
Unwelcome Reunions and Shocking Discovers

Date April 23, 2012, Time: 9:25 P.M., Location: an abandoned old mining production facility roughly 50 Minutes southeast of Jasper, Nevada U.S. at Austin Town, Nevada off of state highway 50.(There is no real-world town of Jasper in Nevada so I made a map area of where I Put the Town of Jasper.)

As the MECH convoy approaches an abandoned old Mining Production Facility that their organization has reactivated for their own sinister uses; The Leader of the convoy got on his radio to MECH guards secretly at the Mining Facility watching for intruders,

The Leader in a calm commanding tone, Leader "This Tango requesting access to Temporary base Henry 201, Authorize Code: Omega 195618."

The MECH Guard security chief in a calm and accepting tone, MECH Guard security chief "Permission Granted Tango, you may enter at Gate 05 over and out(the Guard Security chief then turned his attention to the gate operator), Open Gate O5."

The Gate Operator in a calm and accepted tone, Gate Operator "Yes sir." he press the gate button and opening Gate 05 and saw the Convoy Drive into the Base.

As the convoy comes into the temporary MECH base: Henry 201 they heard over heads Airachnid came in for a landing and transformed into her natural Cybertronian robot Mode form. She saw the Convoy stop in front of a storage warehouse that was converted into a temporary medical laboratory. She walked up to the convoy she heard a scream coming from inside the trailer of the 18-wheeler truck. MECH agents brought in a forklift to transport her arch-enemy and rival Arcee wide awake strapped into a Cybertronian sized Parallel steel gurney with reinforcement steel restraint's and in a state of Panic and confusion.

As she came close to Arcee, Airachnid in a calm amusing and menacing tone "Well, well, look who is finally awake."

Arcee locked her eye's straight at Airachnid with a killer look in them and with some fear; Arcee could feel her rage and fear rise in her and in a rage and fear filled tone, Acree "Airachnid what have you done with Jack?"

Airachind in a calm menacing and amused tone, Airachind "Oh, do you mean my Jack? Arcee, at the moment his is not harmed."

(A few seconds later 12 M.E.C.H. soldiers in both the 2nd and 3rd vans brought out on Gurney's Jack, June, Miko, Raf, and other 2 Humans that she recognized: one as Jack's Bully: Vince and to her surprise Jack's human crush Sierra Michelson all unconscious.)

Arcee in an angered and curious tone, Arcee "What are you going to do with them Airachnid, are you going to behead them in front of me?"

Airachnid in a calm menacing tone "Oh nothing so pleasurable as that today, Acree but something far more menacing and pleasurable that will break you and cause unimaginable suffering to Team Prime."

Arcee with even more rage in her tone, Arcee"If you harm any of them, I will kill you! why are you helping M.E.C.H. I thought you worked alone?"

Airachnid in a calm curious and amusing tone, Airachnid "My, My, Arcee... such rage and passion you have to your human friends, is it that you care for one of these humans more than just a professional partner."

Airachnid walked over to Jack and pressed her finger against his skin and scrapped him gently across his left cheek drawing Blood. Arcee scream out in such rage, passion and protective tone at Airachnid, Arcee "No Aircachnid don't harm him, or I will kill where you stand."(As she was saying that Arcee was struggle against the steel restraint's holding her.)

Airachnid in a calm menacing tone, Airachnid "I figured out as such since you and Jack are partners but I never thought that you would defend Jack with such passion as if you like him more than just a Professional Partner.(Airachnid let out a menacing evil laugh at Arcee and shift her tone to a calm amused and satisfied tone.) Oh, this has to be 1 of my luckiest days of my life, Arcee I will enjoy this even more now."

As they were talking Silas walking up to them and as they finished and in calm and amusing tone, Silas "Well, Well, Well we meet again Cybertronian or should I call you Arcee."

Arcee looked straight at the human man standing next to Airachnid, Arcee in a calm and somewhat curious tone, Arcee "Arcee... and you must be Silas?"

Silas in a calm and somewhat curious tone, Silas "In the Flesh, I trust that you trip here was a pleasant one?"

