
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

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Daisy was taken aback; they were also considering an investment? It had to be said that in the future Pepper would take control of Stark Industries, her vision was indeed accurate. The movie had nothing to do with her current industry, and aspects like expected box office and audience were not investigated.

But she could see the commercial value hidden in it. After all, the folks at S.H.I.E.L.D. probably thought they were just fooling around. Daisy lowered her head and thought about it, should she take this money or should she take this money?

"Is there really any business value?" Tony quietly asked Pepper; he still believed in her assistant's business acumen.

Pepper remained silent, just nodding to express confirmation.

Coughing, Tony Stark immediately changed his tone, "We can invest. How much funding do you still need?"

Daisy couldn't help but smile wryly. She had more than enough funds for her film, and she chuckled, "Currently, I've raised fifty-five million dollars..."

This figure stunned the big dog Stark. While he was rich, his funds were currently controlled by Obadiah, and he needed board discussions to access substantial amounts.

Investing a few million was one thing, but becoming a minority shareholder for tens of millions posed some bureaucratic formalities.

Seeing his embarrassment, Daisy couldn't wait to capture this scene on her phone. Perhaps, in the future, when Stark killed Obadiah, this sight wouldn't be as easy to come by.

At this crucial moment, Happy, the fat bodyguard, proved to be more loyal.

He diffused Stark's awkward situation, "If I go to shoot a movie, who will protect Mr. Stark?" Happy seemed tempted, but he was more concerned about Stark's safety.

Daisy didn't want to undermine his loyalty. Happy was a good guy, but his ability as a bodyguard was questionable. I'm afraid even Fitz-Simmons probably had better combat skills than him.

Tony Stark was appreciative of his loyal companions. He exaggeratedly patted the fat bodyguard on the shoulder, "Do something that makes you happy. I'll be going to Asia for a while, and someone from the Department of Defense will protect me. You can rest assured."

With the employer's approval, Happy also liked the idea of acting in movies. After Daisy promised him the role of assistant director, he finally agreed to the job.

Tony Stark left directly, and Daisy, Happy, and Pepper had separate discussions for a while.

Although direct investment wasn't possible, Pepper hadn't given up. She planned to participate in the development of the movie's peripherals.

Daisy looked at her with admiration again. Her own business genius was just a fake, while Pepper's was the real deal. They hadn't even started filming, and she already saw the business value in the peripherals.

The two exchanged thoughts briefly. It was still early to discuss the peripherals before the movie was even made. Many details needed post-production negotiation.


One week later.

After negotiating with the Costa Rican government, the agreement was essentially about renting their island for filming. This excuse was a thousand times better than S.H.I.E.L.D.'s previous reasons for nuclear pollution and biochemical leaks.

The agents were enthusiastic, and several external actors were also high-quality talents who quickly got into the working groove in less than half a month.

To meet the film's requirements, some construction work was needed on the island. However, S.H.I.E.L.D. had dedicated personnel handling it, and their efficiency far surpassed that of regular builders. It was expected that the scale would be visible within a month.

Leaving her friend Sharon as the director's assistant to coordinate various aspects on the island, Daisy led the majority of the team to Yale University to first shoot indoor scenes.

Coulson and Happy, these two unscrupulous guys, were pulled in to be directors. Honestly, both of them did well, coordinating various aspects of the crew's work, and the filming speed increased day by day.

Seeing that she had nothing specific to do, Daisy started using this time to study with Comrade Old Pym.

The honorary dean title came in handy. Old Pym arranged for Daisy to have a student status at Yale University. As long as she graduated, she could claim to be a Yale alumnus.

Daisy occasionally appeared on set or went out to have meals with her best friend, Angela. The rest of the time was spent learning from the old man.

"Quantum mechanics is the foundation of modern science. Remember, it's the foundation of all disciplines!" Once Hank Pym delved into the field of science, his spirit became somewhat excited.

"The chemistry, biology, and medicine of modern society, our socio-economic development, the electronic revolution allowing ordinary people to enter the computer age – every discipline here is inseparable from quantum mechanics. This is a language of art."

The old doctor's opening speech wasn't particularly thrilling, and Daisy had read similar words many times in various scientific works.

"What direction is your superpower?" he suddenly asked, surprising Daisy.

Although she hadn't planned to keep it a secret forever, being called out upfront still made her heart race.

The old man chuckled, "I've seen too many people with abilities. I suspected it when you defeated Dr. Egghead using a special method. Pym particles are the crystallization of my life's work. If you didn't have a power specifically to counteract them, you couldn't have beaten him."

What could Daisy say? Is wisdom really synonymous with age? The old man was one of the most intelligent people of the world, having lived for so many years. It wasn't too surprising that he saw through her little secret.

She scratched her head, "It's a vibration ability."

The old man's eyes lit up, "Vibration? To what extent can you do it? Over a large area or a small region?"

"In theory, both are possible, but resonance phenomena are hard to eliminate. To lessen the burden on the body, I've been pursuing precision in my abilities."

Dr. Pym nodded. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Max Planck once proposed Planck's radiation law, assuming that the total energy of a vibrating system cannot change continuously. It jumps from one value to another in a discontinuous energy form. Many contemporary people find this view too radical. Can your ability prove this law?"

Before Daisy could answer, he continued, "Einstein proposed the concept of light quanta in 1905. He believed that light propagating in space is not continuous but is delivered in portions. Can your ability reverse-engineer this process?"

Excitedly, he went on to calculate, "The energy of a light quantum is denoted as E and is directly proportional to the frequency V of the light. Our daily calculations are calculated by substituting the Planck constant H, that is, E=hv. You can reverse the calculation, dividing the energy of a light quantum by the Planck constant to obtain the vibrational frequency. If this assumption holds true, the human understanding of space technology will take a significant leap forward!"

He made it sound simple, but the old man filled an entire sheet of paper with calculations. Pushing his glasses up, he double-checked several data points, then retrieved his notebook to study something.

Daisy didn't interrupt. She also knew many of these theories, but she hadn't integrated them into a systematic study. With her hands crossed over her chest, leaning against the back of the chair, her amber eyes occasionally flickered. She was thinking about the theories that Dr. Pym was discussing in conjunction with her abilities.


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