
Daily activities and Captured

April 23, 2012

As Jack Darby and his other Friends: Miko and Rafael "Raf" have just finish up their Day of School and headed to their Autobot Guardians parked in the School Parking lot; Jack's Bully and Rival Vince Jones walked along side Jack and shoved Jack's right shoulder area.

Vince moved passed Jack and is Friends and then turned to face Jack and had a calm and somewhat sarcastic expression of his face, Vince "Oh sorry Darby didn't see you there."

Jack has a somewhat tried and annoyed expression on his face, Jack "That's a lie Vince we all know that you saw me, you just did that to piss me off."

Vince now has a mocking and calm expression on his face, Vince "Oh Boo hoo Darby are Going to tell your mommy on me that I shuffled your shoulder."

Jack quietly tightens up his right hand into a fist but keep a cool level head, he knew that Vince was just trying to provoke him into a Fight with him to get him in trouble and then come up with a cover story and overact his side of the story to make himself look innocent and the Victim. Jack "No Vince you're not worth my time."

Vince then turned his attention to Raf and a calm and somewhat joking expression on his face, Vince "Hay Rafael, your shoe untied."

Raf looked down at his shoes and saw that they were tied. Raf then realized that he had been tricked and quickly looked back up at Vince. Raf was moving his head Vince took this opportunity to steal Raf's glasses off of his face. Raf had an annoyed and somewhat desperate expression on his face, Raf "Not again, Vince give back my glasses."

Vince in a calm and arrogant expression on his face, Vince "Well come and get them from me Rafael."

Jack in a serious commanding and a little threatening tone to Vince, Jack "Vince that's enough, give Raf's glasses back now."

Vince in a calm cocky arrogant and somewhat amusing tone, Vince "Ah, ah, ah or what are you going to do to me Jacky boy?"

Jack stand there with rage slowly entered is mind and tighten his right hand again to a fist, Jack in a serious tone with some angry into it, Jack "Vince this is going to be your only warning give Raf back his glasses right now or you'll regret it."

Vince in a calm mocking tone, Vince "oh look Jack Darby is angry and trying to protect one of his Friends.(Jack had enough and use his left arm and reached over to Vince's Left Hand(Right when faced at Jack) to grab Raf's Glasses and was successful from taking Raf's glasses from Vince without breaking them.) Your pretty quick for a loser, Darby."

More rage enters Jack's mind, but he kept in check to not do anything he will regret, Jack "I maybe a loser to you Vince but at least I have friends unlike you."

Vince again had a calm mocking expression on his face, Vince "Ha, right and their all losers like you."

Just before Jack could answer and maybe do something that he would regret Miko interrupted their conversation and in calm and somewhat annoyed expression look on her face, Miko "Jack he's not worth it come our friends are waiting."

Jack was able gain his sense and reason and was able cool down his angry to a moderate amount and turned his head to Miko and had a calm and accepted expression on his face, Jack "You right Miko, He's not worth it, as you said come our friends are waiting, see you later Vince."

Vince in a calm mocking and somewhat arrogant tone, "Whatever Jack, you'll never have the guts to fight me, you'll always be a loser and a coward." Jack froze dead in his Tracks and felt again rage slowly enter his Mind but again kept in check to not do anything he will regret and just walked away from Vince and made his way to his Guardian and friend: Arcee.

As Jack was making his way to Arcee he turned his attention back to Rafael and saw him pulling on his glasses after a few minor adjustments; Jack Darby in a calm and somewhat sadden tone, Jack Darby "Raf again I'm sorry to see that Vince keeps picking on you."

Rafael in calm and accepting tone, Rafael "It's alright Jack it just looks like that since I am the smallest 1 in our friend group, he must think I am an easy target.(He then shifted in tone to a calmer grateful tone.) I however Jack I'm always grateful that you were there to help me."

Jack Darby in now a calm accepting tone, Jack "Your welcome Raf and that's what friends do for each other most time,(He shifted his tone into a calm playful amusing tone.) that and take playful jabs at each other as well.(In response Miko come over to Jack and did a playful jab at Jack left side of his ribs. This causing Jack to let out an annoyed groan breath and then turned his attention to Miko and had a calm and annoyed look on his face.) Really Miko that was uncalled for."

Miko in a calm playful and somewhat sarcastic tone, Miko "What Jack I was just reinforcing your point in friends taking playful jabs at each other." In response Jack just rolled his eyes at her and made his way to his Guardian and friend: Arcee.