Arcee don't answer the question but instead the topic on herself and the human children present and in calm curious and somewhat protective tone, Arcee "What do you want with me and the children?"

Silas in a cold calm tone, Silas "Why to study you, Arcee.(he then turned his head to the MECH soldiers with his test subjects but as surprised that there were 6 instead of 5. Silas looks straight at the Leader of the Convoy; After see that his tone shifted to a calm curious and threatening tone.) Why are there 6 People here when I said only 5, you better have an excuse, or I'll execute you for disobeying a direct order."

The Leader of the Convoy in a calm and a little nervous tone, The leader of the convoy "When we were getting ready to move out from capturing Packages 1 and 2 as well as the Cybertronian to meet here we found out that we were being followed by someone, So I decided to ordered the Team to pull off to the side of the Road and wait for the follower to come close to our convoy, capture them(the Leader of the Convoy now was very nervous and afraid of getting shot by Silas and it showed in his tone.) and use them as a bonus test subjects of Project Chimera."

Silas just give a blank stare at the Leader of the convoy and after a few seconds, Silas in a calm accepted and calculating tone, Silas "Lucky for you your life is spared into today because your hope has been proven right. Our scientists and engineers were able to complete construct another piece to Project Chimera. "

Arcee gathered her inner strength as well as clamming her mind down and put into her strong calm, curious and a little nervous tone, Arcee "What is Project Chimera Silas?"

Silas gives a quick look at Arcee, Silas "Oh, you'll find out soon enough Arcee.(he then turned his way to his men carried his test subjects of Project Chimera and to the Forklift driver.) Bring them all it's time to begin Project Chimera."

(Silas pulled out a Remote Controller and point it at the warehouse in front of him where the 1st stage of Project Chimera was and press the door opener button and the warehouse doors opened and the MECH soldier moving their test subjects and Arcee into the Warehouse. Silas stopped a few ft. pass the warehouse entrance.)

"Hold it,"

(he turned his head to one of MECH's Medics and shifted his tone into a calm commanding tone.)

"Oscar I think it's time to wake up our 'guests' but before we do, begin the 1st stage of Project Chimera; however, before you give them a medical stimulant to wake them I want to restrain for Security."

The Medic in a calm accepted tone, The Medic "Yes, sir." The MECH agents restrained all their test subjects on Laboratory mobile medical beds with restraints.

While Silas was talking to his agents to restraint their test subjects and to give them a wake-up medical Drug to wake up his test subjects Arcee took a look around the warehouse to find clues to what Project Chimera was. She looked around saw something Horrifying Amazing in the warehouse, she saw over 6 Cybertronian Size robot forms that against the back wall of warehouse in holding stalls roughly 5 ft. apart from one another. she saw massive mobile computers systems with massive information and Power cables hooked up to Hold stalls. She could see that right next to Cybertronian robot forms with some small hold compartments about 3 1/2 ft. wide, 8 ft. and 7 1/2 in. tall and maybe roughly 18 in. deep big enough to have a human put into it. She saw some type of device inside the compartments roughly 2 1/2 ft. long by 18 in. in depth that she could only theorize was some type of Data Collection Device.

Arcee concluded that MECH is attempting to create their own version of their Transformers to radically I'll be it an Evil Sinister twisted technological progress no matter the cost of human life. She thought that MECH were going to attempt to map out a Complex neural net copy of the Human Mind and transfer it to a Transformer given the Transformer an Intelligence Cunning Human mind as well as given the Transformer a very high degree of autonomy and self-awareness. Arcee had a terrify feel running in her at the thought of how extreme the Humans would go in the name of technological progress.

Arcee gathered as much strength into her tone but still had a degree of nervousness in it, Arcee "You are attempting to create your own version of Cybertronians or transformers; Silas you and your organization are attempting to map out a neural net copy of your race's brain patterns and transfer the mind into a human made transformer body."

Silas turned his head and look straight at Arcee and in a calm and somewhat curious; As well as an amusing tone, Silas "How Perceptive of you Arcee, I'm Impressed that you were able to reduce that just by looking at what we have here."

