

Date: April 23, 2012, Time: 9:32 P.M.

As Silas approached the Area with the MECH Cybertronian Robot forms; he turned around and was standing next to one of the hold compartments. As the MECH soldiers unrestrained his test Subjects from their mobile medical beds and moved them to the Hold Compartments to begin Project Chimera; Miko was able to gather some Strength into her tone, but she still was nervous and had some of the nervousness in her tone, Miko "What are these hold compartments for you mad man?"

Silas began to approach Miko and after a few seconds his raised his Left arm and slapped Miko. Silas "You need a lesson of humility my young lady, consider that a warning if you ever say something may you consider shutting your mouth and think through what you are about to say; if not(Silas took out a Military Grade knife and placed it on Miko's right cheek.) then you will suffer the consequences for your own stupidity." Silas withdraws his Knife from Miko's cheek, as for Miko she was wise enough now to keep her chatty mouth shut.

Silas walked over to the Computer Transfer Stations in front of MECH's Cybertronian Robot forms and turned around and looked at all his Test Subject, Silas in a cold menacing tone, Silas "As to your Question... 'Miko'... is it,(he looked straight into the eyes of his Subjects with a cold evil look in them.) all of you are about to become the 1st of Mankind's Cybertronian Transformers.(he then points in right finger index at one of the holding compartments.) The Compartments you all are going into are in the Simplest terms a Neural Net Copier and Data Collection Device. It can copy a subject's brain patterns and transfer them into Data storage keeping their Mind intact when their Physical Body is destroyed. The data can be transferred into a computer that has enough memory compassed to hold the subject mind without the risk of memory loss or as we've attempted to do to transfer a human mind into a Transformer."

June Darby was able to gather some strength into her tone, but she too was nervous and had some of the nervousness and curiosity in her tone, June "If we have no choice in the matter what does the Data Collection Device do to a human's Physical Mind(Brain) went it is being Neural copied?"

Silas let out an evil smile and in a menacing tone, Silas "In theory once a Human's Physical brain is fully Neurally mapped out and it's Data collected it is fried beyond what any of our medicine can repair."

Jack Darby was able to gather some steel into his voice and with a strong calm tone, Jack "Another words Silas you kill the subject's original Brain leaving their body brain dead with their body like a vegetable useless."

Silas in a calm and somewhat surprised tone, Silas "I'm impressed of your ability Jack; In that you were able to figure out."

Arcee had a lot of rage with her and in Rage and Venom tone to Silas, Arcee "If you do this Silas even if I'm an Autobot I will kill you where you stand and if you manage to escape, I will hunt you down to the farthest reaches of the universe."

Silas in a calm and somewhat amused tone, Silas "That is an empty threat given your current salutation Arcee. In fact, as of now I'm ordering my men to not pull you apart piece by piece and give you the opportunity to watch the first stage of Project Chimera begin.(Silas turned his head to his soldiers holding his test subject's.) put them in." The MECH soldiers knocked and put his test subjects into the Hold compartments to begin Project Chimera.

The test subjects were forced nearer and nearer to the holding compartments Silas heard one of his test subject's screaming their heading off. Jack turned his head to the right and saw Sierra Michelson screaming. In a calm and firm tone to Sierra, Jack "Sierra I know you scared, Heck even I'm scared.(He turned his head to look and found his mother: June Darby, Miko Nakadai, Rafael Esquivel, Sierra Michaelson and Venice Jones looking at him all with fear in their eyes.) Sierra we all need to control our fear. It looks that rather we like it or not our Physical bodies will die tonight don't lose hope our minds will hopefully be safe in these New Cybertronian Bodies. Our organic physical bodies may die by We will be reborn into these New Cybertronian bodies and will make this butcher pay for what they have done to us 1,000-fold."

Silas in a calm and somewhat amusing tone, Silas "Yet again a powerful speech Jack but it is unlikely you will make us pay 1,000-fold;(his right to his organization's scientists and engineers.) Let us begin Project Chimera."

As his test subjects were placed into the hold compartments, Jack at the last second was to put steel into his voice and in a calm firm tone to Silas, Jack "We shall see Silas."

