
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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"Contact the director, the outside world has always had a good impression of Director George. He holds a high position and won't be corrupted by money." Daisy tried to offer advice.

Brett was a bit puzzled. A mere patrol officer like him going to contact the chief of the New York Police Department?

With seventy-seven branch offices in New York, twelve traffic divisions, and nine housing bureaus, there were over thirty thousand formal police officers. What significance did he hold in front of the chief?

Moreover, reporting to a higher authority was a serious matter no matter how one thought about it. The African American patrol officer had to consider the impact of the entire situation on himself.

"If the chief doesn't listen to my explanation, then I'm done for..." he expressed his concern to Daisy.

Daisy knew that Director George was a good person, but others might not know. She couldn't explain her source of information, so she remained silent and let the patrol officer make his own decision.

"Well, this is something that should be done. It's my duty! But you should also come with me to meet the chief when the time comes." After a moment, the patrol officer seemed to have thought of something and said firmly.

Daisy had no choice. However, how to establish a connection with the chief was the patrol officer's matter. She only needed to recount her findings when the time came.

Over the next few days, Daisy was cautious and didn't wander around the streets. Instead, she joined a crash course in karate and practiced for two days.

After dealing with some gang members last time, she realised her shortcomings in close combat. Relying solely on shockwaves wasn't a sustainable strategy.

Being a city with millions of residents, New York naturally had places that taught Eastern martial arts. Xing Yi Quan and Wing Chun, among others, were available to learn. But Daisy had limited time and could only choose a simple and quickly learnable martial art.

Between Taekwondo and Karate, she chose Karate.

In the evening, the patrol officer, who had been missing for three days, found her.

"Going to the chief's house for dinner? Brett, you're doing well! Perform well tonight, promotions and raises won't be a problem." Daisy and the patrol officer had grown closer as they were now on the same boat.

As they walked, Daisy listened to Brett's experiences over the past two days and couldn't help but sigh. This guy was really going all out.

The patrol officer was quite clever. He didn't use the police internal email system. He acted like a reckless person and, under his colleagues' curious gazes, quickly ran over and placed a fine on the chief's official car.

The chief was taken aback. How did such an oblivious patrol officer end up in the police system? Out of a sense of mentoring, he talked to the patrol officer for a while. But before he could finish his advice, he was interrupted, and the patrol officer quickly recounted the situation.

The chief wouldn't jump to conclusions based on rumours. To reach his position, it wasn't just about passion.

Behind dealings of this level, there were various connections. He needed more evidence, which led to the invitation for dinner tonight.

The chief seemed relatively clean. He lived in a high-rise building in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. As they exited the elevator and pressed the doorbell for apartment 2016, a middle-aged man opened the door.

The man was somewhat lean, with blond hair and sharp eyes. He was serious and even wore a suit and tie at home.

He scrutinised Daisy with his gaze before allowing them to enter.

The chief's wife was very welcoming and summoned them to join for dinner.

At the dining table, Daisy saw several other family members of the Stacy household. First was the famous Gwen, a striking blonde who appeared to be around fourteen or fifteen years old and was quite well-developed. She seemed to regard Daisy with a hint of hostility.

That's the initial reaction when one beautiful woman encounters another, at least according to Daisy.

There was also a half-grown boy who appeared to be around seven or eight years old. Daisy remembered that they would have another son in the future.

At the dinner table, she also encountered the Stacy household's famous Lemon Sea Bass.

To be honest, her culinary skills here were a nightmare. Daisy had been in this world for two months and, apart from the "Chinese cuisine" prepared by her maid, she hadn't had a satisfying meal.

Eating bread and vegetable salad every day was barely tolerable. Now, she finally had a proper meal. After getting the signal that she could start eating, she enthusiastically dug in.

Eating sea bass wasn't a big deal for her, coming from an incredible nation. She could even eat alligator without any problem.

At first, Mrs. Stacy kindly inquired about her habits and friends, but as Daisy continued to enjoy her meal, she stopped asking.

Training in karate consumed energy, just like using her special abilities. Despite mentioning it a few times, the maid still prepared delicate dishes. Trying not to appear as a glutton, Daisy hadn't been able to enjoy her food in a long time.

Good looks are virtuous. Even if a beautiful woman did something wrong, it could be whitewashed, let alone just eating heartily?

She showed no restraint and ate gracefully, which left a favorable impression on both the chief and his wife.

A person with ulterior motives wouldn't eat so casually. That was the chief's impression.

This girl seems to have been hungry for a long time. How did she get so famished? That was the chief's wife's perception.

Gwen, who had always maintained a composed demeanour, was amazed by Daisy. Was this person a recent refugee? She eats so much!

Daisy devoured about a third of the dishes on the table, almost half. She wiped her mouth, looking satisfied.

Leaving Gwen and her mother looking displeased as they cleared the table, Daisy and the patrol officer entered the chief's office.

"Miss Johnson, could you explain how you found this target?" The chief spoke first.

Daisy couldn't mention that she had been targeted by a perverted old woman and had to defend herself. She needed the police's assistance to resolve the situation.

She fabricated a story about being asked to find a compatriot and then shifted the conversation. "Chief, I have reason to suspect that there are numerous brutally abused Chinese individuals in their underground facility."

"These are the pieces of evidence I've collected, although they're not direct proof."

She took out a stack of materials from her backpack. There were records of water and electricity consumption, delivery car logs, and several missing persons notices posted online. If possible, she really wanted to show the chief a photo of the old lady.

"Officer, this is the person!" She really hoped for an instant high-priority arrest warrant, a shoot-on-sight kind. Unfortunately, the old lady was cautious and had never been caught on camera.

Director George reviewed the evidence, and anyone with a functioning brain could see this was a major case.

The perpetrators might have believed they were protected by local police, acting with almost no restraint. Many pieces of evidence were quite obvious and easily accessible to any citizen.

Without knowing the full context, Director George thought highly of Daisy. She was a good person and had a very high sense of justice !

Director George had seen many individuals like this, who relied solely on their fiery passion to investigate criminals, among whom a significant number were women, which was quite remarkable.