
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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111 Chs

Kenyan Grasslands

The rented jeep was left by Daisy on the roadside; someone would come to take it.

With a backpack on her back, though alone, her mindset was completely different from when she headed to Puerto Rico. Wakanda wasn't a dangerous place, and she had enough ability to protect herself.

There were no idle bystanders around. She let her speed shine, making it impossible for any wild beast to catch up to her. Running alone on the grasslands, she enjoyed a completely different air from the city, relaxing her mind and no longer thinking about Hill or Hydra. Leaving behind her worries and moving forward lightly was actually quite enjoyable.

Daisy stretched her long legs, running and stopping, gradually moving away from the human-inhabited areas and entering the territory of wild animals.

Even experienced hunters needed full equipment to poach here, and they had to be careful. However, she was here like she was on a leisure trip, relaxed and content. There was no animal that posed a threat to her here.

On the third day off the road, with over half of her food eaten, Daisy killed a seemingly foolish wild goat on the road.

Using her adamantium alloy dagger, she skinned and deboned it, made a fire, and grilled the meat. After adding some seasoning, she enjoyed a satisfying meal.

"Huh?" In a moment of distraction, she noticed something watching her from a distance.

Focusing her gaze, Daisy was slightly surprised to see a lion in the distance, its light brown mane indicating it was a male lion.

Wearing the White Tiger amulet often, she had developed some fondness for feline animals.

The lion glanced at her, not knowing whether it was concerned it couldn't defeat her or simply not hungry. The male lion lacked interest and continued to rest its head.

Punch it! A strange thought popped into Daisy's mind. She didn't admit it was her own boredom; she believed it was the big tiger from the White Tiger amulet trying to provoke another lion-tiger feud.

Following her instincts, taking down a lion wasn't a big deal.

Walking past the lion's strange gaze, she then raised her hand, delivered a shockwave that stunned the lion, and sat on its head to take a selfie.

She promptly sent the photo to Hill, unsurprisingly receiving no response.

She sighed, put away her phone, and continued to head north.

She had thought it was a minor episode, but unfortunately, she had underestimated the lion's physique and hunting abilities. Fifteen minutes later, she saw two large and one small lion charging towards her.

Cursing inwardly, Daisy was much stronger than an ordinary person, but she was still inferior to adult lions. Otherwise, she wouldn't have resorted to an ambush earlier. Strength could be improved with training, but she didn't want to turn into a muscle-bound figure. Most of her training focused on speed rather than muscle.

At this point, as the three lions were about to encircle her, without hesitation, Daisy charged out from the side of the young lion.

When her speed reached seven hundred kilometers per hour, it was nearly as fast as a handgun bullet. She quickly left the lions behind.

Thinking the ordeal was over, she didn't expect the lion family to be persistent. They chased after her all the way, the lion father determined to wash away his humiliation. Even though they knew they couldn't match her speed, they still showed up behind her from time to time, trying to assert their presence.

Setting up an ambush and teleporting for a surprise attack would surely kill them, but Daisy felt guilty. Why take a picture for no reason? Plus, the journey was dull, and having a few lions for company could alleviate the loneliness. At least that's how she saw it...

If the lions chased after her, she ran; if they disappeared, she stopped. When she encountered valleys and cliffs, she teleported across them and leisurely waited for the lion family to detour.

By chasing and stopping, five days had already passed. Daisy surprisingly became somewhat familiar with the three lions. Yesterday, she even tossed a roasted leg of lamb to the lion family from a distance.

They had grown thin from chasing Daisy. While the two adult lions seemed relatively fine, the young lion had clearly lost its initial vitality.

Amidst the rumbling sound of thunder, an unexpected downpour began.

Daisy had sensed the abnormality in the air earlier and had found shelter in a cave.

"Let the little one come in for shelter, but you two stay out!" Seeing the lion family drenched like wet chickens, she gestured to the three lions.

If all three lions entered the narrow cave together, she would be in danger. However, the young lion was no match for her.

She waved her hand twice more. Maybe it was because the lion family had ventured far from their territory and were tired, or perhaps the animals sensed that Daisy meant no harm.

In any case, the young lion maintained a cautious stance as it approached her.

Daisy gave the lion half of the cave to rest in, leaving the two adult lions outside in the rain.

Taking a leg of lamb out of her backpack, she tossed it from a distance.

The two adult lions, hungry, bent down to eat after catching its scent.

Daisy was not idle; she worked on adjusting her own frequency, trying to eliminate the hostility of the young lion.

It had to be said that young animals were quite easily fooled. The young lion never understood why it had been chasing Daisy. It probably thought it was all a game. Using unique frequencies and some Kunlun-style vibrations, Daisy felt the young lion gradually becoming friendlier toward her.

During this week, she had also learned a bit about animal behaviors. Animals were much simpler than humans. If she had approached them with goodwill instead of ambushing them earlier, their relationship might not have turned out like this.

Fortunately, it wasn't too late to mend things. Daisy planned to start with the young lion, gradually eliminating its hostility.

Seeing the young lion calmed down, she shifted her focus to the two adult lions outside.

The lioness displayed confusion and curiosity, which was relatively manageable. The grudge-bearing male lion, however, still remembered the punch that had knocked him out. He occasionally let out a low roar, showing his unwillingness to compromise.

"Hmm?" Daisy felt a strange and unusual wave in the air forming silently.

Before she could analyse it carefully, a lightning bolt as thick as a water bucket struck towards the roaring male lion.

Quickly raising her hand, Daisy sent a shockwave to temporarily block the lightning.

"Over here!" she urgently shouted.

The animal instincts of the lions made the male lion give up his hostility. He swiftly ran over to Daisy with his mate, both looking up at the sky.

Maintaining the shockwave and retreating, Daisy kept her distance until she was safely away before stopping the energy supply.

The lightning crashed down with a thunderous roar right where the male lion had been standing.

Daisy remained on guard, her focus intently on the sky. This lightning had a target and direction, clearly being man-made.

Less than ten seconds after the lightning strike, a dark-skinned woman, as if riding a gust of wind, whizzed to a stop in front of Daisy.

She wore a tight white vest that exposed her firm and smooth abdomen, with black pants on her lower half, and her feet bare. The woman had long legs and was quite tall. Suspended in mid-air, her eyes were entirely white. Silver hair fluttered in the wind, giving her a strange and eerie beauty.

The dark-skinned woman seemed surprised to encounter someone with powers in this remote wilderness. Gradually descending, her peculiar white eyes returned to normal, and she curiously appraised Daisy.