
Top Tier Providence System in Chaotic Sword God

This story is about a young man reincarnated in cultivation world. How would the young man survives in this world with law of survival of the fittest? Of course it's his system, perks, golden finger or what you want be called it is. His system is from the will of the omniverse so no Talking system or System that have a emotion or gender. So no fucking simp to system. Reminder: Unlike Han Jue who chose to stay in his Dao Field to get stronger. The MC would chose a adventurous path, so there's an unexpected changes in the system. [A/N: The system of the MC is just like from the Top tier providence. The reward he will get from rerolling is randomized from different cultivation novels.The system is given from the will of the Omniverse means there's a chance that there's a higher world to travel] Worlds: 1. Chaotic Sword God(Original World)

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Perceiving the Way Of the Sword

*Boom* *Slash*

After Jian Chen go to Kargath Academy, Longxi begun to practice his swordsmanship. Longxi can't practice any sword technique because he doesn't have. He is using the Simulation Trial, Longxi copy his father and few chief of the clan battle prowess to practice.

Longxi has a sword fanatic talent, he was sure that he will achieve to perceive the way of sword within one year. So after accompanying his mother for a month. Longxi decide again to close door cultivation for one year.

In the novel of Chaotic Sword god, The Way of the Sword is one of the 3000 Great Ways which define the order in the World, and it's known for being one of the most powerful by striking power.

There is one that manifests itself as a higher form of the Way of the Sword, it is the Ultimate Way of the Sword. It is alternatively called the King of the Way of the Sword. It is unmatched at the same level of cultivation, capable of killing those that have lower cultivation levels with just a thought.

'The Ultimate way of sword is my target but I must perceive first the way of sword.'

After practicing his swordsmanship Longxi began to meditate.

5 months has been passed

Longxi in a meditated state opened his eyes and took out his sword. Longxi connect his soul to the Qilin sword after few minutes the sword trembled and float in the air and began to swing randomly based on the will of Longxi.

"Although I still didn't perceive the way of sword. I achieve the sword skill soul sword' Longxi mumble.

Soul sword allows the user to control the sword with the soul, as long as it's in the range covered. It can be used as a ranged killing skill.

Soul sword has a lot of advantages in a

battle it can use as a trump card. Longxi's range of soul sword is around 100 meters.

after a few hours of practicing Longxi fully mastered the sword skill.

Longxi meditated again in a lotus position.

Time passed

A sword intent countless times more pure than before began to radiate from Longxi at this moment. The wind and clouds outside the Changyang Manor immediately began to surge with its appearance, changing the weather. The surrounding air lost its usual peace under the influence of this sword intent, becoming extremely sharp, like it was filled with invisible swords.

The Lore's city residents begun to panicked because of strange phenomena. All the residents of Lore's City feel that the weather become a sharp sword.

In the Changyang Manor, Changyang Ba already know that this is the cause by his son because before his closed door cultivation. He said that his going to cultivate a powerful sword technique. He didn't think that it would cause to change the weather like a sharp sword in whole Lore's city.

Changyang Ba immediately mobilize the guards and officials of lore's city to inform that the cause of change is because of his son's sword technique.

In the whole Gesun kingdom, they already know that the Changyang clan fifth son is a million in a lifetime genius who achieve saint ruler at the age of 15 yrs. old. There's so many legends about Longxi in the whole kingdom that he is the son of heaven and how handsome he is. Now in the Gesun kingdom there's now a Saint Ruler expert.

The Gesun kingdom king also immediately formed a marriage alliance to the Changyang clan fifth master. Changyang clan head agree and Longxi got engaged at princess of the kingdom without his knowledge. After the announcement of the marriage alliance the whole kingdom begun to celebrate because now the whole kingdom will become more secure.

After the guards and officials mobilize, The whole Lore's City immediately calm down after knowing the cause of the phenomenon is because the fifth master of Changyang clan is practicing a powerful sword technique. They also become happy because the fifth master become stronger again day by day. Lore's city residence cheer happily and shout 'sword saint'. After witnessing the phenomenon they now called him Sword Saint.

