
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime & Comics
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187 Chs

Celebrating Christmas


Daisy had no intention of celebrating Christmas. However, after half a year of being busy since her time travel, and seeing everyone choosing to rest today, she also decided to take a day off.

Having a bit of money in her hands, the first thing she thought about was solving the accommodation problem.

Western people have different concepts from the Eastern people. They like to build villas in the suburbs. The richer they are, the more remote they build them. For example, Tony Stark's villa in Los Angeles is built on a cliff by the sea! Open the window, and you have the Pacific Ocean, with the sound of waves anytime!

If the enemy wanted to attack him, it wouldn't be a big deal. They could just come over by helicopter, singing songs, because this place is already the national border. Other people have soldiers guarding the border, here is a rich man who guards the border.

This kind of value is very different from Daisy's. She has no interest in the desolate wilderness. For the sake of convenience, she plans to buy a house in the city center.

However, the property prices in Manhattan are very high. Daisy has been learning the spirit of S.H.I.E.L.D. during this time, inheriting the noble traditions of the older generation, such as Nick Fury, by embezzling funds from the film crew on a large scale.

Using various means, she managed to scrape together more than five million. However, this amount is still not enough to buy a house in the center of Manhattan.

Moreover, next year is the subprime mortgage crisis, so it's silly to buy a house at this time.

She rented an independent house, usually taken care of by the housemaid. Today it was the first time she moved in.

Looking at the two floors, downstairs is the dining room, living room, bathroom, and gym. Going up the stairs, there are two bedrooms and a dressing room upstairs.

It is said that in the seaside villa of the big shot Tony Stark, there are swimming pools, tennis courts, and golf courses, with fourteen bathrooms! Daisy took off her coat, full of contempt for the big dogs, and walked into the dining room to prepare some food.

What do foreigners have for Christmas? Turkey, cakes, gingerbread, and such. She doesn't have the leisure for that. Christmas, for her, is just a day off, an ordinary rest day.

Taking matters into her own hands, she quickly cooked a large pot of tomato and egg noodles.

It's not that she doesn't want to cook other dishes; it's just too troublesome. Large bowls and pots are more suitable for her current physique.

While Daisy was making noodles, she didn't know that Grant Ward was observing her from a distance.

Ward wanted to knock on the door directly, chat, and gather some information. But at this stage, their relationship is very unfamiliar, far from the point of visiting for Christmas. Mr. Ward could only observe from a distance.

Suddenly he saw a familiar figure, quickly shrank back, felt unsafe, and might be exposed easily. He gave up the observation and left the scene.

Daisy was unaware that someone was secretly observing her. Holding a large pot of noodles, she watched TV while slurping to fill her stomach.

Knock knock!

Just as she was halfway through her meal, she heard a knock on the door.

Opening the door, she was somewhat surprised to find Hill standing outside.

Today's female deputy was not wearing the usual combat uniform but had changed into a white shirt, wearing a beige jacket on top, ripped jeans on her legs, short boots, with light makeup on her delicate face.

Hill held a bottle of red wine in her hand, looking a bit awkward. "I have no friends in New York, so..."

Daisy wasn't very familiar with Christmas etiquette. In her previous life, she didn't care about it, and in this life in her childhood, she had been bullied by white children. She didn't have much feelings for Christmas and usually spent them alone.

So, she didn't really understand how to celebrate Christmas. However, a guest had arrived at her doorstep, so she smiled and invited Hill inside.

Afterward, she scratched her head, wondering if she should offer her guest something to eat.

"Should I cook something for you?" She didn't think of anything strange; instead, she thought that probably Westerners might not have the habit of eating noodles on Christmas.

"Have you already finished eating?" Hill was automatically attracted by the large pot of noodles. If Daisy had finished her meal, she had no reason to stay.

"No, no, that's..." Daisy's face turned red. She tried to explain, but for a moment, she couldn't find a good excuse. The large pot seemed to mock her silently, as if laughing at her.

Daisy still had a way to go before feeling full.

The news that she could eat a lot might still be a secret at S.H.I.E.L.D., but within Sharon and Hill's small circle, it was already no secret.

The female deputy officer found it amusing. "Your Christmas seems quite casual."

She opened the refrigerator to see what ingredients were available.

It turned out that Miss Maid had quite a talent for housekeeping. The refrigerator was filled with Christmas supplies, but Daisy is lazy and didn't want to cook.

The ingredients that would have been wasted showed their value after Hill's arrival.

The turkey had been pre-processed by Miss Maid. Hill coated the entire turkey with butter, Daisy chopped vegetables, and then stuffed them all into the turkey's belly. They placed the dish directly in the oven to roast.

The subsequent process involved taking it out, brushing seasonings, flipping it, roasting it again, and brushing again, until finally, it was ready for serving after temperature testing.

Western cooking has a strict set of standards - how long to roast, and at what temperature - all have requirements.

Unlike Eastern cooking, which often involves vague measurements like "add a little bit" and "cook for a while."

They cook strictly according to recipes, like conducting a chemical experiment.

As long as you have a certain amount of hands-on ability and operate normally according to the recipe, even if you can't make it delicious, it will not be too bad.

It seemed that the baking was a little hot, so Hill took off her jacket. The shirt is currently the most popular one-shoulder design. The neck, shoulders, and collarbone are all exposed...

Busy for an hour, Daisy couldn't help with roasting the turkey, so she could only set the table and arrange a table full of cakes. The red wine Hill brought was also placed on the table.

They both sat down, Daisy opened the wine, and each poured a glass.

They lightly clinked glasses. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."

Listening to the melodious Christmas songs, they chatted and ate.

Even though Daisy had eaten a large bowl of noodles earlier, she could still eat several times more than Hill. Even though Hill wasn't a delicate woman, most of the turkey ended up in Daisy's stomach.

Hill tilted her head, revealing half of her shoulder and bra straps. She really couldn't restrain her curiosity. There was some inquiry in her eyes, "Can your stomach absorb so much?"

Daisy, seeing Hill's serious expression, knew it would be too much to talk about her Chinese kung fu.

Her current abilities were only the most primitive shockwaves and the newly developed teleportation. However, shockwaves were not suitable for operation in her home, so she could only demonstrate short-range teleportation.

"Watch closely."

She extended her left hand, and a light blue halo formed a clockwise vortex. Then, in Hill's curious gaze, she tossed an apple into it. The apple fell out of the counterclockwise vortex three meters above their heads, and she caught it effortlessly.

"Are you a mutant?" Hill's expression became a bit awkward. She didn't want this result; the conflict between ordinary people and mutants was very big, and as a S.H.I.E.L.D. member, she had to stand on the side of ordinary people.


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