
Top Tier Providence System in Chaotic Sword God

This story is about a young man reincarnated in cultivation world. How would the young man survives in this world with law of survival of the fittest? Of course it's his system, perks, golden finger or what you want be called it is. His system is from the will of the omniverse so no Talking system or System that have a emotion or gender. So no fucking simp to system. Reminder: Unlike Han Jue who chose to stay in his Dao Field to get stronger. The MC would chose a adventurous path, so there's an unexpected changes in the system. [A/N: The system of the MC is just like from the Top tier providence. The reward he will get from rerolling is randomized from different cultivation novels.The system is given from the will of the Omniverse means there's a chance that there's a higher world to travel] Worlds: 1. Chaotic Sword God(Original World)

GodOfFanFiction · Others
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12 Chs

Rapid Progress (Part 2)

'It's time to achieve Minor achievement of the Chaotic Body' Longxi mumbled.

Longxi activated the Heaven Devouring Battle Law and Heaven Cycle Body Tempering and suck all the energy in the class 6 and 7 beast cores.

*Boom* *Boom"

An oppressive aura envelope the whole Changyang Manor and the space seems be in in the brink of being shatter. The Clan head and elder immediately got alert and find the source of the oppressive aura. After finding it's in the the location of fifth master room they got worried and they instantly appeared in front of his room.

The oppressive aura instantly vanished and they all sigh of relief.

Bi yuntian, Jian chen and all of the relatives of Longxi appeared in front of Longxi's room.


Inside the room, A young man has been in a lotus sit form and closed his eyes cultivating. He has a face that looks like it is carved out of jade. He has beautiful skin and adorable dimples that people couldn't help but admire. He has black hair with traces of silver hair to the sides. He has the height of 180 cm, without a doubt he was much taller compared to his age. He also has a deep blackish-eyes that make anyone mesmerized in it. After 8 years he's baby face now become a extremely handsome young man that look like a untouchable immortal.

"8 years has been passed, I finally reached the 1st layer of the Chaotic Body" Longxi mumble.

After achieving 1st layer of the chaotic body, His skin become more smooth and he also gain taller compare before. Longxi depleted all his saint force and decide to shatter his saint weapon to achieve the 1st layer of chaotic body.

In the first place saint weapon will only be his weakness so he decide to shattered it to achieve 1st layer of chaotic body. Because he has a innate chaotic body he smoothly achieve the 1st layer of chaotic body unlike Jian chen he needed to create his chaotic body and Neidan.

Neidan is very important for those who want to acquire chaotic body because, neidan can produce chaotic force infinitely as long there's a energy in the surroundings. It would convert the energy to chaotic force slowly.

Longxi already has chaotic body and neidan so he only needed a resources to nourish his body to breakthrough. His soul also got condensed, Longxi feel after he reached the realm saint ruler even if his body is destroyed he would still be alive. He feel that he can also tear space to create a spatial space to teleport up to 100 kilometers.

Based on the books he reads, condensed soul was the symbol of a Saint Ruler on the Tian Yuan Continent. Only those who had reached Saint Ruler could condense their soul. They would never die unless their souls were wiped out. A normal soul is bound to the body and will die with the body, as seen with Heaven Saint Masters. When they are freed and able to move independent of the body, they are the souls of a Saint Ruler. Saint ruler can also tear space to create a spatial space to teleport to different places.

After achieving 1st layer of chaotic body his realm reach the 7th layer of Saint ruler compared to the son of Jian chen in the canon who reached saint ruler 5th layer. He think this is because of the Heaven Cycle Body Tempering that his realm reach much higher.

He still doesn't know his overall strength because in Lore City there's no saint ruler except for him currently.

[As the System Detected you achieve the 1st layer of Chaotic Body, Congratulations on obtaining a Saint King-Grade Golden Cicada's Mystic Divine Robe]

[Golden Cicada's Mystic Divine Robe: A Saint King-Grade Artifact that can automatically defend against an enemy's attack. It can defend against up to a blow saint emperor. If you inject spirit energy into it, its defensive power will increase.]