After a few hours the phenomenon dissapeared and the whole city embrace by the light again.

Inside the Changyang Manor, Longxi opened his eyes. Longxi feel like he is no longer made of flesh and blood and was instead a sharp sword that stood in the world, radiating with a shocking sword Qi.

'This is the true sword Qi' Longxi mumble with a satisfy smiled.

He finally perceived the way of sword. He retrack his sword aura and hide it. Now he become like a normal person this is one of the function of the system it can hide his cultivation it can also hide his heavenly secrets from the higher being.

After he perceived the way of sword he also learn the sword skill called Sword riding.

Sword riding is a basic technique. Using a sword as a means of transportation. In the Lower Realms, one can traverse thousands upon thousands of miles in an instant.

[The system detect the host perceive the way of the sword. Congratulations for obtaining the Sword of Solitude]

[Sword of Solitude: One would become unparalleled under the heavens after learning the Sword of Solitary. One slash severs the connection to the secular world, tens of thousands of sword qi change into the sword of solitary, enabling it to cut down all immortals and mortals alike. Unparalleled. Solitary is alcohol, is sadness, it's homesickness.]

[There are four sword:

The first sword uses the blade to cut through flowing water but the water still flows. When one is able to sleep when he's alone, he could certainly eliminate all troubles within his mind.

The second sword, I hope to ride on the wind and return to the heavens; the sword qi can sever the sky.

The third sword, standing alone!

The fourth sword, freezing three thousand miles]

'fuck this sword skill isn't this from dragon-marked war god? this sword skill is too OP. I got lucky this time'.

Longxi jumped happily.

Longxi sat in a meditated position again and began to study the sword skill.

After a month, Longxi aura become more refined. If before his aura is like tyrannical that can cut down anything at any moment. His aura now become like a sword that full of freedom and like a flow of water full of solitude. Longxi only master the first sword even with his fanatic sword talent. He can't still grasp the second sword he thinks that the reason is his limited Strength.

"I should try this sword skill in the simulation trial." Longxi mumbled.

Entering the simulation trial he faced thousand copy Changyang with a strength of Saint King. This is the limit if he wants to raise the strength of his opponent to the maximum.

Facing the thousand of saint king realm. Longxi took out his qilin sword and release his aura, his cultivation now reach the 8th layer saint ruler. He automatically reached the 8th layer after a year of sword cultivation. Longxi start using the 1st sword of Sword of Solitude and Imbue it with Chaotic force. He slash it vertically.

"sword slash sound*

Thousand of saint king got slashed in half. One strike thousand kill. After he perceived the way of sword his sword strength also amplified.

Longxi nodded with satisfy expression.

[Name: Changyang Longxi]

[Lifespan: 16 / 5000]

[Race: Mortal]

[Bloodline: None]

[Cultivation: 8th layer Saint Ruler(1st Layer Chaotic Body)]

[Technique: Heaven Devouring Battle Law Technique (Can be Inherited)]

[Body Tempering Technique: Heavenly Cycle Body Tempering ]

[Laws: Perceive(Way of sword)]

[Sword Skill: Soul Sword, Soul Riding, Sword Of Solitude(1st Sword)]

[Saint Weapon: Single Edge Sword(Shattered)]

[Martial Techniques: Three Pure Shadow Sword Technique]

[Items: Stainless Pure Lotus, Qilin Sword, Golden Cicada's Mystic Divine Robe]

[Cultivation Potential: Innate Chaotic Body: The rare Innate Chaotic Body is a heaven defying path, which possesses endless potential and guaranteed a glorious future, there was a heavy price behind such glory. That price was the tremendous requirement of energy for cultivation.]

[Connate Providence is as follows]

[Unparalleled: Immortal beauty, top-notch charm]

[Destined Sword Fanatic: Top-notch Sword Dao aptitude, top-notch Sword Dao learning ability]

[8355 class 6 beast cores, 3998 class 7 beast cores, 2500 class 8 beast cores, 1000 class 9 beast cores]

[Simulation Trial: Changyang Ba(Copied), Few Officers(Copied).]

