
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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111 Chs


Establishing a new company's address is crucial.

Hell's Kitchen is unable to attract people, so facing the high rent, Daisy gritted her teeth and rented two offices in the Midtown district as the company's headquarters.

At the same time, she posted job recruitment information online and hired a few students to work for her, helping with coding.

This thing called big data doesn't have many barriers; if you have an idea, you can do it.

Daisy's advantage lies in her knowledge of the development trends for the next few years. Coupled with her predecessor's computer knowledge, she can create an algorithm surpassing the current level within three to five years.

By the time others realise the business opportunity and start chopping wood to build a ship, she would already be sailing in a speedboat. That was her advantage.

Daisy spent three days setting up the framework herself and assigned the task of filling in content to the students.

These students didn't see the importance of this analytical algorithm. Not only were they not efficient in their work, but they also frequently negotiated terms, requested leave, asked for office entertainment, and demanded a relaxed working environment. This infuriated Daisy to the point where she wanted to punch someone.

"Huh?" Angrily entering her own office, she opened her computer to clean her email and unexpectedly found a new message.

It was a job application email from someone named David Lieberman, a graduate from the New York State University. According to his self-introduction, he had abundant experience in software industry, but Daisy felt he was boasting. He used words like "assisted" and "aided" in listing several achievements, clearly indicating a supportive role.

Nevertheless, Daisy decided to give him a chance because she remembered that David Lieberman was an analyst at the U.S. National Security Agency, a close friend of Punisher, codenamed "Microchip." He shouldn't be struggling to find a job. Why did he come to her fledgling company seeking employment?

Could there be some conspiracy against her? She decided to meet this David Lieberman.

The two met in a cafe.

Daisy looked at the other person's appearance with a bit of confusion. "Mr. Lieberman, how old are you?"


The answer was somewhat shocking to Daisy. She looked at his old face, the stubble on his cheeks, and the wrinkles on his forehead. He seemed in too much of a hurry to age!

She examined his documents and resume again; they were indeed accurate. He was truly twenty-six. She was somewhat reassured, realising this guy had just graduated and was probably not yet working for the National Security Agency.

The two chatted casually. Daisy discovered that David's situation was similar to hers. He had a solid foundation but lacked flexible thinking.

Although David Lieberman hadn't heard of big data, he enjoyed analysing intricate data. He believed he could find personal value in it.

Among the sea of job postings, he spotted Daisy's recruitment. After a short conversation, he realised that many of her ideas were in line with his own, thoughts he hadn't fully crystallised them yet.

Despite his young age and lack of formal education, Daisy found David Lieberman quite impressive. He might be young, but he had remarkable insights. That was her first impression of him.

Daisy thought David was promising. After all, he had been employed by the National Security Agency, indicating his talent in the field of computers. At least, he was a talent she could hire.

"Mr. Lieberman, you have impressive abilities. Why did you come to my company?" She couldn't help asking.

David hesitated for a while, then explained his situation. His wife was pregnant with their second child, and his eldest daughter was still young. With a pregnant wife and young daughter, he couldn't work far from home. Fortunately, Daisy's office was just across the street from his home.

Daisy had nothing to say to this family-oriented, loving husband.

David Lieberman had a good personality, maybe a bit too mild.

In the original timeline, he couldn't reveal himself, so he asked his friend Punisher to help with some small tasks. Unexpectedly, after several interactions, the burly and tall Punisher and David's wife developed a liking for each other. They even kissed a few times, leaving only the last step incomplete. Meanwhile, David Lieberman was watching everything from behind the surveillance camera.

Instead of shooting Punisher, he chose to drink his sorrows away and ultimately forgave them...

Dubbed the number one ninja in the Marvel universe, Daisy welcomed this easy-going employee. She could tolerate such things. Perhaps unpaid wages would also be acceptable?

The two quickly settled the contract. David Lieberman became the technical supervisor, participating in the later development of big data.

Daisy briefed him on the development progress, discussed future plans, and David Lieberman started working directly.

She didn't forget her loyal retainer, Maki Matsumoto, who served as her informant and legal counsel in the company. Daisy even taught her some basic martial arts, noting that Maki, with her physical prowess and quick learning ability, could probably defeat her if she didn't have enhanced physical abilities.

Everything from office space, computer equipment, servers – she rented everything. The short-term contracts she signed with the students were also temporary. And David Lieberman's salary wasn't high, as he wanted to stay close to home. Maki Matsumoto didn't even want a salary.

Daisy's company was extremely frugal. Despite that, the hundred thousand dollars in her bank account was visibly dwindling. The development progress had just reached a quarter completion.

She economised on everything.

While she was demanding of the company, she didn't skimp on herself. Daisy bought a used Ford, continued practicing martial arts and marksmanship, indulged herself in Chinese restaurants, and enjoyed life to the fullest.

Just as when only a few thousand dollars remained from the hundred thousand, a preliminary big data algorithm got finally developed.

The algorithm was lengthy, far from concise. Daisy optimised it herself behind closed doors and ran it on the rented servers.

During this era, information security was quite rudimentary. Many user's information were easily accessible, as if it was left unguarded, so the algorithm worked well.

With the development completed, the next step was to persuade customers to pay.

Many brilliant ideas and innovations ultimately got rejected by this financial metropolis. Were they not outstanding enough? Not really. It was just that they weren't skilled at marketing their products.

Daisy, an unknown, tried to negotiate with large corporations, hoping to be taken seriously. However, that was wishful thinking. The technical guy David and her retainer Maki weren't suitable either. She needed an ally.

Returning to her old ways, Daisy disabled a series of security cameras, identified her targets, and monitored them for two days straight. With a handgun concealed at her waist, she approached their door...

This was an upscale residential area in the Upper East Side. After observing the target for two days, Daisy noticed he rarely left his home, living a reclusive life. That's why she approached him herself.

She didn't use the front entrance; instead, she picked the lock and slipped in through the window.

Sitting in the shadows on the couch like many villains before her, she waited for the person to arrive.