MECH soldiers help their Scientists and Engineers restrained they test subjects into the hold compartments and put the Data Collection Device on all their test subject Heads to get in full effect a complete Neural Copy of their Brain Patterns; With the Test Subjects secure in the Hold compartments and the Data Collection Device ready to do a full Neural Copy of their Brain Patterns. All the Scientists and Engineers turned to their computer stations, 1 scientists approach Silas, Scientist "Sir We're ready to Begin."

Silas then turned to the main console computer and let a small evil Smile Slip out from his Face, Silas "And so it begins." he push the large start button on the computer and it began the 1st Stage of Project Chimera. Silas heard his test subjects scream out in Extreme pain as the Data collection Device began its work.

Arcee in a scared somewhat disgusted tone, Arcee "Silas You are worse than human Heck even Megatron." Silas turned to Took at Arcee and Just let out an evil menacing Laugh.

Time Skip …

Date: April 24, 2012, Time: 9:32 A.M.

On the Main Computer Screen in the Warehouse, it Read "Human Mind Data Transferr to Cybertronian Body Progress 98.62%.

Time: 9:34 A.M.

Computer Screen "Human Mind Data Transfer to Cybertronian Body Progress 100% Status Complete." A MECH computer scientist spoke to Silas who was looking at an additional a Cybetronian Body they finished Production on, The MECH scientist in a calm tone, Scientist "Silas, Sir the Transfer was a Success, all 6 Test Subjects Minds are now in the Transformers and awaiting Energon to Become Operational."

Silas walked over to the Main Computer Console to double Check the Scientists work, Silas "Good, bring in the Tanker and begin Energon transfer to our new assets."

The Scientist in a calm accepting tone, Scientist "Yes Sir."

On the other Side of the warehouse were 6 Cybertronian Body with Human Minds in Stasis awaiting Energon to become Active. The Middle Transformer Body had Jack Darby's Mind in it. Jack Darby's New Cybertronian Body is 27 ft. 10.64568 in. or 8.5 meters in Height in robot mode as has a full Body color scheme of dark blue basic color with 3 white medium strips running parallel on upper and lower Torso as well as his back area. He has a face plate area similarly to Opmitus Prime but has kept his original human facial features along with his head's hair style but on a larger scale and made of a Human steel and Living Cybertronian Metal Hybrid. Jack Darby's head, shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have color schemes: white around most of head area at his facial plate area and around his full mid to lower neck areas in the front and back of his head as well as a Dark blue color scheme for his upper head area where his head style hair area is. His shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have a mixture of white and dark blue color pattern scheme. His mid and lower half of his body has the same as his upper half: dark blue color scheme along his legs; his feet area color scheme was white from the ankle joint area of his feet were the white paint meets dark blue color scheme.

On Jack Darby's Cybertronian body Right next to him is his mother's: June Darby's transformer Body hold her Mind in it. June Darby's new Cybertronian Body is 20 ft. and 6.063 in or 6.5 meters in Height in robot mode as has a color scheme of dark Green and white basic color patterns on her on upper and lower Torso similar to a Bulletproof vest design as well as a basic dark green color scheme on her back side and as single massive white strip running parallel along her back has a face plate area similarly to somewhere between Opmitus Prime and Arcee but kept her feminine Facial features and along with her original human facial features but on a larger scale and made of a Human steel and Living Cybertronian Metal Hybrid. June Darby's head, shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have color schemes: white and dark green around most of head area at her facial plate area and around her full mid to lower neck areas in the front and back of her head as well as a dark green color scheme for her upper head area where her head style hair area is. Her shoulders, upper and lower arm areas have a mixture of white and dark green color pattern scheme. her mid and lower half of her body has the same as her upper half: dark green and white color schemes along her legs; her feet area color scheme was white from the ankle joint area of her feet were the white paint meets dark green color scheme.

