
Tower of God: Gamer System

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

ch. 16 Shinsu Manipulation

( Zero Pov )

After messing with Androssi for a while, I gave Bam the rope again.

" I had to pay extra for two eels, and with Bams, that's makes three eels." I spoke, hoping for Androssi to give in.

" Eel? I don't eat meat. You didn't know that? But he looks so thin and pale... why don't you give it to him." She pointed to Bam.

" Hes so...thin....Well, I know I am, you got thay right." She started smiling to herself.

' Seems the hunger finally got to her.' I thought as she continued tonspeak to herself.

" Yes, I should eat meat or fish sometimes. But keep this in mind... I don't eat meat nit because in on a diet or anything... I just don't like greasy stuff. Got it?"

Bam and I nodded as I waited for her to take the pen in Bams hands.

" i don't care about getting fat. Actually, I do want to get fat, but I just can't."

" I just envy girls who get fay. Oh, was that mean?" Shebcontinuedbspeakingnas she looked at the paper.

" But wait!! Why am I the last on the list? I don't get this!!" She shouted.

" Huh? It's... just..." Before Bam could speak, Androssi kept complaining.

" I've never been last in my life! I'm always the first! I won't sign if I'm not!" She shouted.

" No way! I already brought you food. Why are you so demanding?" Bam asked.

" What...? You!"

I noticed Bam has released the rope.

I sighed and caught the tray before it could even fall.

" Oops!" Bam apologized.

" What?" Androssi looked up to see the plate and tried to reach for it.

I stepped back and started speaking.

" Sign, or I'll drop it." I threatened her.

" W... wait! Don't!" She shouted.

" Sign."

It didn't take long for her to sign as she received trays of food and didn't hesitate to show her unlady side.

I took this chance to take the paper for Bam and dragged him out.

" Here." I handed Bam the paper, and he received it.

" Thank you! And sorry about dropping the food. " He apologized.

" No need, just tell khun you succeeded. " i replied.

" Eh?" He exclaimed.

" I don't think you're the type of person to create this kind of plan. And Rak's too busy eating. So it's obviously khun's idea." I explained before leaving.

( Zero Pov )

" Huh? Really? Ms. Yuri is? " Bam exclaimed as he looked at Androssi.

" Yeah! She's like a mob boss." She replied.

I was silently eating as I wanted to save my food packet for emergencies.

" I... I can't believe that. She was so nice." Bam replied.

I raised an eyebrow at that.

" Bam... she kicked your face." I spoke.

" Eh? Really?" Androssi looked at me as I nodded.

Bam scratched his hair with a nervous smile.

" On the first floor, when I was about to go through the test, she appeared and landed her foot on Bam's face." I spoke.

" You were kicked? Poor you..." Androssi spoke as I continued eating.

" N...no!! It's not like that!"

" No? She kicked you at first sight."

" Well... there was a reason..."

I sighed and ignored their conversation as I didn't want to keep trying to decipher Androssi's words.

After I finished eating, I stood up and was about to walk towards my room.

" Hey! Where are you going?" Sweatsuit asked.

" To my room." I replied, leaving the area.

" I have no reason to make small talk." I replied as I exited the cafeteria.

" Wha..? What's his deal?"

" Leave it. It's known that he's the silent type."

I bumped into a hooded figure on my way out.

Her gaze fixated on me as she was about to open her mouth.

" I don't want to hear anything that comes from you, Rachel." I spoke passing her.

I didn't know why, but lately, I have been feeling like I'm getting behind.

[ Level 4 ]

[ 428/507xp ]

' I'm still a level 4, and I'm still weak against the stronger regulars here.' I didn't let my frustration show until I entered my room.

' The only thing I could do now is to keep improving my skills... and maybe create new ones like I did in the Crown's game.'

' I should also start practicing Shinsu... maybe I could ask Bam for some tips, but that makes me feel indebted to him.'

My pride didn't allow me to ask for help, so I instead started to train in my room.

First came stretching.

It has been a long time since I have stretched my body as I've been relaxing or training.

So, to hear my joints popping and loosening my muscles was a satisfying feeling.

And since I had the time, I started to doing works outs such as push-ups, sit-ups, squats, sword swinging, thrust, and footwork training.

Once done, I did it again and again until but with [ Body Enhancement] until my mana ran out.

Feeling the after effects of mana drain, I began to train in telekinesis as I lifted my greatsword off the ground.

After a minute, my brain started to feel like it was on fire as I had managed to learn something.

' It seems without mana, telekinesis uses my brain power to work instead.' I thought as I caught the greatsword before it fell.

I sat on the floor with a sword in my lap.

My head was still pounding as I closed my eyes, and before i knew it, I felt calm, almost feeling the same calmness in that dream before arriving in the tower.

For a few seconds, I let myself stay in that state before opening my eyes.

[ Ding! You've learned a new skill! ]

[ Meditation lvl 1 ]

[ +10% recovery rate ]

I felt my body had returned to its peak before standing up.

' Another skill. Well, since my body has recovered, I could keep training.' I thought as I looked at my Shinsu status.

[ Shinsu: 100/100 ]

[ Shinsu Manipulation Lvl 1 ]

' I'll train this later after tiring my body again.' I thought as I went back to training.

The first thing to do is use Telekinesis without the use of mana and instead use my brain.

The next is to develop my sword skills in a more refined manner.

And lastly is Shinsu training.

[ Telekinesis]

[ Level 6 -> 6.8 ]

[ Sharingan ];

[ Level 6.4 ]

' The sharingan...' This was a mystery to me as I knew it's able to memorize and predict attacks, but I have a feeling that does a lot more.

I saw each eye having two commas.

After canceling the skill, I started to train in Shinsu.

" But, how does one train in shinsu?" I asked myself.

I knew it was gathering it into my hands like I memorized from sleeping beauty.

A small light appeared on my hand as it reminded me of a ball.

I had a theory, but to see if it was going to be effective, I threw it against the wall.

But I looked at my hand to it still on my hand before not finally dispersing.

" Tsk." I created another as I created another ball, but this time, I tried to shoot it out of my hand instead, but it stayed.

It was vibrating.

' it it... refusing?' I thought as I pouted more shinsu into the ball.

Swoosh! Plak!

It hit the wall before dispersing.

" I see. So I will need to force it." I muttered.

Again, I created another but this time on the tip of my finger and aimed it at the wall.

Like a gun, it shot the wall before dispersing.

[ Shinsu Manipulation]

[ Level 1 -> 3 ]

[ +50% shinsu after every level up, - 15 Shinsu usage and 5% -> 15% Shinsu defense ]

[ Ding! You've learned Baang! ]

[ Baang Level 1 ]

[ 60 -> 45 Shinsu to activate ]

[ + 5% damage]

I looked at the panel before creating another, but nothing.

[ Shinsu: 0/225 ]

I raise an eyebrow at the display.

' If it's improving my volume of Shinsu, then why is it empty, or was it empty before it leveled up?' I thought before throwing away those useless thoughts

' I should rest until I've recovered enough to try it again. '