Arcee put into her tone more steel strength, Arcee "One of our own race's scientist's and Medic's: Ratchet estimated that it would take your race at least other 75 years to have the right type of computer memory storage technology?"

Silas in a calm monotone tone, Silas "Your scientist Ratchet don't give the Human race enough credit in our ability to adapt and learn so quickly to change; oh, and thanks to our Cybertronian associate, Airachnid and provide us with Specimens of your race to study; Our race's best leading scientists and Engineers available to MECH to discover quickly how to develop Radical new computer technology over 125 years from studying your race's biology and technology up close and personal."

Arcee then turned her head to the left at Airachind and give angry look. Arcee gather some steel strength and curiosity into her tone, Arcee "Why Airachnid... why would you help these butchers that have no regard to value the of both human and Cybertronian life?"

Airachnid just give Arcee an evil smile to her and in a calm menacing tone, Aircahnid "Arcee we have been mortal enemies for centuries and yet you either forget or just don't care but I'm an opportunist. I take advantage of solutions that can further my own Agenda."

Arcee in a calm curious tone, Arcee "But why ally yourself with this terrorist organization?"

Airachnid calm and somewhat menacing monotone tone, Airachnid "Like I said before Arcee, I'm an opportunist and since Megatron found out of me trying take over the Decepticons he tried to terminate me but I managed to escape. While I was with the Decepticons I heard of a human organization that was able to capture Breakdown for study and decided to ally myself with them because they have the resources that I need to survive on my own including Energon. In exchange for this alliance, I give Silas and M.E.C.H. the means to study our races biology and technology."

Arcee in a calm and raging filled tone, Arcee "You're a traitor to your own race, Airachnid."

Airachnid just evilly smiled at Arcee, Airachnid in calm and somewhat menacing monotone tone, Airachnid "Arcee like I keep telling you I'm an opportunist at heart; So, if that means to ally myself with M.E.C.H. because they have the resources that I need to survive on my own including Energon. In exchange of this alliance, I give Silas and MECH the means to study our races biology and technology then yes I'm a Traitor to our race if it means survival instead of death then so be it."

Arcee had now has rage in her strong tone, Arcee "Traitor's to our race deserve nothing less than death, less they show repentance for their actions and bag for forgiveness. I know that you have no feel of regret for your actions."

Airachnid in a calm menacing tone, Airachnid "Your right Arcee, I feel no regret for my actions. I love taking pleasure in torture and in causing as much Pain and suffering on others."

As both Arcee and Airachnid finished talking Jack and other Humans began to wake up from the Medic giving them a medical stimulant. Jack head stand felt like he was hit by a baseball bat. As his mind began gain clear he felt a huge pain from one he of his cheeks like something or someone cut open his cheek. He ignored the pain in his cheek began to try to get his bearings as he began to look around 1st thing, he notices is that he was in warehouse. He then remembered of himself and his mother being kidnapped by Airachnid and by the Terrorist Organization: MECH He saw was some type of massive Mobile computer systems with massive information and power cables hooked up to Hold stalls. His eyes followed the massive Cables he saw against the warehouse 6 massive Sized Humanoid robots against a buildings wall and right next to Cybertronian Robot forms with some small hold compartments that could hold a human. He continued to look around he find himself his mother, Friends, Sierra Michelson and Vince all restrained to mobile medical beds. He took around and saw that group of men around them and saw the Leader of MECH: Silas. He continues to turn his head to the left of him and he saw Arcee restrained on a Cybertronian size mobile medical Bed with Airachnid standing in front of Arcee.

Jack heard a loud scream and turned his head to his right coming from Miko, Miko in a mixture of fearful, rage and curiously tone, Miko "Where am I? Why have you captured us? Where is your Leader

(she than turned her head to her left and saw Arcee with a decepticon(Airachnid) standing in front of her and changed her tone to a very fearful and curiously tone.)

and why have you guys allied yourselves with this decepticon Scum?"

Jack quickly turned his head quickly gave a scary look on his face and in a dead serious and calm tone, Jack "Miko shut your mouth before you say something stupid."