'Holy shitt, am I not invincible now below saint emperor with this?'

Longxi took out the Golden Cicada's Mystic Divine Robe and wore it before putting on the clothes he has worn before.

The moment Longxi put on the Saint-king grade artifact, he felt his entire aura change.

He felt so safe!

[As system detected that host achieve the 1st layer of chaotic body and will soon start his journey in cultivation world. Congratulations host you have obtained Simulation Trial]

[Simulation Trial: You can set the opponent's cultivation and strength level and simulate a battle. The upper limit is their past and future cultivation limits that the system can derive. It can also detect all living beings in the whole Great Dao world and duplicate their strength to fight. The outcome of the battle will not affect their physical and mental state. The number of times it can be used is unlimited.]

'Sigh with this I don't have to problem about my combat experience.' Longxi mumbled.

'It's been a long time since I checked my status'

[Name: Changyang Longxi]

[Lifespan: 15 / 5000]

[Race: Mortal]

[Bloodline: None]

[Cultivation: 7th layer Saint Ruler]

[Technique: Heaven Devouring Battle Law Technique (Can be Inherited)]

[Body Tempering Technique: Heavenly Cycle Body Tempering ]

[Laws: None]

[Saint Weapon: Single Edge Sword(Shattered)]

[Martial Techniques: Three Pure Shadow Sword Technique]

[Items: Stainless Pure Lotus, Qilin Sword, Golden Cicada's Mystic Divine Robe]

[Cultivation Potential: Innate Chaotic Body: The rare Innate Chaotic Body is a heaven defying path, which possesses endless potential and guaranteed a glorious future, there was a heavy price behind such glory. That price was the tremendous requirement of energy for cultivation.]

[Connate Providence is as follows]

[Unparalleled: Immortal beauty, top-notch charm]

[Destined Sword Fanatic: Top-notch Sword Dao aptitude, top-notch Sword Dao learning ability]

[8355 class 6 beast cores, 3998 class 7 beast cores, 2500 class 8 beast cores, 1000 class 9 beast cores]

[Simulation Trial: None]

[Check interpersonal relationships]

After seeing his status Longxi felt satisfy.

Longxi sensed his whole family in front of his room. He intentionally unleashed his breakthrough to whole Changyang Manor to proved to his father that he really can surpassed the headmaster of Kargath Academy within these years.

Longxi decide to get out of his room to greet his family.

After opening his room, Longxi bowed to greet his parents.

"Father, Mother , first Aunt ,Second Aunt, Third Aunt"

When Longxi got out of his room they all become shock including Jian Chen seeing Longxi after not seeing him for 3 years. They got shock because of his changes and become more immortal like.

When Longxi inform them that he will be doing a close door cultivation for 3 years. Bi yuntian got worried because she would not see Longxi for 3 years.

"Long'er!!" After he come out of his room, His mother instantly hug him.

"Long'er, what happened to you? and what's that oppressive aura coming from you?" Changyang Ba curiosity asked. His mother and Aunt's also got curiously looking at him.

"Father, Mother, Aunt's this the result of my cultivation for 3 years, the oppressive aura earlier because I breakthrough. The changes in my appearance is because of my special physique." Longxi said.

"Special Physique? what kind of physique is this Long'er" Even his mother got curious.

"Mother, I don't know what kind of physique is this all I know this physique require more cultivation resources." Longxi said.

"By the way, Long'er what's your cultivation now?" Changyang Ba asked.

Hearing his father question, Longxi smirk at his father. Now he could make this opportunity to travel.

Seeing his smirk Changyang Ba got a bad premonition.

"Father I already achieve saint ruler. So I win the bet right and I could make any request from you?" Longxi mischievously said.

Hearing Longxi answer. Everyone outside the room of Longxi got silent. The first one to broke the silence is Chang Bai. He also with the clan head when they go to Longxi room.

"Sa-saint Ru-ru-ruler ? He-heavens"

Chang Bai got stutter.

"Long'er are you telling the truth?" Changyang Ba ask excitedly. Since their ancestor the only one who achieve the saint ruler. After the ancestor got missing the Changyang clan become isolated and didn't dare to provoke others and there's only a few heaven saint master at changyang clan currently it still the strongest clan in the gesun kingdom.

