
Transmigrated as Nevillie Longbottom

Transmigrated in Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom after his uncle drops him out the window. There’ll be no bashing of anyone. Hogwarts Legacy, Movies aren’t canon. Spells are usually from canon, some might be made up.

Prometheus96 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

All aboard the Howarts express or the sorting hat

"Neville? Are you ready to go?" asked Gran dressed in her long green dress, old fox scarf and an alarmingly bright red handbag.

"Yes gran." I said taking inventory of myself. I was dressed much more mundane than gran, in a black henley and blue jeans, with a sliver watch around wrist and, my wand holster around my waist.

"Have you got your wand? Your hat?" Gran started a torrent of questions which made me second guess the stuff i'd already packed.

"Yes gran I have all my things." I responded.

"What about that blasted bird?" Asked gran he voice showing her anger. The bird she was refering to is the one uncle Algie gifted to me on my eleventh birthday. Since my personality changed I guess so did the gift I got from him. The man gave me a female Blakiston's fish owl which is a very endangered species.

"Yes even Clare, she's on my trunk look." I said, directing her to the owl on my trunk.

"Why isn't she in a cage?!" Shouted gran.

"Why would she be? She is smart enough not to wonder away and won't attack anyone." Plus i'd feel bad putting my pet in a cage.

"Fine. But, keep her with you at all time."


"This is were we part ways Neville past there is Platform 9¾ is beyond that wall." Said Gran pointing towards the brickwork between platforms 9 and 10.

"I will write you gran goodbye for now."

"Goodbye Neville and you better write." She gran giving me a hug. When we broke apart and, I walked into the platform Clare on my shoulder, just in time to hear Molly Weasley complaining about 'Muggles'.


Stepping into a middle the Hogwarts Express conpartment. Luckily I knew the feather-light charm so pulling my trunk onto the train wasn't much of a challange. In fact most of the first year curriculum wasn't a challenge. Probably becase it was meant to be understood by eleven year olds. And, I was no eleven year old, over the years i've been in this world I had mostly been studying and training. Especially my wandless magic, i'd mastered the levitation charm wandlessly and, silently. I'd even been able to move onto other spells Accio the summoning charm was my personal favorite, although I hadn't yet mastered it silently yet.

Sitting down with Clare on my lap we both closed our eyes. The trainride to Howarts was going to be long so might as well take a nap. My plan was interupted though by the compartment door opening. In the doorway I found someone I didn't expect. Hermione Granger.

"Hello, you won't mind if I sit here? Clearly, there is a lot of space."

"Go ahead but, I am trying to nap before we get to Hogwarts so can you keep it down." I said closing my eyes again.

Eventually. The train started to move and I heard Hermione leaving the compartment. And, I was just getting into my sleep. Then suddenly the compartment door violently slammed open.

"I'm looking for Harry Potter, do you know where he is?" Came the most annoying voice i've ever heard.

I opened my eyes looking at the voice. It was none other than Draco Malfoy and his two nameless goons. Well not nameless I just don't remember them.

Draco Malfoy is one of those people that are best to avoid. Can't be friends too cowardly to be a real enemy. So I just continued to avoid him holding Clare tighter to avoid her attacking him.

"HEY! Stop ignoring me! You hear me!" I wish I didn't.

"Tsk. Come on Crabbe, Goyle this is a waste of time." Draco said. When I heard him leave the compartment I sighed in relief.


Eventually, while I was in a deep sleep the compartment door opened once more. And, Hermione was at the door. "Can you leave please? I need to change into my robes."

That is kinda rude but what ever. Luckily I had already put on my robes when Draco left so I didn't need to come back here anyway.

"Sure. Take your time." I said walking out the comparment Clare in my arms.

When I was in the train hallway I looked out the window and, Hogwarts could be seen. Hopefully i'll complete seven years here. My thoughts were then interupted by a hoot.

"I wanna leave." A hoot was the only response I got. "Well ok." I said opening the window releasing Clare.

"Fly safe." I said as Clare went to the castle. I hope she makes it, I was coming to love that owl.

Snapped out of my thoughts a warning told us that we'll reach Hogwarts in five minutes and our luggage will be taken separately.

"First year. First years over here." I heard the loud voice. No doubt Rubeus hagrid. He is definitely halfgiant.

"Come on, follow me any more first years? Mind your step now. First years follow me," He kept shouting or maybe that was the normal volume of his voice.

We followed Hagrid to the boats, four people in one and it was not hard for me to find three other kids. When I finally saw the castle, it definitely impressed me. It was towering, beautiful, old not but not ugly. It commanded respect and felt like a noble holy place.

After boat ride along the beautiful, dark crystal clear water. We arrived at Hogwarts castle the boat docks to a specific. From there we all got out and we had our way to the front door. Hagrid made sure everyone was there before he knocked on the door three times. After barely a moment the door swung open. To reveal a stern looking witch dressed in emerald-green robes.

"The first years are here, Professor McGonagall."