Airachnid began to walk towards Miko and in a calm scary evil menacing tone, Airachnid "You should listen to him... 'Miko' was it;... you're going to pay for that insult."

Silas in a calm and a moderately annoyed tone, Silas "That's enough Airarchnid I don't want any harm done to my test subjects.(In respond Silas just saw Airachnid continuing to walk toward Miko and shifted his tone to a calm threatening and commanding tone,) Airachnid stand down or I'll have my men open fire on you and turn you into one of my Specimens to test on, Men take Aim!"

Airachnid was already kneeling on one kneel with her one of her fingers stretch out to scratch Miko from her right eye to her cheek area before she stopped dead in her tracks and turn her head to Silas and in a firm tone, Airachnid "She must pay for that."

Silas in a calm menacing tone, Silas "Oh don't worry Airachnid the mind transfer would be punishment enough for her."

Airachnid in a calm sadistic and menacing tone, Airachnid "Glad to hear that(she turned her head back to Miko), Fortunately for you I will enjoy watching you suffer from the transfer."

As they were talking June Darby was beginning to wake up from the MECH medic giving her a medical stimulant. June head stand felt like she was hit by a baseball bat. as her mind began gain clear she began to try to get her bearings as she began to look around 1st thing, she notices is that she was in warehouse. She then remembered of herself and her son being kidnapped by Airachnid and by the terrorist organization: MECH She saw some type of massive mobile computer systems with massive information and power cables hooked up to Hold stalls. Her eyes followed the massive Cables she saw against the warehouse 6 massive sized Humanoid robots against a buildings wall and right next to Cybertronian Robot forms with some small hold compartments that could hold a human. She continued to look around she find herself her son, Friends, her son's crush Sierra Michelson and Vince all restrained to mobile medical beds. She took a look around and saw that group of men around them and saw the Leader of the Terrorist Organization: MECH and its Leader. She continues to turn her head to the left of her and she saw Jack have a huge scratch along his right cheek and have a bandage on it and Arcee restrained on a Cybertronian size mobile medical bed with Airachnid kneeling down on one kneel front of Miko threatening her and with the MECH leader threatening the Cybertronian(Airachnid).

As they finished June tried to gather as must strength into her tone but still afraid, she looked the Cybertronian, June Darby "Who are You?"

Airachnid turned her head toward looked at June and in calm menacing tone, Airachnid "Hello it's a pleasure to see you again,... 'June' is it, name's Airachnid."

June Darby in a calm and curious tone, June Darby "what do you want with us?"

Silas began to walk towards his test subjects and in a calm menacing tone, Silas "Why... for all of you to be sacrificed in the name of technological progress."

June Darby gave a quick glance at the Cybertronian transformers and came to shocking conclusion, June "Who the hell are you? You plan to transform us into transformers in your evil twisted attempt in the name of scientific and technological progress."

Silas in a calm somewhat curious and amused tone, Silas "How clever of you Miss Darby; The name is Silas and you are only partly correct."

June Darby in a somewhat calm but mostly nervous curious tone, June Darby "What is you true plan than Silas?"

Silas in a calm and somewhat smug tone, Silas "Why... Miss Darby... to create a new world order in my own image of order and technological Progress no matter the price and the cost of human life."

June Darby in a calm and somewhat commanding tone, June Darby "An admirable goal Silas but do you think that the world order would just give their advance technology without a Fight, plus your insane to think that the people of the world would permit you to sacrifice innocent lives with no regard to their health and lives. Silas you are no better than this world's countless butchers in history and you at think that you may succeed in your quest for a new world order. however, if history has taught us anything if, we learn from our mistakes and butchers like you will never succeed and will be defeated."

Silas a calm and somewhat amused tone, Silas "A very moving speech Ms. Darby however it has fallen on deaf ears."

Airachnid in a calm and complementing tone, Airachind "Indeed a very good speech."

As they were talking Rafael was beginning to wake up from the MECH medic giving her a medical stimulant. Rafael head stand felt like he was hit by a train. His mind began gain clear he began to try to get his bearings as he began to look around 1st thing, he notices is that he was in warehouse; As well surrounded of what looked like MECH troopers and an unknown Cybertronian that looked like from the way Jack described her after both his and Arcee's encounters with her: Airachnid.