Meanwhile as they were talking Vince just got into his car and headed to his side part time job as a Mechanic at Joshua's garage. After a few minutes of traveling town through Jasper he reached Joshua's Garage. He parked his car in a parking space near the curbside entrance of the Garage. As he got out of his car and headed to the Garage, he saw strange black Van inside the Garage. as he came into the front door to check in to begin his shift, Vince to his Boss Henry in a calm and energetic tone, Vince "Afternoon Boss."

Henry in a calm and moderately annoyed tone, Henry "Yah yah Vince good Afternoon to you, as well. Now get ready, I have a vehicle for you to work on.(Vince headed to his looker and change into his work clothes. After a few minutes he came out into the garage area to talk to Henry. Henry was talking to a group of men in some type of dark green to black tie body shape jump suits talking of how long it would take to fix their Driver side flat tire. Henry turned his head to the left and saw Vince approaching him.) Good your ready I need you to get to work on replacing this Gentleman's driver side tire."

Vince in a calm accepting tone, Vince "Alright Boss."

It took roughly 20 minutes to replace the Gentleman's van driver side tire. As Vince finished up one of the gentlemen near the rear of the van turned his attention to Vince and had a calm and somewhat menacing expression on his face, Gentleman "Excuse me young man, can you come to the back of the back Van. I think the back drive side tire needs some air.(Vince grabbed an air hose and walked up to the back of the Van. While he approached nearly the back of the Van.) What is your name young man?"

Vince looked up at the man and in calm somewhat annoyed and curious tone, Vince "My name is Vince Jones what's to you man?"

The Gentleman let an out an evil smile on his Face, Gentleman "Oh everything Vince.(The Gentleman quickly took out a Tranquilizer gun and pointed the gun at Vince and shot at a Tranquilizer dart at Vince. The dart hit Vince on his Left shoulder and he began to feel dizzy. 2 Gentlemen came behind him and caught him as he fell.) Quickly, put him in the Van while I take care of the owner.(The other 2 gentlemen knotted in compliance and put Vince in the Van. The Gentleman in charge went to the office where Henry was and when he saw Henry's back turned, he shot him with the Tranquilizer gun to not let him talk went they took Vince away to 1 of MECH's secret bases. As the gentleman got into the Van, he sent a message to MECH HQ.) Charlie to Silas we have package 5."

Silas in a calm and satisfied tone, Silas "Excellent, Proceed to MECH Temporary base Henry 201."

The Gentleman in a calm and accepted tone, The Gentleman "Roger that sir, proceeding to Base."

7:30 P.M. on the main highway route to Jasper, Nevada was Arcee with Jackson Darby heading to his home.

On his way home after spending the day with his Autobot Allies, his Guardian and Friend Arcee, Jack Darby was talked to Arcee of his Day. Jack Darby in a calm and somewhat exhausted tone, Jack Darby "Oh boy what a long day, Arcee."

Arcee in a calm and somewhat curious tone, Arcee "Yes it was Jack, Now tell me what happen between you and Vince."

Jack Darby in a calm and a little annoyed tone, Jack "Well Vince, was being a Jerk as always and tried to Provoke me into a fight with him."

Arcee in a calm and compassionate tone, Arcee "I see that, and you did well in keeping your emotions in check and keeping a cool and calm demeanor."

Jack Darby in a calm and accepting tone, Jack "Thank you, but I nearly lost control when Vince picked on Raf and took his glasses."

Arcee in a compassionate satisfied tone, Arcee "Again I saw that, and I could tell that you were struggling but you were able and to keep calm."

Jack Darby in calm accepting and somewhat concerned tone, Jack Darby "I know Arcee, I swear to Primus Acree that Vince knows the right areas to push to get on my nerves, one of these days Arcee, I know Vince would push me to far where I would lose control of myself and make me to do something that I would regret."

Arcee in a calm compassionate and sympathetic tone, Arcee "I know how you feel Jack, whenever I face my arch enemy Airachnid I'm always on the edge of losing complete control of my emotions and sometimes leads me to do stupid things and sometimes fall into Airachnid traps only to be saved by my teammates."

Jack Darby in a calm and somewhat amused tone, Jack Darby "Ah, ah you really don't like her do you Arcee."

