Ron.

"Hey Neville. How're you?" Came from Harry.

"I was just practicing a couple spells."

"Spells? What spells?" Asked Hermione like a rabbid dog.

"All of them." I said causing the table to laugh and, Hermione to become irate.

"Grrrr! Your so infuriating!"

"Well your the one who let themself be infuriated."

"Tsk. Hn."

"Why'd you ignore me Neville?" Asked Ron finally through chewing his food.

"I told you before not to talk to with whilst eating." I said rebuking the boy.

"Haha got you there Ronikins?" Said one of the twins.

"Yeah mom has been trying to force him to use table manners."

"To no avail."

The Red-head in question then turned the same shade of red as his hair.

"Ahahahaha!" I burst out in laughter.

"Hey!" Scream Ron out of embarassment.


As the Gryffindors were walking to flying class a thought suddenly crossed me. How was Harry going to become seeker if I didn't have the remembrall. Hmm that's it.


"Welcome to flying class , I am Rolanda Hooch the referee of quidditch here at Hogwarts outside of this class. Today we will be learning proper form for mounting and riding brooms so pay attention and do exactly as I say. First stand next to one of the brooms laid out on the ground with it on your dominant side." The professor said and the students did as instructed. "Good. Now in a firm commanding tone say "up" like this." she said and demonstrated.

I held out my hand as instructed and with a firm. "Up." The broom jumped into my hand. Looking around me a few others did the same namely Harry and Draco. While a few others were stuggling.

Once everyone had managed to get the broom in their hands the Professor spoke again "Now that everyone has their broom in their hands mount it and then kick off hard, then wait for further instructions." she said watching as they did so.

I mounted my broom with practiced ease. Uncle Algie's present actually got alot of use over the time i'd had it. Flying was one of my favorite passtimes I don't think i'd play Quidditch or anything. But, I loved the feeling of being in the air. Hmm that gives me an idea J.K Rowling once said all wizards are capable of unassisted flight and, there are canon examples of people doing it. Well anyway another thing on my to-do list. With my thoughts settled I went over to where Draco and Harry were.

"Hey Malfoy." I said.

"What do you want blood traitor." He said with a sneer.

"Oh nothing I just wanna make a bet. You interested?" I smiled. To which Harry looked at me funny.

"What kind of bet?" Asked Draco looking confused.

"Oh. Just a bet your not better than my friend Harry here at seeker." I said playing to his ego.

"Uh…Neville?" Asked Harry.

"Don't worry about it Harry. You just have to catch the ball." I said.

"But-" tried Harry.

"If you try regardless of if you beat him or not i'll teach you two spells." I said bribing the poor boy.

"I'm not sure what your up to but won't we get in trouble?" Asked a worried Harry.

"I'll take care of it don't worry." I said.

"Ok i'll trust you." Said Harry resolute.

"Well Draco you ready? Or are you a coward?"

"Tsk fine then your on!" Said Draco resolving himself.

"Well then." I said pulling a out a rock from my pocket.

"Hahaha whats that suppost to be." Said a mocking Draco.

"An impromptu snitch." I replied.

"On the count of three it'll be launched and, you'll have to get it." I explained.

"Ok ready." I got nods.




"Go!" I yelled launching the rock with a wandless Waddiwasi.

And with that they were off. At the same time Madam Hooch started screaming. Oh well they should make it near Mcgonagall's office and Harry will be the seeker.


After the whole incident Harry was taken away by Mcgonagall and in the end I didn't have to take any responsibility. I'd feel kinda guilty if he didn't get to play Quidditch becase of me.