Rafael then in a curious and afraid tone to present, Rafael "Where am I?"

Jack Darby's was the 1st to answer Rafael's question by quickly turned his head towards him and in a calm and serious tone, Jack Darby "Rafael I know you are scared so am I but you must try to steady yourself and kept calm; As to your question Rafael we are in 1 of MECH's hiding bases; From what I just heard between my mom and Silas they are planning to somehow transform us into Transformers in their twisted attempt in the name of scientific and technological progress."

Rafael now had an expression on his face and in shocked and curious tone, Rafael "what that shouldn't be possible from what Ratchet as told and give our current level of technology?"

Silas walked up Rafael and in a calm curious, Silas "Rafael was it young one.(In respond Rafael just nodded.) From what I told Arcee, Ratchet don't give the Human race enough credit in our ability to adapt and learn so quickly to change; oh, and thanks to our Cybertronian associate, Airachnid and provide us with Specimens to study; we were able to discover quickly how to develop radical new computer technology from studying your race's biology and technology."

Rafael was able to calm himself and let little of his tech geek side show and in a calm and curious, Rafael "Oh like what type of new radical new computer technology?"

Silas in a cold calm and amusing tone, Silas "oh how clever Rafael, trying to gather information on us to tell our enemies; Like I would tell you my organization secrets and new technology we develop for both you guys and the rest of our enemies to try to crush our organization."

After seeing that he was getting no further with Silas, Rafael turned his attention to Airachnid and in a cautious and a somewhat scared tone, Rafael "You must be the Decepticon Jack and Arcee told us of, Airachnid is it?"

Airachind in a calm tone, Airachnid "Actually Young one I'm now a former decepticon and you must be from both the decepticon and MECH reports I read Bumblebee's human Partner: Rafael is it? You are the computer expert and genius at least when it comes to human computer systems?"

After they finished their statements, they all heard another scream coming from Sierra Michelson and they turned saw her with a fearful and shocking expression on her face.

As they were talking Sierra Michelson was beginning to wake up from the MECH medic giving her a medical stimulant. Sierra head stand felt like she was hit by a baseball bat. Her mind began gain clear she began to try to get her bearings as she began to look around 1st thing, she notices is that she was in warehouse. She then remembered of herself walking home from a friend's house and seeing and hearing a strange convoy of people coming down to Jack's house. She watches them along with a huge talking 'Robot' talking to Jack and his mom. she sees them get captured by the Strange Convoy and were preparing to take off. As they were preparing to leave, she tried to call the police with her cell phone but got no signal, she concluded that they have a jamming field around the area blocking any outgoing transmission besides there. She thought of trying to follow them quickly and unnoticed. As they were leaving and the last car passed her, she waited a few seconds to try to follow them. That was a big mistake because the Leader of the Convoy saw her trying to follow them and ordered his men to find and capture and they did and tranquilized her and put her with the rest of MECH's test subjects. The MECH convoy leader hoped that their organization's scientists and engineers have completed another Cybertronian Transformer body and have it ready because if not he is died, he was now proofed right and was spared his life by Silas.

As she looked around, she saw some type of massive mobile computer systems with massive information and power cables hooked up to hold stalls. Her eyes followed the massive cables she saw against the warehouse 6 massive sized Humanoid robots against a buildings wall and right next to Robot forms with some small holding compartments that could hold a person. She continued to look around she found herself, her crush Jack Darby along with his Friends, his mother and Vince all restrained to mobile medical beds. She took around and saw that group of men around them, she turned her head to the left she saw something that shocking her 2 huge sized Humanoid Robots and one was talking to Jack's mother. She felt fear come into her mind and it overwhelmed her and she could hold it in her fear anymore and she screamed. As she screamed, she saw all of Jack's mother and his Friends looking at her.

Jack Darby gathered and some strength into his voice and in a calm tone, Jack "Hello Sierra I know you're afraid but you need to control your fear."