Instead of explaining he released a bit of his aura, his aura instantly envelop the whole Changyang Manor before retrack it back.

Longxi smiled at his father.

Everyone sensed the aura and confirm it's the aura of a saint ruler. Bi Yuntian become happy for his son because he become strong.

"Ok Long'er I accept you could make any request from me" Changyang Ba said. He knew that his son already surpassed the headmaster of kargath Academy because the headmaster is only at the Heaven Saint Master.

Longxi nodded happily.

Within the past few years, Right now, within the Changyang household, Longxi became the strongest in the Changyang Clan. Jian Chen's strength surpassed his second sister Changyang Mingyue, and his third brother Changyang Ke. Although Changyang Mingyue was over three years older than Jian Chen, her Saint Force had stopped at the seventh layer. As for Changyang Ke, he had never really had any talent for cultivating, and his current seventeen year old self had only achieved the fifth Saint Force layer after much difficulty.

In the early morning, a large group of people gathered outside the great hall. Amongst this group were Longxi parents, his three aunts, and even his third brother, Changyang Ke, and his second sister, Changyang Mingyue. Aside from them, a few of Changyang household's chief figures were also present. There was also a bird-type magical beast about 3 meters large that calmly sat on the ground, not too far from the crowd of people.

Today was the day that his fourth brother Jian Chen would leave for Kargath Academy to study. The minimum standard to enter Kargath Academy was having achieved the eighth level. In addition, the person's age could not be over eighteen. Currently, Jian Chen met both of these standards. Moreover, today happened to also be the enrolling general assembly for Kargath Academy that only occurred once a year.

Bi Yuntian's face was covered in tears as she looked at Jian Chen. With a loving gaze, she said, "Xiang'er, you have to study diligently at the academy. Try to stay out of trouble, understand?" Bi Yuntian spoke with a tone filled with deep concern.

Jian Chen obediently nodded, and said, "Don't worry, Mother, I know what I should do."

Changyang Ba walked up to Jian Chen, and said, "Xiang'er, this Space Belt is something Father prepared especially for you. Although it isn't anything priceless, and the amount of space inside isn't very large, it can still store some small things. If you break through the tenth level by the time you turn eighteen and condense your Saint Force into a Saint Weapon, then Father will reward you with a Space Ring and a Monster Core." While speaking, a very exquisite belt had already appeared in his hands. Seeing the size of the belt, it was obvious that it had been specifically tailored for Jian Chen.

"Brother give me your Space belt for minute." Longxi said.

Jian chen become puzzled but complied ang give him his belt to his brother.

Longxi get the Belt and secretly put a 2 class 7 beast core equal to saint ruler before give it back to his brother.

"Brother I put a class 7 beast core in your Belt. It help you to your cultivation. Keep it cautiously." Longxi secretly whisper to his brother.

Jian got shocked and nodded. He also know what a class 7 beast core.

Jian Chen accepted the belt, and said with a strong self-confidence, "Father, mother I will definitely become a Saint soon and brother I will definitely catched up to you." Jian chen said with determination.

Longxi nodded.

Changyang Ba and Bi Yuntian expressed a trace of a smile, and he looked at Jian Chen with a gaze full of gratification.

"Fourth master, it's getting late. We should go on our way." At that moment, the housekeeper Chang Bai that was standing on the side, spoke up.

Jian Chen gave one final glance at his mother, father and longxi then walked over to Chang Bai without once turning his back, and said, "Chang Bai, let's leave."

Chang Bai reached out and lifted Jian Chen onto the back of the flying magical beast. Afterwards, he jumped on as well, sitting next to Jian Chen. Faintly smiling at Jian Chen, he said, "Fourth master, sit tight please."

Afterwards, he only saw Chang Bai pat the magical beast's back. In an instant, the flying magical beast seemed to have received a command, and stretched out its 10 meter long wings to fly up. It directly rose up into the air, and began to quickly fly off into the distance.

(To be Continued)