On Jack Darby's Cybertronian body Left next to him is his Rival: Vince Jones transformer Body hold his Mind in it. Vince Jones's new Cybertronian Body is 30 ft. and nearly 1 ¾ in. or 9.39 meters in Height in robot mode as has a full Body color scheme of Black and Grey basic color pattern on her on upper and lower Torso similar to a bulletproof vest design with a large Black strip running parallel on his back area. He has a face plate area similarly to Megatron's but has kept his original human facial features along with his head's hair style but on a larger scale and made of a Human steel and Living Cybertronian Metal Hybrid. Vince's head, shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have color schemes: Grey around most of head area at his facial plate area and around his full mid to lower neck areas in the front and back of his head as well as a Black color scheme for his upper head area where his head style hair area is. His shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have a mixture of Black and Grey color pattern scheme. His mid and lower half of his body has the same as his upper half: Black and Grey color scheme pattern along his legs; his feet area color scheme was Grey from the ankle joint area of his feet were the Grey paint meets Black color scheme.

On June Darby's Cybertronian body Right next to Her is Rafael Jorge Gonzales Esquivel transformer Body hold his Mind in it. Rafael Esquivel's new Cybertronian Body is 19 ft. and 3.29922 in. or 5.875 meters in Height in robot mode as has a color scheme of dark orange and blue along with white color pattern on his on upper and lower Torso similar to a Bulletproof vest design as well as a basic white color scheme on his back side and as 4 dark Orange and Blue Small strips running Parallel along his back area. he has a face plate area similarly to somewhere between Bumblebee but kept his facial features and along with his original human facial features but on a larger scale and made of a Human steel and Living Cybertronian Metal Hybrid. Rafael's head, shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have color schemes: white around most of head area at his facial plate area and dark blue around his full mid to lower neck areas in the front and back of his head as well as a mixture of Dark Orange and white color schemes for his upper head area where his head style hair area is. His shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have a mixture of white, Dark orange and blue color pattern scheme. His mid and lower half of his body has the same as his upper half: white, dark orange and blue color scheme along his legs; his feet area color scheme was dark Blue and Orange from the ankle joint area of his feet were the dark orange and blue color scheme meet the white color scheme.

On Vince Jones's Cybertronian body Left next to him is Miko Makadi transformer Body hold his Mind in it. Miko Makadi's new Cybertronian Body is 22 ft. and nearly 1 ¾ in. or 6.75 meters in Height in robot mode as has a color scheme of Dark blue and pink basic color pattern on her on upper and lower Torso similar to a bulletproof vest design with 2 large pink strips running parallel on her back area. she has a face plate area similarly to somewhere between Opmitus Prime and Arcee but kept her feminine Facial features and along with her original human facial features but on a larger scale and made of a Human steel and Living Cybertronian Metal Hybrid. Her head, shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have color schemes: dark blue around most of head area at her facial plate area and around her full mid to lower neck areas in the front and back of her head as well as a black color scheme for her upper head area where her head style hair area is. Her shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have a mixture of white and blue color pattern scheme. Her mid and lower half of her body has the same as her upper half: dark blue color scheme along her legs, her feet area color scheme was white from the ankle joint area of her feet were the white paint meets dark blue color scheme.

On Rafael Esquivel's Cybertronian body Right next to His is Sierra Michelson transformer Body hold his Mind in it. Sierra Michelson's new Cybertronian Body is 19 ft. and little over 3 ¼ in. or 5.875 meters in Height in robot mode as has a color scheme of Dark blue and Green basic color pattern on her on upper and lower Torso similar to a bulletproof vest design with 5 small dark green strips running parallel on her back areas. she has a face plate area similarly to somewhere between Arcee and June Darby but kept her feminine Facial features and along with her original human facial features but on a larger scale and made of a Human steel and Living Cybertronian Metal Hybrid. Her head, shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have color schemes: dark green around most of head area at her facial plate area and around her full mid to lower neck areas in the front and back of her head as well as a dark blue color scheme for her upper head area where her head style hair area is. His shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have a mixture of Dark Green and blue color pattern scheme. Her mid and lower half of her body has the same as her upper half: a dark blue and green color scheme pattern along her legs, her feet area color scheme was Dark green from the ankle joint area of her feet were the white paint meets dark blue color scheme.

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