Arcee in a calm and a little annoyed tone, Arcee "Yes I don't like her at all Jack, she killed my Partner Tailgate and took so much pleasure in seeing me suffer. Since then, I have been trying to recover of my traumatic experience with her but each time I think I have fully recovered she always returns and knows just like your bully Vince, knows the right areas to push to get on my nerves and knows how to torture me by threatening to kill my recent partner, you Jack."

Arcee thought to herself "Jack I care for you more than you know(she is shocked from her thoughts of what she is thinking.), I see Jack possible more than just a partner. I mean he has been there for me in times of distress and helped me recover from the loss of my recent partner Cliff-jumper. I have been there for him and listen to him as a friend and tried to help him. Oh, Primus please tell me I'm not falling for him."

As they entered Jack home's Driveway Jack took out from his pants right hand front packet a Garage door opener to open the Garage. After a Few seconds the garage opened and Arcee pulled into the Garage. When they cleared the doorway Jack pressed the Garage door opener controller button to close the door between him and Acree. As the door closed Arcee transformed into her natural Cybertronian robot form. Arcee in a calm and somewhat annoyed tone, Arcee "Again it always looks like and feels cramped in your garage, your guys are either over or undercompensating for something."

That comment made Jack blush in response, Jack Darby "I think it us overcompensating for something."

Arcee in a calm amused tone, Arcee "I hope so you're a nice guy to have around." Jack again blushed and Acree let out a little chuckle.

8:00 P.M.

Acree was lying down in her robot mode on the concrete floor of the garage resting when she heard the Garage door open behind her. Arcee quickly transformed into her motorcycle Vehicle mode in-case there were some nosy neighbors that were able to peek into the Garage to get a look at her true form. As the door opened Arcee saw with her mirror that it was June Darby's car, the car cleared the garage doorway June pressed her cars Remote control Garage door opener and closed the door behind her car. The Garage door closed and the car Parking inside the Garage Arcee transformed back into her robot form. June came out of her car with her purse she looked to were Arcee was laying down, June "Hello Arcee it's good to see you as always."

Arcee in a calm curious tone, Arcee "Likewise June how was work?"

June in a calm tone, June "Good I helped a doctor with a Liver transplant with one of our hospital patients that finally got a Liver from a donor on the organ donor list."

Arcee in a calm tone "That sounds good considering I've no idea what you're talking about."

June in a calm and a little clueless tone, June "Oh I forgot, I thought you were human considering that you speak one of our languages and that your natural body form is similar to ours only on a larger scale."

Arcee in a calm and a little disappointed tone, Arcee "June, we're totally different species and have a different form of evolution then your species. We don't even have a very complex breathing system similar to your species since we can go in outer space without the need of a pressure suit. Plus, that my species is made from living Cybertronian metal and we can survive the harshest environments in outer space."

June in a calm accepted tone, June "Oh I see Acree."

Arcee in calm tone, Arcee "June our 2 species do have a common ancestor through."

June had a curious look toward Arcee, June "Really and who would that be Arcee."

Arcee "Well from what Ratchet could find a few months ago in the defeating the physical form of Primus's Evil Twin Brother: Unicron and putting him back in stasis; He is saying that Unicron is the Ancestor and forefather of your species since you race evolution on the planet that he is the very core of it."

June in a calm and accepted tone, June "Hm very interesting theory Ratchet has on our 2 species."

Arcee in a calm tone, Arcee "Indeed he does June."

June in a calm and excusable tone, June "Now if you excuse me Arcee I need to make dinner for me and Jack, good night."

Arcee in a calm tone, Arcee "Night June."

June walked out of the Garage and headed her bedroom to put her purse on her rooms desk. as she made her way to the kitchen, she thought of what to cook Jack and herself for dinner. after a Few minutes June decided to make some canned soup for herself and Jack, she went up cabinet open it door and pulled on 2 cans of soup(Mushroom favored soup(June's favorite) and Beef stew favored soup(Jack's Favorite Soup).) for herself and Jack to have. She prepared their dinner she called Jack into the kitchen to get ready for dinner. Jack came from his bedroom and came into the kitchen and went a counter's draw to get a spoon to have his soup with his mom. Jack Darby in a calm amusing and smart-ass tone "Your making soup this time around mom well good just remember don't overcook it."

June in a calm annoyed tone, June "I won't smart mouth." June and Jack just both laughed at each other.

