
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime & Comics
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183 Chs

Helpless Grant Ward


"Relying on your extraordinary abilities for traveling through space, does that imply the theory is feasible? Can the theory be applied to alternate dimensions as well?" Old Pym asked Daisy anxiously, pressing her with consecutive questions.

Daisy could sense the urgency in the old man's tone. His nervous inquiries were likely related to his missing wife, the Wasp. If it wasn't a matter of major sacrifice, Daisy would certainly offer her assistance.

After pondering for a few seconds, she looked up and asked, "Subatomic space?"

Old Pym nodded vigorously.

Daisy, cautious, replied, "This kind of small conceptual world, even if achievable, is not something for the present. It has too high requirements for precision in vibration and perception beyond what my abilities can achieve."

The topic was a bit heavy. Daisy didn't entirely dismiss Old Pym's hopes. Cisco could connect to the Speed Force space to rescue the Flash. She has similar abilities and should be able to do it.

Trying to lighten the mood, she chuckled, "There might be hope, though, you have to take care of your body."

Old Pym smiled, accepting her explanation outwardly.

Internally, he still felt a heavy burden. Subatomic space lacked the concept of time, but what about people? People have lifespans. If his wife got assimilated in subatomic space, even if rescued, she wouldn't be the same. If not assimilated, her lifespan might have expired, and she would no longer exist.

Both outcomes were less than ideal, but having hope was better than having none.

Daisy regained her strength, and Old Pym resumed his calculations. They continued to bridge theory and practice, engaging in their third round of data calculations.

Hank Pym had explored all modern physics theories, becoming a living encyclopedia of quantum physics. Daisy had learned a lot from his learning.

If her computational skills improved and she gained better control over her abilities, crossing the spatial distance to appear on another planet would not be difficult.

However, the knowledge required for cosmic teleportation surpassed the scope of modern physics. Earth's space technology was still in the theoretical stage, and waiting for human development step by step would likely keep Daisy confined to Earth her entire life.

Fortunately, the existence of the Tesseract gave Daisy a way out. Her entrance into S.H.I.E.L.D. was driven by her desire to witness this magical creation. If she could simulate even a fraction of its power and gain teleportation abilities, her safety would greatly increase. She could defend Earth or seek refuge on an alien planet if necessary.

Even Daisy still has a thought in her heart, that is, getting an Infinity Stone. She would be embarrassed to say hello to others without an infinite gem in the Marvel Universe.

There were too many eyes on the Tesseract, it was challenging for Daisy to make a move. The remaining Infinity Stones all had their respective owners. Only one, the Power Stone, currently resided on an unidentified abandoned planet.

Instead of letting Star-Lord get his hands on it, Daisy thought it might be better in her possession.

The Power Stone could replicate any physical superpower and significantly enhance her attack and defense capabilities. It was a perfect match for her vibrational abilities.

However, the Power Stone demanded high physical prowess from its wielder. Only a powerful being like the Kree Accuser Ronan could use it effortlessly. Daisy needed to strengthen herself to that level to at least control the stone.

Discussing these matters at present was premature. According to the information Daisy accessed from S.H.I.E.L.D., Peter Quill, aka Star-Lord, had been missing for eighteen years. He received the mission to find the Power Stone in his 26th year after leaving Earth. Daisy still had a little over seven years left.

Interstellar teleportation had demanding requirements on all fronts. At the end of the first day of learning, Daisy could only safely teleport within a hundred meters. Beyond that distance, unpredictable dangers would arise.

"You practice the fine control of your abilities first, and give me two days to research." Daisy was exhausted all over. As a mental worker, Dr. Hank Pym had an even tougher job.

A day of experiments confirmed the feasibility of some theories, but many were mere fantasies and hypothetical theories from modern physics, some of which were the old doctor's own ideas. Now he had to overthrow most of them and start over. He had to sort out his knowledge again.

Daisy promptly took her leave, continuously practicing until her head felt like it was about to explode. It was a perfect time for a two-day break.

Dressed in a slightly formal professional attire, hair tied back, and wearing glasses, she presented the appearance of a white-collar woman. She was heading to the film set.

Issues among contemporary U.S. military personnel were frequent, with many young people returning from the frontlines experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder. While this percentage was increasing year by year, the truth was that they served for only two or three years and could return home afterward.

S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were different. They were of the same age, similarly influenced by the larger environment, facing endless tasks and the even more terrifying pressure of life and death. There were no promotion paths, and no retirement options. They might die in a foreign land at any time, leaving no trace of their bodies.

They could only cultivate some hobbies, pass the time, and alleviate stress.

Being elites, once they decided to learn something, they could become very proficient.

This was the case with the team Coulson put together.

Agents skilled in various fields could be found—some excelled in photography, some enjoyed makeup, and some had a deep understanding of light refraction.

A bunch of people thought it was a joke at first, but they gradually realized it wasn't, and they began taking it seriously.

We have to pay special attention to our male lead, Mr. Grant Ward, Daisy's lover in the original timeline. At this time, he felt like he was being roasted on the fire. 

To maintain his spy identity, Mr. Ward usually portrayed a sunny, silly young man—clean-shaven, with a relaxed gaze and slightly raised eyebrows, appearing like an ordinary agent.

However, now, for the role he was playing, things got a bit tricky.

The character Grant in the show was a bit older than Mr. Ward in real life. The makeup artist adjusted his eye corners and temples slightly and then instructed him to grow a beard. This small change completely transformed Mr. Ward's demeanor.

With the deep gaze and neatly trimmed beard, even if he tried to conceal it, a hint of wildness was exposed in his demeanor.

No one suspected him of being a spy; they just thought he was a talented actor.

Although Mr. Ward does indeed possess acting skills, he didn't want to expose himself in public!

He was very resistant to this task, but the high-ranking Hydra officials wouldn't care about his personal opinions. Even his foster father, Garrett, dared not refuse their orders.

The mission was simple and to the point: get close to Daisy Johnson, secretly investigate whether there was a conspiracy behind the scenes of this production, and whether Nick Fury was playing a new trick.

The higher-ups needed answers, and they couldn't sleep well without knowing them. Even sacrificing Ward was an acceptable outcome, especially since, for now, he was just filming and under no ideological pressure.

Hydra was pushing him out forcefully, while S.H.I.E.L.D. was strongly pulling him to be the lead. Grant Ward found himself trapped in a situation where he had no choice but to play a character he had always fantasized about—a hero.


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