She nodded to Hagrid. And said. "Thank you. Hagrid. I will take them from here." And with that the doors swung fully open to reveal the massive main hall. We were then directed into what seemed to be a side area of the Great Hall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, the start of term banquet will be starting soon. But, before you take your seats in the Great Hall you'll be sorted into your houses.-" Mcgonagall continued on about sorting, houses, and the point system.

When her speech was finished she lead us all into the Great Hall were the older students were already seated. The Great Hall was a magnificent sight. Nothing unlike what I hadn't seen in Hogwarts Legacy or the movies. But, magnificent none the less. The floating candels and, house tables the Ghosts were also floating around the hall. But, when they saw the first years, they came close and said some rendition of the same thing trying to encourage us into their own respective houses. Eventually, Mcgonagall shooed them away and walked to the head table.

When she was up front she placed down a stool and sat the sorting hat on top. I watched as the brim opened up and a song came from it.

It was the most Merlin awful attempt at song ever. The sorting just didn't have the voice for what it was attemting it just hurt.

With the song over Professor McGonagall unflured a partchment scroll and began reading off names.

"Longbottom, Neville."

Walking forwards at my own pace, which compared to the almost rushed pace that the others had approached the hat seemed to be slow in contrast. Picking up the hat and, with no hesitation set it on my head and sat down on the stool.

Hmm…curious curious your Occlumency is very advanced for your age. But, nothing can keep me out. Now you value some of all the house qualities. Hufflepuff is out you while you do believe in hardwork you don't value any of the other qualities. Ravenclaw is also out you value knowledge but are not the most studious.

"Can you just send me to Gryffindor?" I asked.

Why not Slytherin you would do great there.

"I'd rather not. I don't wanna deal with untrustworthy children. Plus im not political person."

It would seem it…..


Huh if the sorting hat couldn't see other world memories then most Legilmens probably couldn't. Whoever sent me here probably protected those memories.

With those thoughts I took off the hat and walked to the Gyffindor table next to my fellow first years. Just like in the canon Harry Potter was sent to Gryffindor. People at Gryffindor table went wild.

When the last person was sorted Dumbledore got up from his seat. He then said the words "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" and sat down food appeared on the plates. Unfortunately there was nothing to drink except pumpkin juice.

"Can I get something besides pumpkin juice." I said in the air causing my fellow Gryffindors to look at me weirdly. Which turned to surpise when my pumpkin juice was replaced by water.

"How did you do that?" Asked Hermione who was across from me in a demanding tone.

"You don't even know my name and the first thing you do is demand something from me. You sure have a set of manners." I said rebuking her.

"Uh..well i'm sorry what is your name?" Asked Hermione ashamed.

"Oh good you do have manners Neville Longbottom. And you?"

"I'm Hermione Granger!" She said a little excited. Maybe she saw the prospect of a friend in me.

"Nice to meet you Hermione. And, the answer to you question is magic." I said.

"I know it was magic but how!" She said probably irritated at my answer.

"Oh why didn't you say so. The house elves the ones who prepare the food I just asked them for something else." I said.

"Why could you tell me that before."

"I wanted to mess with you." I replied shit eating grin on my face to which Hermione looked at me like I killed her first born.

Looking around the table I spotted Harry and Ron next to Hermione. Well we will be roommates for seven year might as well introduce myself.

"Hey your Harry right." I said to Harry.

"Uh hello and yes I am." Said Harry back shyly.

"And you your Ron Weasley." I said to the red-head boy next to him. Said boy who was in the middle of eating nodded.

"Good nice to meet you two, you see our parent's and Ron's uncle's were all friends at one point. So, I hope we can get along to." I said extending my hand to Harry.

Harry just looked at me for a second before accepting my hand. Then I turned to Ron and did the same to his surprise. After we all shook hand we started eating.


Dinner went on and Dumbledore got to his feet once more. The hall fell silent. "Ahem. Just a few words now that we are all fed and watered. First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well. Dumbledore's twinkling eyes flashed in the direction of the snickering Weasley twins. "I have also been asked by Mr Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. And, finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."

"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" cried Dumbledore. I looked toward the teachers their smiles having become rather stiff. Summoning a large scroll listing the dreadful lyrics, Dumbledore called out, "Everyone pick their favourite tune." Merlin, i'm getting some enchanted ear plugs. The cacophony of different tones, volumes and rhythms it just didn't go together at all.

"Ah music." Said Dumbledore, wiping tears from his eyes. "A magic beyond all we do here and now, bedtime, off you trot!"

Precy and the other prefect gathered up the first years to make our way up multiple marble starcases, and finally arrived at the fat lady painting.

"Caput Draconis." Percy said causing the portrait to swing open. First years where taken to dorm rooms where they were told how to get in as well as a few obvious ground rules like no entering the opposites sex's bedrooms. There were a few others but those were common sense things like not stealing from housemates.

When the prefects set us all loose. I went to the dorms to sleep after saying goodbye to the others. When I got to the be I instantly fell asleep.