
Tower of infinity worlds: I can save in Minecraft

In the year 2022 the world changed, with the appearance of the Tower, now the strong is the one who has the last word. 5 years later, Har Davius, a man from our planet Earth, died and travels back to when he was 18 years old. "What world is this? What is this Tower of Infinite Worlds?-Wait..." Actually, Davius ​​traveled to a parallel world, the worlds of the Tower are all from movies, animes and video games from his previous life, it's just that in this new world people have no knowledge of them. "With my knowledge of these worlds, I will become the strongest and make my family the most influential of all" Go into Minecraft and get the hidden Save and Load feature. "Ender Dragon? Ah, that giant lizard I beat to death" Trident, Immortality Totem, Elytra, Golden Apples, just go, enter and dominate all the floors of this tower. [Minecraft, Death Note, Solo Leveling, JoJo's, Overlord, One Punch Man, Transformers, Naruto, One Piece, Marvel, Dragon Ball...And many more] -This is a translation of my Fanfiction: Torre de mundos infinitos,solo yo puedo guardar partida -

MoHost · Anime & Comics
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Shadow clone jutsu

While those important people were going crazy over an armor, Har was looking at the books on the first floor.

"The ones that interest me the most are these."

[Book of Enchantment >Repair< Cost: 500,000 TP.]

[Book of Enchantment >Infinity< Cost: 300,000 TP.]

[Book of Enchantment >Fortuna III< Cost: 200,000 TP.]

[Book of Enchantment >Unbreakability III< Cost: 100,000 TP.]

"I can get more minerals by chopping them with fortune and adding

pickaxe repair, add unbreakability and infinity to the bow to kill monsters and be able to enchant on the anvil."

He had planned to do it once he has a diamond pickaxe, it's a

good plan but the monsters are not so simple anymore.

Har couldn't help but remember the skeleton that treated him like dirt, his

His brows furrowed and his fists clenched.

"First I have to get stronger."

Har entered the runner sales area to look for some useful skill.

"This is all rubbish."

[Skill Book: Ultimate Power.


Description: There is little to say, it is a supreme power, who wouldn't want it?

Cost: 10,000 TP.]

"If it's that good, keep it."

[Epic Book-Cean-

Description: It's a book I found on the first floor, I swear it said Binding Curse, buy it to bind your enemies to beat them to death.]

Har finally got fed up with this charade, it seems like everyone is one

scammers, however, a new post caught his eye.

[Skill Scroll: Shadow Clone.-Roaks-

Description of the tower: It is a scroll from the world

Naruto allows you to directly learn the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Cost: 100,000 TP.]

"Just what I needed, if I have this ability the clones will

They will help make everything easier."

Har began to imagine how comfortable life would be with this ability.

"A clone that is in charge of mining, a clone that fishes, a clone that kills

monsters, a clone to build, hahaha, but it costs too much."

Har has 10,180 TP, even if the armor sold he thought not

It'd be enough.

'I guess I just have to sell the gold if I want to have enough points.'

Har quickly put all the gold up for sale, setting the price for each

ingot at 10,000 TP and left the description to the tower.


Moments ago.

"Hey guys, do you know where I can exchange TP for money?"

A young man in his 20s was on a group video call while

he was checking out the tower shop.

}Sorry bro, now no one dares to trade.{

}That's right, when the Saint guild stopped buying points no one dared

to continue with their business, they fear offending the Saint guild.{

}Haha, people started exchanging their points for money to

buy gold and sell it at a higher price to the Saint guild, they stopped buying and those people now have nowhere to exchange the gold.{

}The other guilds are not willing to buy the gold from those

clients of the Saint guild.{

In the video call of 5 friends, everyone seemed to be prejudiced about

the saint guild.

"What is this.?"

}Hmm, what's up?{

"Someone just posted something, it looks like they exchange gold for TP."

}Are you sure it's not a scam?.{

"Wtf!? He's exchanging a kilogram of 24k gold for 10,000 TP."

}Hey, calm down and check the description.{

"It is described by the same tower, hahaha, it's my lucky day, 55,000

dollars for 10,000 TP, that person has gone crazy."

}What? I'll go shopping right now.{

}Yes, if he got the wrong price, he may withdraw it, we must buy it before he does.{

"Hurry friends, it's only 9 ingots, notify others."

In a little less than a minute the 9 gold bars were bought, the

exchanging points for money is highly sought after, normally they are made

exchanges of 1000 TP for 5000 Dollars, it could be said that these

bars cost $55,000, so they would be earning $5,000

dollars easily, no one would pass up an opportunity like that.

In addition, gold is now a highly sought after mineral, the main guilds

they use gold in their records to prove their fortune, so whenever

have no relationship with Saint guild you can exchange it with them.

"Gold sells like hot cakes, hahaha."

The 90,000 TP of the gold was immediately transferred to Har, immediately

he bought the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

"This will move me faster, I wonder if I can leave the clones in the first world while I'm gone."

[He has acquired: > Skill Scroll-Shadow Clone Jutsu <, he

reduced 100,000 TP.]

[-Shadow Clone Jutsu-

-Skill Type: Active-

Description: Allows you to clone yourself after following a

determined pattern of movements, clones are tangible but disappear when hit.

It takes 10 intelligence points to manifest a clone.]

[Do you wish to learn the skill.?]


After that, the scroll in his hands disappeared and the information about the skill entered his mind, he immediately learned hand seals and what was needed to summon the clones.

"Hahaha, this is amazing, I hope you publish more articles, Robles."

Har was very pleased with his purchase, he would even dare to pay a million if necessary.

"With that done, my intelligence represents my mana, basically any magic ability in any world will require mana, with armor points I must increase my intelligence."

[Iron Armor-Collector-

Starting price: 1000 TP.

Current bid: 17,000 TP.]

"How long do you plan to keep increasing, damn it, next time I'll just sell it."

Har wanted the points quickly, so he took the ax and stone pickaxe and sold them for 2,500 TP.

He also posted the wooden sword, shovel, and pick to sell for 500 TP.

Everything was sold within a few minutes and the 6,500 TP was immediately transferred to Har.

"I have to remember not to bid anything if I want points right away."

The auction was still going on and had risen to 18,100 TP, Har knew it would take at most an hour so he forgot about it for now.

"Status screen, buy 6 attribute points, add 1 point to intelligence and 5 points to defense."

[Operation completed.]


-Name: Harius Davius ​​Jubileus-

-Race: Human-

-Strength: 7- -Agility:6-

-Intelligence: 10- -Defense: 10-


-Jutsu shadow clones-

---Special function---

-Save game-

---General evaluation: E+---

-TP: 680- -Addable points: 0.-]

"Well, I wonder how my hearts will change on the first floor.

Before, when his defense was 5 points he had 5 hearts, so if now his hearts increased to 10 then they would be 100% related to his defense.

"Let's test this skill while the auction ends"

Har began to follow the information the scroll gave him and made various strange movements clasping his hands according to what he had on his mind.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu"
