
Tower of God: Gamer System

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Ch. 18 Hide-and-Seek Pt. 1

( Zero Pov )

" Regulars participating in this joint position test! Congratulations to all of you!"

All regulars had gathered in front of Lero Ro as he began the test.

" This joint test is for 29 of you, excluding the ones who've already passed or failed. And 14 of you will form a team to take the test. "

" The regulars should take the test in the team assigned to them."

I looked up to a screen to see myself on team C.

' Team C...? Why am I the only one?' I looked to see a smirk on Lero Ro's face.

' He's amused but not enjoying it... so it's not his idea. Then who is it's?' I looked around to find clues only when I saw Director Yu.

' It's him...' I narrowed my eyes as Director Yu had a smile on his face as he drank his coffee.

"....Details about the test will be given by the test director, Test Director Yu?" Lero Ro looked at Director Yu, who lifted his head.

" Hi, I'm Hansung Yu, the test director. Nice to meet you again." He introduced himself before explaining the test.

" I'll now explain the test you'll be taking. The test is " Hide and Seek.""

' Hide and seek? There's no way they'll let us play a kids' game. It must involve the positions we took.' I concluded as I looked up to see Director Yu speaking again.

" Yes, it is the Hide and Seek that you know well. But this isn't a team competition. You won't have to battle the other team. Each team will play Hide and Seek with a seeker that we've designed."

Outside the window, you'll find a huge round construction. That is the stage on which you'll take the test."

I looked outside to see an enormous building.

" The rules are simple. Choose someone to be "It" among the fisherman. If the one who is "it" leaves the safety zone and reaches the exit without getting tagged by the seeker, you win. I will give you three hours. The game is over if the one who is "it" is caught by the seeker. "

' So, since I'm on my own, I'll be "it" huh?"

Director Yu held up a red patch.

" This represents the one who is "it". The person who is "it" should put this badge on. And if the seeker touches this badge, the sensor will turn on and stop the test."

" Of course, the seeker will also put this dagger on, and if you catch the seer or, in other words, touch this badge... you passed the test immediately, and the one who was "it" on that team will receive 2,000 individual points. "

" It's enough to change the results from the previous rounds.'

Amd after his explanation sweatsuit asked about who is the seeker.

And to the answer to his question was a boisterous laughter.

" Hahahahaha!! Nice question! I knew my students were good!" A red-haired man with a dark complexion arrived.

" I am... the seeker of this test!" He announced.

' Are we all going to ignore that Director spilled his coffee?' I thought as I noticed the coffee spilled on the table.

I also observed the man who introduced himself.

' He's strong if he's a seeker of this test and seeing his personality before. I'm sure he's not the type to hold back and enjoys fighting.'

' A ranker... I'll doubt he'll go easy on us. Even though he looks the weakest ranker here, it's best to expect him to be on Lero Ro's position.

[ Ding! New Mission ]

[ Survive!!]

[ Rewards: one weapon upgrade ticket, 250xp, and one mystery gift. ]

I looked at the panel before dismissing it.

A few minutes later, at 1 p.m., it is team A's turn, and I was walking towards the supply store to meet with the merchant.

I spent a few points on smoke bombs.

[ Smoke bombs ]

[ Concealment for 10/s ]

I have ten seconds for a cover and to blind the ranker on the test.

I bought 10 smoke bombs.

' It's better to be prepared.' I thought as I pocketed the smoke bombs.

' My best bet is to escape the building and try to slow him down as much as I could. I need to be fast and on my toes around that man.' Is what I would've planned, but I knew I couldn't outrun a ranker.

' My only plan is to face him head on and tag his badge to win. ' Whether it was pride or my [ Tactical Planning ], it was my best bet.

' Now, where should I put the badge? It's best to put it on my back.'

' It's best not to expose my attribute, I guess I'll have to sacrifice Shinsu to keep it covered.'

' I don't have anything as well except for this needle I was given for being a fisherman. So I won't be able to see or scour the area and have to face the ranker myself. Though I'm sure I'll have to use the [ Sharingan ] to see.'

I arrived inside the toom that had cameras looking into the test area and sat down on the oppsideof the table with a hooded woman who was probably Rachel.

I looked at the screen to see the ranker has taken down the lighthouse, their only source of light.

' It'll be complete darkness in there. The smoke bombs will be useless, but if I throw it into his face, it'll disorient him for a second.'

I crossed my arms as I looked at the screen observing them.

But it was dark, and I couldn't see a thing.

' But... how is it able to see? Or does he see at all? I guess I'll have to wait and see.'

After hearing a few voices, something illuminated the ranker and sweatsuit as the ranker was about to attack him.

This surprised the ranker as Anaak threw the lighthouse towards the ranker.

And just as the light was about to hit him, the ranker disappeared.

' Is thay his real speed? Or something else?'

I turned on the sharingan to observe the fight and memorize any movement the team and ranker made.

' He's angry.' I thought as I looked at the ranker holding Anaak's green sword.

But in the next second, he started laughing, which confused for a second before focusing back on the match.

' The only plan they have now is to run. Khun's plan failed.'

They had thirty inquest to run to the exit, and looking at the map, they weren't going to make it in time.

' Since they made space from the ranker, they either have to regroup and try to catch him or help the person who's "it" to the exit.'

And nownthat I think about it. Khun's first plan was lousy.

' He's obviously planning something else. But I don't know what it is.' I thought as I looked to see the ranker covered in darkness.

I managed to see the skill activating with the [Sharingan ], but it still confused me.

The group tried to attack him blindly but failed as he quickly made his way through them.

Everyone started cheering for the ranker as he took the large man with red wings down with a punch.

I heard Sweatsuit shouting at Annak as he tried to encourage her to escape and not run.

It didn't take long for the ranker to shake them off and head towards Anaak.

But it seemed he met with Khun instead, which later turned to the ranker to lift khun over the edge.

I narrowed my eyes as I looked at the lighthouse. Anaak was on top and a small lighthouse.

' Is that some kind of pulley system?' I thought as I saw Khun fall before using a rope to lift the lighthouse for anaak to escape.

' Didn't expect that.' I thought as I watched Anaak run towards the exit.

After this would be Team B's turn.