Sierra look stunted at Jack and in a fearful and curiously tone, Sierra "Jack do you know who all these men are and what are these huge Humanoid Robots."

Jack Darby in calm somewhat scared tone, Jack Darby "Yes I do Sierra the giant Robot that is looking at you is a Cybertronian from a Planet called Cybertron."

Airachnid turned her head to Jack in a menacing and somewhat amused tone to both Jack and Sierra, Airachnid "Now, Now Jack(she turned her head to Sierra) judging by your reaction I guest this is your 1st time meeting an Extraterrestrial from another planet."

Jack Darby in a strong and calm firm tone, Jack Darby "Our race is still very young Airachnid and most of our race is not ready to meet an alien race because rather we like it or not, we're not yet intelligent enough to make contact with other beings. During the last 73 years in our time we've been trying to work together as a species and to look toward the stars for exploration and answers."

Silas turned his head toward Jack and in a calm and complementing tone, Silas "Yet again it seems that we have good speakers among us."

Airachnid in a calm and interesting tone, Airachnid "Indeed Silas."

Sierra Michelson turned her head to the left and got a look a Silas, and in a curiously tone, Sierra "who are you sir?"

Silas looked straight at Sierra and in a cold calm tone, Silas "We are MECH and I'm Silas the leader of this New world order."

Jack Darby in calm and sarcastic tone, Jack Darby "More like a rogue military terrorist organization Silas."

Silas in a calm and somewhat amused tone, Silas "Some say terrorist organization or a Rogue Military organization; However, we prefer a Technological Visionary Organization."

Sierra Michelson in a curious and a somewhat scared tone, Sierra Michelson "What do you want with us Silas."

Silas "Why for all of you to be sacrificed in the name of technological progress."

Sierra Michelson in now a very nervous and scared tone, Sierra Michelson "You have no right to do this to us."

Silas in a cold calm tone, Silas "The current situation proves otherwise Sierra and there's no one here currently to stop us."

As they were talking Vince Jones was beginning to wake up from the MECH medic giving her a medical stimulant. Vince head stand felt like he was hit by a baseball bat. His mind began gain clear he began to try to get his bearings as he began to look around 1st thing, he notices is that he was in warehouse. he then remembered of himself being captured by a group of men. He saw was some type of massive Mobile computer systems with massive information and power cables hooked up to hold stalls. His eyes followed the massive cables he saw against the warehouse 6 massive sized Humanoid robots against a buildings wall and right next to Robot forms with some small holding compartments that could hold a person. He continued to look around he find himself, Sierra Michelson, June Darby as while as his rival Jack Darby along with his Friends all restrained to mobile medical beds. He took around and saw that group of men around them: He turned her head to the left he saw something that shocking him 2 huge sized Humanoid Robots and one was talking to Jack and Sierra. He felt fear come into his mind and it nearly overwhelmed him but kept his fear in check.

As Vince saw them finishing their discussions, he then gathers some strength but still as had a little fearful tone, Vince "Darby what have you gotten me into!?"

Jack turned his head to the right and look straight into Vince's eyes and in a firm and calm tone, Jack "1st off Vince kept quiet, 2nd we have been kidnapped by MECH(Jack then turned his head forward and looked at Silas) and this their leader Silas."

Vince in a little fearful and denied tone, Vince "Your lying Darby this Has to be a trick?"

Silas turned his head to Vince and in a cold calm tone, Silas "Oh, this is not a Joke Mr. Vince.(Silas turned around and look at his leading scientist and Engineers.) Is everything set?"

All the Scientists and Engineers "Yes sir."

Vince in a scared and somewhat curious tone, Vince "Set for what Silas?"

Silas in an evil menacing calm tone, Silas "Why for the next possible stage of our species development; However sadly in order for our species to go to the next possible stage it will require your life and the lives of the human test subjects here, young man."

Vince in now a scared and outraged tone, Vince "You have no right to do this to me Silas."

Silas again in an evil menacing calm tone, Silas "Oh I'm Afraid you're in no position to resist Vince,(Silas then turned his attention to his scientists and engineers and now in a calm menacing tone.) Now where were we... ah... yes... let us begin gentleman."