[Check interpersonal relationships]

Seeing his status Longxi nodded with satisfy smile.

Longxi decide to go out now after a long time.

'Based on the novel 11 months before the mercenary king would held.'

'I'm sure that Jian Chen is out of the kingdom by now.'

Longxi though in his mind.

Entering the main hallway Longxi greet his Father with his Mother and Aunt's

"Father, Mother, Aunts, It's been a long time."

"Long'er, how are you Mother miss you so much" Bi yuntian looked at his son adoringly and eyes full of Motherly love.

"Mother I'm ok I got also stronger and I also miss you" Longxi hug his mother before turning to his father.

"Long'er congratulations, We know that you master a sword skill right?" Changyang Ba smile happily at Longxi.

"How do you know fath-?" before continuing to ask. Then he remember that perceiving the way of sword also would cause a sword phenomenon. Before continued saying, " Father although you are not wrong that I master a Sword skill, you are wrong about the cause of sword phenomenon"

"What do you mean Long'er?" Changyang Ba asked curiously.

"Father, that's because I perceive the Law of sword or what they called the way of sword. The way of sword can be achieved by someone with sufficient strength and sword talent also high comprehension. After I perceive the way of sword I can cut in half a whole small city with my single swing alone."

After Longxi explained the way of sword to his father.

Everyone got suck at cold breath. How terrifying is this? cutting a small city with just a single sword slash alone? how terrible.

Seeing the silence in the room Longxi become embarrassed immediately changing the subject Longxi asked, "Father, How's fourth brother in the Academy and Why I don't see second sister and third brother?"

Hearing Longxi they again become quite, before Changyang Ba said, "Your third brother is now in practicing to become in charge of the guards in the city, your fourth brother is got an accident in the academy. He severely cut the arms of the young master of the Hua yun sect. Hua yun sect didn't retaliate because we have you a saint ruler. So your fourth brother still in the academy."

Longxi become stunned 'It seems like because of my presence the whole plot has changing. It's what they called butterfly effect?'

"Then what about Second sister father?" Longxi asked.

hearing Longxi question, Instead of Changyang Ba, His Third Aunt answer his question said with a sad expression, "Long'er your second sister, Yue'er run away after hearing his marriage engagement. She didn't even tell us that she didn't want to marry. She just run away after hearing her engagement."

"Sigh second sister is really a headstrong. Don't worry third aunt I'm going to find sister during my journey" Longxi said.

"Journey?" Everyone exclaimed.

"Right father, My request to you is to give me your permission to leave the Changyang Manor. I'm going to the Mercenary City after 10 months" Longxi said.

"Ok Long'er, I know as your strength now, staying here will only held you to progress." Father nodded with a smile his mother also smile it's seems like she also agree.

"Thank you Father, then I would go back to my room to rest." before Longxi walk out the room.

"Wait, Long'er before you go. I would like to inform you. The king of Gesun kingdom would send the commander to escort you to the Capital within a months from now" Changyang Ba said. before continued saying, "The king want's to meet you"

"Why?" Longxi curiously asked.

"Because of the marriage alliance for both you and princess Ge Lan." Changyang Ba said like a drop of bomb in the ear of Longxi. Longxi got dizzy because of this information.

"Marriage, why I only know about this now?" Longxi said in daze.

His mother looked at him mischievously and giggle slightly.

Looking at his mother, Longxi ask his mother saying, " Mother do you know about this too."

Bi Yuntian looked at his son playfully saying, "Of course I know about it. This is about the marriage of my son you know. We didn't inform you because you are busy at your cultivation. I also want you to have someone to take care of you, you know only how to cultivate. I don't my son to only cultivate until he get's old."

Looking at his mother and hearing her reasoning, Longxi could only sigh in defeat and agree. " Ok! Mother, Father but if the princess doesn't want to marry me. We would cancel the marriage."

Hearing his answer Bi yuntian become happy saying, " Of course who would not want to marry my son. My Long'er is too handsome you know. Also I heard that the princess of Gesun kingdom is also beautiful."

"Ok! mother, father, and aunt's I'm going to rest now"

The all nodded smiley.

(To be continued)