
Transmigrated as Nevillie Longbottom

Transmigrated in Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom after his uncle drops him out the window. There’ll be no bashing of anyone. Hogwarts Legacy, Movies aren’t canon. Spells are usually from canon, some might be made up.

Prometheus96 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

First Day or Finding the Undercroft

It was a little strange waking up to a stone ceiling, red curtains surrounding the boy's four-poster bed. But, i'm sure i'll get used to it. Disregarding the other four four-poster beds, with all their curtains drawn down, I strolled down out to the common room.

Classes would start tommorrow so, I have time to explore the castle a little. There are several places I wanna find, the portraits will probably be able to help.


After help from a couple portraits I was at the base of the Defense against the Dark Arts tower. Going up a floor, I continue down the corridor, and step around a bend in the wall. Finding a beautiful floor to ceiling statuesque clock. So it was here. The Undercroft. I try tapping my wand on it, thinking open, the front symbols all move slowly after I do, a heavy thunk coming through as they settle into a new position. The front of the clock pops open just by an inch. I smile a very excited smile.

Slowly and carefully I pry it open, and step inside, closing the doorway behind me. I walk into the Undercroft. Inside the room looked like it did in the game. There were barrels and cages and items all over, with a low ceiling and multitude of pillars giving it a storage room feel. The only thing missing was the empty canvas of Isidora Morganach, they must have gotten rid of it.

It's a fixer upper but it's mine. I can clean it up later, for now i'll see what's useful. I can already see it potions lab there, dueling area there. But, first I need to sort the room.


After some time, I was able to sort through some of the room. There were a couple practice dummies, some old school books that had notes in them, there were even a couple cauldrons in good condition. With my little Undercroft a little more organized I checked my watch. Seeing the time I decided hit up the Great Hall.


Entering the Great Hall, I saw my fellow first years were already seated around our table.

"Yo." I said to the table sitting down fixing a plate.

"Morning Neville. Where were you this morning. When I woke up you were gone." Asked Harry.

"Yeah. Percy and the other prefects were looking all over for you. Said we're supposed to get walked here." Said Ron while also eating which was impressively disgusting.

"Ron. Don't ever eat and talk to me again." I said looking at him stone faced.

"Whatever." He said almost completely ignoring me.

"Hey Neville. Have you read our school books I have? What's your favorite subject?" Said Hermione slamming me with questions.

"Yes I have read them all and, my favorite is Defence Against the Dark Arts." I said answering her questions.

"Really why? Do you know any spells? Is your family magic none of mine are?" It appears answering one question opened the flood gates.

"Ok in order it just appeals to me. Yes I do know some spells. And, yes my family is magical. Also before you start shotgunning me with question one at a time." I said before she starts gabbing again.

"Oh uh…what spells do you know?"

"A bunch." I said in non-commitment.

"Again with this. What the name of the spells?"

"This question i'm not answering." I said i'd rather not start some rivalry with the girl.

"Uh….Neville do we need to already know magic before classes?" Asked Harry in a nervious voice.

"No technically not. Why would they tell people who live in the no-maj areas not to use magic if your supossed to know spells. I'm an exception to the rule my gran doesn't care if I use magic at home." I said to the shock of the others.

"Wait how come you can use magic at home?!" Asked a confused Ron.

"You can to Ron your parent's probably don't let you becase you live near muggles. But yes you can use it at home." With my words Ron head fell down in contemplation.

"But that's unfair won't we fall behind over the summer!" Screamed Hermione in indignation.

"The law is inplace to prevent the statute from being broken. You also shouldn't be using magic without supervison." I explained which is very hypocritical of me, then again Longbottom manor did have any muggles around hand even had dozens of enchantments preventing them from entering.

They let my words sync in before they started another conversation and I excused myself. There only so much social interaction I can take.


After a walk back to the Undercroft I was reading one of the book in it. The book in question was actually owned by Sebastian Sallow. It was a DADA book from the late 1800s. There were several spells in it I had a hard time picking one and eventually, landed on Protego. The shield charm was must have spell. Offence can come later.

Holding my wand in hand, I do the movements and voice the incantation. "Protego!"

And to my call a weak translucent shield appeared. Hmm first attempt weak but, a successful cast. With that in mind I began practicing again.

"Protego!" Weak again.

"Protego!" A little stronger but not yet.

"Protego!" At my call a solid translucent looking shield formed in front of me. After holding the spell for a few seconds I let it fade away.

Now that I have the shield charm down i'll try Expelliarmus. The spell was fairly simple. Going over to one of the dummies in the room I started my practice.

"Expelliarmus!" And from the tip of my wand shot a jet of red light hitting to dummy making the faux wand in its hand fall out.

Well that was easy, well it was taught to second years so maybe it's supposed to be. Checking my watch I have a little time before I have to be anywhere so i'll do one more spell. Depulso. The banishing charm is meant to create space between you and an enemy.

As I did with the other spells I just went into it. "Depulso!"

And with that a wave if force inpacted the dummy sending it flying into the wall.

With my final successful cast of the day I straightened the dummy up and made my way out.