While they were eating a convoy of 3 dark green colored cars and an 18-wheeler with a cargo trailer came down Jack's neighborhood street to reach Jack's house. The lead car passenger side was a masked man in a dark green to black tie body shape jump suit, Man "All units cut all outgoing communications in the area that aren't ours.(The last car in the convoy pull off into the neighborhood alley way and headed to the ground communicate network. The 2nd front car in the convoy a man in the front passenger side of the car put a radio transmitter dish on top of their car and send jamming signal to all communicates satellites in orbit above the planet in the area above Jasper. The man received over his radio that all outgoing communications was either jammed or cut the man got his radio to Airachnid.) Tango to Airachnid everything is all set your free to come in".

Airachnid is in helicopter vehicle mode over Jasper, Nevada waiting for her human partners to do their part, Aircachnid in calm accepted tone, Airachnid "Copy that Human."

while Jack and June continue to eat their dinner, Jack could hear a convoy of vehicles coming down to their neighborhood street fast. Jack stopped eating his soup and put the spoon back into his bowl of soup and look up at his mom and in a calm concerned tone, Jack Darby "Mom do you hear that?"

June in a calm and curious tone, June "Yes I did let's go up in the front room of the house to have a look on this chase."

As they headed to the front room of the house Jack hear a Helicopter overhead their house Jack thought to himself "I hope the Helicopter is just a civilian chopper or Special agent Fowler's Helicopter check up on us to make sure we're safe and not the Decepticon Assassin and Torture Expert: Airarchnid." They came into the front room of the house and looked out of the front window Jack saw that convoy stop in front of their house and began to set up a perimeter around their house. Jack thought to himself "I hope it's just the government coming to check up on us to make sure we're alright and not the terrorist organization: MECH that Special agent fowler and Team Prime talked about a few weeks ago where they stole Bumblebee's T-cog and nearly destroyed and have found out where we live and have come to kidnap us for their own Evil devise proposes." Jack's waste fears came true he saw the helicopter above their house come in for a landing and saw a few ft. off the ground that Helicopter Transformed revealing 1 of Jack's worse nightmares the Decepticon assassin and torture expert: Airachnid.

Airachnid approached the front of their House Airarchnid in a calm playful menacing tone, Airachnid "Oh my Jack it's time to come out to play, you have my 'word' I won't hurt you at least physically."

Jack tried to say in a strong and calm tone, Jack "Airachnid we both that your word meaning little to nothing at all."

Airachnid in a calm and amused tone, Airachnid "My, my look how has finally grown some bearings since we last met each other; I was hoping that you would say that. Did you know Jack I like to torture my victims until they have loss the will to resist my torture methods and only after they suffer a lot of pain do I allow them to answer my questions."

Jack Darby gathered his all the in strength he could find within himself and in a firm, calm, nervous and curious tone, Jack Darby "What do you want Airarchnid we both know you didn't come for a social visit?"

Airachind in a calm impressed and somewhat curious tone, Airachind "Well I see you have refined your hunter's instinct since we last met. Your right I didn't come here for a social visit, I came here to take you to one of my ally's base of operations for a 'very special Visit'." Airachind began to set up webbing traps near the garage door entrance to capture Arcee for MECH to study and for her to personally enjoy torturing both physically, emotionally and mental until she broke her.

Arcee was listen to Jack and Airachnid's conversation between each other she tried to contact the Autobot base but as she got on her Radio to send a signal, she felt extreme pain and screamed. a second later she was forced to abort the Radio call to not risk brain damage to herself. Arcee "Scrap they're jamming my radio signal it looks like I'm doing this the old fashion way." Acree transformed her hand into her blasters and got into a jump stands to try to jump out of the garage and take out Airarchnid. Arcee ran at the garage door with all her weight behind too ran at the garage door at the last second, she saw the garage door open automatically and ran out. while Arcee was getting ready a MECH soldier took out a Remote-control override controller and push it button to open the door. As Arcee ran out she right away tried to slow herself down but she was too late to slow down and ran into a webbing trap set by Airachnid. As she was trying to break free from the webbing trap in a moderately scared and afraid tone, Arcee "Oh scrap(she then looked around for a few seconds until she found her archrival: Airachnid and then shifted her tone to a somewhat scared but with some rage in her tone.) Airachind."

Arcee saw on Airachnid's faceplate an evil smile and in a calm amusing and menacing tone, Airachnid "It has been a while since we last met hasn't Arcee." Airachnid than let out an evil chuckle laugh.

