
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime & Comics
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184 Chs

Hulk's Weakness



The most recent Level 7 agent present on the scene was Hill. Although she had always been a Level 5 agent with Level 8 clearance, Daisy didn't understand why Nick Fury revoked her clearance this time and simultaneously raised her level.

When the two women were together, they never discussed work. Daisy wasn't sure of the exact reason.

"Everyone, time is tight, so I'll make it brief. Capturing the fugitive codenamed the Hulk is a military task. However, the Hulk has already threatened the safety of ordinary people, so it's also our task."

Nick Fury scanned the room with his lone eye, hoping someone would volunteer for the mission. However, anyone who could rise to the rank of senior agent wasn't stupid.

Everyone had seen the footage of the Hulk. Tank cannons felt like itching to him; he couldn't be defeated with numbers or tactics alone.

The elite soldiers from Hydra all looked hesitant. Director Pierce pretended to be senile, rubbing his waist in apparent pain, while Jasper Sitwell didn't bother to conceal his discomfort. He had been sweating since he entered the room, and the sweat hadn't stopped yet.

No one spoke up, and the atmosphere became tense.

Nick Fury's trusted aides wanted to step up to the challenge but hesitated when looking at Coulson's familiar face. It would be a waste to send him out only to be defeated in one move.

Moreover, Coulson's previous mission to contact Stark was a disaster. Six agents died, and Iron Man fought the Iron Monger, resulting in the deaths of thirty-five civilians and injuries to over two hundred. There was also numerous property damage.

As a result, Coulson, like Daisy and Victoria Hand, was specifically criticized within the agency and is currently unsuitable for field missions.

As for agents like May, Hawkeye, and Black Widow, Nick Fury felt they were slightly lacking.

He could only look at the only superpowered agent in the room. "Agent Daisy Johnson, what are your thoughts on the Hulk?"

He meant to ask if she could defeat him...

Of course, Daisy couldn't defeat the Hulk, who was practically invincible. However, she didn't want to give up this opportunity to show off.

Agents only respected strength. In the current situation where revealing superpowers wasn't an option, she still had plenty of advantages to utilize.

Daisy smiled faintly. "I've reviewed Agent Victoria Hand's records and mission reports. In my opinion, this creature named the Hulk by the military isn't as difficult to deal with as it seems."

Her statement started with shocking words. Victoria Hand was enraged by Daisy's blatant attempt to use her as a stepping stone.

"Tell us your plan," Fury said, not particularly concerned about their conflict. As the director, the bigger the conflict among his subordinates, the happier he was.

Daisy activated the three-dimensional projection in the office and filtered through several options before presenting a cross-section of a brain in front of everyone.

Pointing at the diagram, she said, "This is the human brain, and the Hulk is still a human. His thoughts are still influenced by his brain."

"Agent Victoria Hand's report mentioned that the more attacks he receives, the stronger he gets, and the more violent he becomes. In my opinion, it's all due to the emotional effects on the brain. If we reverse this process, we can weaken him gradually until he can be defeated by ordinary people."

The news that the Hulk's anger subsided, and he reverted to Bruce Banner wasn't something the military had shared with them. Daisy pretended not to know, but her analysis was logical, and several agents nodded in agreement.

Daisy continued, "Modern science suggests that different colors of light can affect the human brain. So, if we build a few spectrum emitters and ensure we have enough power sources, we can shine them on him at the scene to complete this task..."

She gave an example, "It's like when everyone goes to a bar. As the music plays and the lights flicker, people become excited unconsciously. It's the same principle; light can excite us. By adjusting the output frequency from high to low, we can reduce the brain's excitement and alleviate the source of this big guy's power."

This theory wasn't made up by her; it was a result of contemporary scientific research and wasn't particularly cutting-edge.

However, there was some information she didn't disclose—the fact that this simple suppression of emotions could only be temporary, like a spring that rebounds even stronger.

The next time the Hulk retaliated, it would undoubtedly be more fierce. This conclusion was based on Professor Xavier's research findings. In the field of human brain research, no one surpassed him in the current era. However, the old bald man had always kept his research findings under wraps, and the outside world was unaware of them.

According to her estimation, if the Hulk were captured, he would undoubtedly be taken away like a precious treasure by General Ross, making it highly unlikely for him to remain in SHIELD. She didn't see the need to worry about it for others.

The agents were all brave and skilled in killing techniques, but most of them had returned their scientific knowledge to their teachers long ago. They didn't understand much, but Daisy's confident explanation didn't sound like a lie.

From her seemingly casual analysis, it seemed that this mission wasn't too difficult!

Crossbones looked back at Pierce, silently asking if they should take over if the mission was as simple as bringing a few laser devices to the scene to capture the target. It seemed like it was a piece of cake. Should they proceed? Bring the Hulk back to study?

Nick Fury pondered for a moment. His scientific knowledge was also lacking, but Daisy's explanation seemed reasonable. However, he wondered if it was too simple?

Would it suffice to just set up a few laser lights and shine them on the target? Wasn't the cost too low? Could it be done with just two hundred dollars? After all, his initial plan involved deploying aircraft carriers, various advanced weapons, for which he had initially demanded a budget of 5.5 billion dollars from the Pentagon...

Would Congress approve this amount? Not likely, and the Department of Defense could only dip into its own small treasury.

General Ross had fought tooth and nail for this 5.5 billion dollars, nearly sacrificing all his political prospects as a general, just to secure the support of the Department of Defense. Now, if he were told that two hundred dollars could solve the problem, would he not die from shock...

Fury made his own plan before and listed a lot of weapons. Aircraft carriers, fighters, missiles, and even space weapons were in his plan. Today's meeting was also to have a multi-sectoral teamwork, where many elite agents went to the battlefield, and everyone united to capture the Hulk... Now it seems they have done nothing.

Nick Fury looked at Daisy, who had an innocent face, not knowing what to say. After hesitating for a while, he finally squeezed out a sentence, "Agent Johnson, your theory is cutting-edge. For the smooth operation of the mission, could you demonstrate it on-site?"

Although Daisy wasn't a Master of Engineering like Tony Stark or Hank McCoy, modifying a laser light wouldn't pose a challenge to her. She immediately nodded in agreement.


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