
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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Traveling Together

They first went to Dr. Pym's laboratory and each began searching based on what they had learned.

Daisy mainly inspected the equipment here. Although they weren't all the latest and most advanced devices, they were meticulously cleaned. After listening to the assistant's explanations, it was clear that Dr. Pym treated all the equipment like they were his own children.

Her on-site evidence search skills were rather ordinary, and she quickly scanned through the area, not spotting any suspicious points. It was a pity that she hadn't grasped the frequency level of DC's Vibe, otherwise she could have found something Dr. Pym had used by analysing vibrations.

In fact, it wasn't just her who failed to find any clues. The other three ladies also came up empty-handed.

Black Widow separately questioned a few assistants, confirming several places Dr. Pym frequented.

After filtering, they were left with the three locations Daisy had mentioned earlier: the hospital, the unnamed Hungarian bar, and the city center park.

"Your algorithm is impressive. It will save a lot of time in future intelligence analysis. Well done!" Black Widow expressed her admiration.

Next was the reconnaissance phase. Three suspicious locations and four operatives.

"The central park is vast. I'll go there. Sharon can pose as a nurse and go to the hospital to gather information. The two of you can check out the bar."

Without hesitation, they split up and set off immediately.

Going to the bar with the usually serious Hill was a challenge for Daisy, to say the least.

However, it had to be done.

In a movie or TV show, she would have burst in, created chaos, and eventually extracted information. In reality, she couldn't do that. The bars in bustling areas were usually connected to either the police or the mafia. Could they just beat people up and walk away afterward? That was highly unlikely.

Hill was determined to complete the mission perfectly, and Daisy didn't want to start a shootout.

They had to blend in, or at least look the same.

Daisy carried a messenger bag, while Hill had brought some items, though not specifically bar-appropriate attire.

Black Widow had instructed them to go to the bar to give them time to change clothes.

Upon learning that Hill had an unlimited credit black card, they headed straight to a mall.

To avoid drawing attention, Daisy followed the fashion of local female students, buying a tank top and a pair of fringed shorts, along with peep-toe high heels.

Hill, perhaps finding both of them in shorts too unconventional, chose an off-the-shoulder top, a patterned skirt, and strappy high heels.

They bought a few pieces of leftover jewellery, and it didn't cost them much.

The bar would only open in the evening, so they occupied themselves by booking a nearby room. Daisy used the local network to check Dr. Pym's personal expenditure records, while Hill impersonated an FBI agent to visit the local police station and search for recent reports.

The two met up in their room at night. It was then that Daisy realised a problem – she should have changed her clothes earlier.

Now both of them needed to change, and the scene of them facing each other half-dressed was inevitable.

Hill didn't notice Daisy's reaction and quickly began changing her clothes.

Feeling it would be odd to go to the bathroom to change, Daisy could only remove her top.

The war among women was always omnipresent, even between two women who didn't usually care about appearances. As they changed clothes, they couldn't help but size each other up.

Her abdomen was very well-toned...

This guy had a broad-mindedness that's not apparent at first...

"You have such a big caliber pistol?" Daisy, who had just taken off her pants, heard Hill's words and felt a numbness all over her body. Her scalp almost exploded. After two seconds, she realised that the other person was referring to the Rhino Revolver.

Realising it was a false alarm, she wiped off a bead of sweat.

Hill was unaware of the misunderstanding she had caused and continued to inquire.

"Can you handle this kind of gun? Even with modifications, it's not suitable for women; it can injure your wrist." Hill, considering herself two years older and more experienced, took on the role of an older mentor.

"... I have naturally strong wrists, don't worry, it's my talent!" Not caring whether Hill believed her or not, she came up with a poor excuse to gloss over the gun matter.

Shorts and high heels wouldn't hide the gun, so Daisy put the gun and bullets into her handbag. Hill did the same.

Strapping a gun to the thigh was a clever move; it could attract the attention of male enemies, and later, the gun could be pulled out. Whoever designed the gun holster definitely understood men well. However, they wouldn't need gun holsters tonight.

They walked out of the room feeling a bit strange about the situation.

"We should walk closer together." Daisy noticed the issue. They were neither too close nor too distant, not strangers but not exactly acquaintances either.

And two women going to a bar together seemed to carry an unusual air.

"What should two women going to a bar look like?" Daisy was a bit puzzled. Holding hands seemed too childish, yet they weren't little girls either. But linking arms felt too intimate.

She took out her tablet and searched, but even big data didn't help this time.

Hill recollected her training, but the courses had never covered how two women should walk together.

"Link arms. I see the people ahead doing that." Hill thought for a moment and suggested.

Daisy was speechless. Those people were of the opposite gender! She asked a strange question, "So... should you link your arm with mine, or should I link mine with yours?"

Hill turned to look at their attire. "You're taller and your behaviour is more masculine, so I'll link my arm with yours."

Daisy extended her arm, and Hill linked hers with Daisy's. Their clothing had no sleeves, and the smooth skin contact brought a slight sense of unfamiliarity, which they quickly suppressed and didn't mention.

With this small detail resolved, and no apparent loopholes, they finally left the residence and headed toward the nearby bar.

A magical accident occurred again: as their high heels met the ground, making a clicking sound, Daisy noticed that their footsteps were surprisingly in sync. The height and speed of raising their legs, the order of their steps, and the force of landing were almost identical. Despite being just two people, they seemed to have formed a marching rhythm.

This synchronised motion made Daisy feel odd, so she quickly changed her steps.

As she was adjusting, Hill was too. The result of their simultaneous adjustments was that their rhythm matched even more.

"Haha... these shoes are a bit uncomfortable," Daisy tried to ease the awkwardness.

Hill's face turned slightly red too. "Yeah, this skirt of mine is a bit tight."

Both of them made a concerted effort to adjust, but the more they did, the closer their rhythm became.

Budapest's night wasn't too noisy, with few pedestrians on the road. Their synchronised footsteps sounded unusually abrupt.

"Um... I'll step with my left foot, and you step with your right foot!" Daisy tried to offer a suggestion.

The result of one stepping with the left foot and the other with the right foot was that neither of them could walk. Their arms were still linked, and they almost fell flat on their faces.

Just as Daisy was about to scratch her head, thinking of using her powers to skip this situation entirely, they finally reached the bar.

Deafening music drowned out the sound of their footsteps, and both of them let out a sigh of relief simultaneously.