As Arcee continued to try to get out of the trap by trying to use her arm blades to cut though the webbing trap an MECH soldier took out his electric shock gun and fire and massive electrical stun blast. Arcee began to feel dizzy and in a somewhat painful and annoyed grown tone, Arcee "Ah." After that and a second later she fell unconscious.

Jack saw what happen to Arcee and had a look of horror and shock on his face. Airachnid began to walk over to Arcee and put her hand against Arcee's unconscious face and in a calm and smug tone, Airachnid "It would be so easy to finish you off right now Arcee, oh Jack unless you want your guardian killed in front of you and your mother come out and surrender to me and to MECH."

Jack Darby looked to his mom and had a concerned expression on his face, Jack "We have no choose mom less we surrender to Airachnid and MECH they will kill Arcee."

June has a sad expression on her face, June "I know Jack, let's hope they show us mercury and Arcee went we come out to surrender."

Jack Darby in a concerned and somewhat scared tone, Jack Darby "Are right Airachind we're coming out."

Airachnid in a calm moderately smug tone, Airachnid "A wise chose Jack, when you come out no tricks or I will kill Arcee."

Jack Darby put as much strength into his voice tone, Jack "All right the same goes for you Airachnid."

Jack opened the front door and he and June came out with their hands on their heads. Jack turned his head to the right and so Airachnid having her Spider legs in position ready to do a killing blow to Arcee if they try any Tricks. 2 MECH soldiers approached both of them as went they were 6ft. away from Jack and June, they stopped and pulled out 2 tranquilizer guns and both shot a tranquilizer dart both at Jack and June. Both Jack and June began to feel dizzy and after a second fell unconscious. The 2 MECH soldiers quickly grab Jack and June and caught them in their arms and carried them to one of their cars. Airachnid walked over to the 2 MECH soldiers carrying Jack and June this caused the 2 MECH soldiers to freeze in their tracks. Airachind bend down to get a look at Jack and had a calm smug look on her faceplate, Airachnid "Well my Jack you will make a prefect Cybertronian warrior and maybe someday a Great Leader." Airachnid walked back to where she and MECH personal caught Arcee to help them load her up on the 18-wheeler Truck to transport.

The leader of the MECH team get into his Radio and in a calm tone, The Leader "This is Tango to Silas, we have Packages 1 and 2."

Silas in a calm and satisfied tone, Silas "Excellent, proceed to MECH temporary base Henry 201."

The leader "Roger that Sir, oh and have an extra package one of the Kid's guardians were capture."

Silas "That is a very good surprise, Now proceed to MECH temporary base Henry 201."

The Leader in a calm and accepted tone, Leader "Roger that sir, proceeding to Base.(he charged the channel on the Radio to his Team's Channel) All units move out."

elsewhere in Jasper, Nevada around the time as MECH capture Jackson 'Jack' Darby and June Darby their MECH stealth Team were able to capture Rafael and Miko. the following just a little detail of what happen.

In Rafael's capture, MECH was able to sneak pass Rafael's Guardian's Guard and capture Rafael under Bumblebee's nose. as Rafael and his family were having dinner as a family a MECH stealth team Jammed all outgoing transmission from Rafael's to call for help and for Rafael to contact his Guardian. The MECH Team then broke Rafael house and capture all of Rafael's Family and threated them with Death. When they asked for Rafael, his mom said no and was shot in the left shoulder and right leg to which shocking Rafael's family. When the MECH Stealth team leader ask again for Rafael to come with, he did when the MECH Team leader order his men to point their guns and the back of Rafael family heads and threat to kill all of them. As MECH stealth team tranquilized Rafael and were going to leave when the MECH Stealth team leader give a threatening message to Rafael's mother "You will ever see your son again and if you ever tell anyone of this we will return and kill you and your family."

In Miko's capture, Miko's host parents were out to order some fast food to take home. this let Miko Home alone went a MECH was able to sneak pass her Guardian's Guard and capture her under Bulkhead's nose. while Miko was setting on her Living room Couch watch a monster truck TV show, a MECH stealth team Jammed all outgoing transmission from Miko's house to call for help and for her to Contact her Guardian. The MECH Team then broke into the house and very quickly captured Miko(from Knowing from her Profile she was a chatter box). The MECH stealth team quickly tranquilized Miko before she was able to scream for help.

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