
Tower of God: Gamer System

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Ch. 17 Training

( Zero Pov )

[ Baang ]

[ Level 1 -> 2 ]

[ +5% -> 10% damage ]

The [ Baang ] didn't increase in size, but it seemed to increase in density.

' This is a start... what if I try expanding it?'

And I tried, but the more I expanded the [ Baang ], the more it loses its density and becomes fragile.

' No, this isn't working. I'll keep it to its original size for now.' I concluded as I controlled the [ Baang ] to its smaller size.

I continued to train in Shinsu before running out of Shinsu.

After taking a break sitting on the floor, trying to come up with ways to improve my skills.

One was the [ Sharingan ]. To train in my hand to eye coordination since the [ Sharingan ] is able to predict and see fast movements, I'm sure my body wouldn't be able to keep up.

One way to train was a bouncing ball bouncing off the walls.

This would help me get my body getting used to moving in sync with the [ Sharingan].

After some time, I started to use two balls in different directions as they bounced against the walls, ceilings, and floor as I tried to catch them.

And as I'm training the [ Sharingan ], I'm also training [ Quick Reflexes] at the same time.

Pok! Pok! Pok!

I caught the first ball from the side before stepping to the side to dodge the other before it hit the floor, then to the fall.

With my other hand, I managed to catch it. Looking at the two balls, I decided to add another ball.

And as soon as I three them in different directions, they started bouncing against the walls.

It didn't take long for my body to start catching the three balls.

[ Quick Reflexes ]

[ Level 7/10 ]

After taking a break and recovering my stamina, I decided to mark the balls and try to catch them in their number order.

' 1...2....3...' I numbered the balls before closing my eyes and threw them in random directions.

I quickly opened my eyes and activated the [ Sharingan] to find the balls numbers.

It didn't take long to find them, but to move my body in order to catch them without touching the other balls was a little difficult.

Before I could catch the first one, I had to dodge the ball that was heading towards my direction first before ducking to dodged others.

I missed the first ball, but I waited for another opportunity.

I kept track of the balls in the room before making my move and grabbing the first ball.

With one less ball, I could easily start catching the other before increasing the intensity.

Mostly adding more balls and adding the greatsword into the mix. Instead of using the blades, I had to use the flat part of the sword. This would help I train my control over the sword.

But I also realized one thing.

' There isn't enough room in here...' I thought as I observed the room space.

' Yeah... I should head to the training room.'I thought before taking the balls and my sword towards the training room.

I managed to enter the training room without anyone bothering me, and along the way, I managed to have an idea.

To add mana to the balls, I didn't know the effects it would have, so I had to wait and see once I entered the training room.

It's empty and spacious as I set the greatsword to the side and took out five balls.

I focused the warmth on the balls as a silver hue covered them and threw them across the room.


The ball bounced across the room, gaining more momentum.

Seeing the ball moving faster than before, I took out the rest and added mana to them before throwing them randomly.

I took the great sword and walked to the middle while dodging the balls that were about to hit me.

' I should probably add more.' I thought as I took a few more balls before throwing them with mana.

I quickly lowered my stance and steadied my breathing before swinging the sword tonthe wide and hitting the ball back against the wall.

But before I could regain my footing, I felt a ball hitting my left face.

I kept my composure and tried to focus on the balls bouncing around the room.

I had to work on footwork, balance, and body control.

I didn't know how long it took until I managed to not get hit by the balls while hitting the other balls.

I was on the floor sitting on the ground to catch my breath after I managed to hit the balls as they now lay on the floor.

' One more time... but this time, I should use my skills.' I thought as I once again took the balls and filled with mana before throwing them from the middle of the room.

[ Thrust ] [ Brutal Cleave ] and [ Counter strike ] were the only sword skills I had as I used them even if it meant damaging the balls.

Over time, my body had gotten used to using these skills over and over, and now I'm combining them and mixing them together.

[ Ding! You've created swordmanship! ]

[ Unknown Swordmanship style ]

[ Level 1/10 ]

' Unknown...?' I frowned as I looked at the [ Unknown Swordmanship ].

[ Unknown style ]

[ Level 1 ]

( Description: uses a mix of fake, quick, and aggressive styles )

' What..?' I am beyond confused about this situation.

[ Swordmanship will remain "Unknown" once the user has unlocked their attribute. ]

' Attribute?? The fuck... I worked hard for this!' I'm angry that I couldn't find a way to use this new skill or technique but I soon calmed myself as I later figured an attribute is required.

" Fucking... sigh." I stood up and collected the destroyed balls from the floor and left the training room.

" How the fuck am I supposed to find my attribute?" I muttered walking down the hallway back to my room.

' It uses fakes, quick and aggressive skills, so what is it?' I laid in bed trying to find a clue in my attribute.

' So, if the skill isn't fully revealed, then does it use mana or shinsu, but shinsu is like water... water... right, warer could be aggressive, and quick and at the same time unpredictable.'

' So is it water?' I thought as I looked at my hand.

I tried to call upon the shinsu toward my hands and try to imitate water, but nothing, it only stayed as a ball.

I frowned and tried mana.

The mana was guided into my hand before I tried to make it feel like water, but nothing as I laid there defeated.

' If not water than what? Ice?...' I quickly looked at my hand and tried to make the mana freeze as I felt the warmth it had getting less and less.

I immediately sat up and started concentrating in my hand and mana as I kept my composure to slow the mana.

And then the mana started to release a cold fog while my hand started to freeze.

" So it's ice..." I canceled the ice as I looked at my hand.

I could still feel my fingers as I looked at the system panel.

[ Ding! Hidden Mission Completed]

[ Find your attribute, with no equipment or help. ]

[ Rewards: 250xp, one new skill and 3 skill points ]

' A hidden mission? Now that I think about it. I never checked the quest tab.' I thought as I looked at my new skill.

[ Cold Blade ]

[ Level 1/10 ]

[ + 10% cold attacks, uses 120mp to activate]

( Imbues your weapon with a layer of ice. )

[ Attribute: Ice ]

[ Level 1/ 10 ]

' Cold? Not ice?... Aren't they the same?' I thoight before ignoring it.

[ Unknown -> cold swordmanship style ]

[ cold Style: cold Blade ]

' The first technique...' I thought as I looked at another panel.

[ Level 4 -> 5 ]

[ 171/781xp ]

[ You received: one Stat point, two skill points. ]

I decided to save the skill points and use the stst point on strength.

[ Strength: 9-> 10 ]

[ Ding! You reached Level 10 Strength! ]

[ You've been awarded the perk: Brutal Combo. ]

[ Brutal combo ]

[ +25% damage after every consecutive strike ]

' Now, this is great. Something like this is perfect for groups.' I thought before grabbing my sword again.

This time, it was using the [ Ice Blade ], which covered the sword in a layer of ice.

[ Mp: 1,022/1,142 ]

120 mana points are used to activate the skill, and it lasted 12 seconds, which means 10 mp every second.

' I should hide this skill for now and only tain it in secret.'