
Top 10 Famous Death Scenes: The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start!

Synopsis: Top 10 Famous Death Scenes No. 10: Demon Slayer - Kyojuro Rengoku's Demise Lights Up the Night, the Eternal Flame of Purgatory In the world of Demon Slayer, the passing of Kyojuro Rengoku shines as a beacon in the night. The flames he wielded continue to burn brightly, never to be extinguished. No. 9: Pirate World - Whitebeard's Furious Onslaught at the Navy Headquarters Marks the Dawn of a New Pirate Era Within the World of pirates, Whitebeard's fierce assault upon the Navy Headquarters left an indelible mark, even as he fell in battle. This event heralded the arrival of a new era of piracy. No. 8: Naruto Universe - Unraveling the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the Fall of Madara's Grand Ambitions In the Naruto universe, the powerful illusion of the Infinite Tsukuyomi was shattered, revealing the true intentions of Madara's grand scheme. His ultimate dream crumbled, a victim of its own deceit. No. 7: Naruto Universe - The Uprising of the Nine-Tails, Fourth Hokage's Sacrifice for the Sake of Naruto Amidst the turmoil of the Naruto world, the Fourth Hokage and his beloved wife united in a heroic sacrifice during the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Their selflessness ensured the safety and future of Naruto. No. 6: ... The aftermath of these poignant scenes was followed by more entries in the "Top Ten Black Pseudonymous Scenes," with mischievous Laughing Bats spreading across the multiverse. As the chronicles unfold, Ryan emerges as the central deity, guiding the destinies of each recounted character, all of whom have become reincarnators. Once again, they are destined to alter the course of fate. ******** *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* Top 10 Famous Death Scenes, The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start! This is a translation of Chinese Novel. *********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it.

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 177 : Lantern Corps!

In the depths of the Batcave, Bruce Wayne surged to his feet, fists clenched tightly!

The rapid succession of images, just a few seconds long, left him reeling!

What had transpired?

Why did Lois meet her end?

And to compound the tragedy, she carried Clark's child!

The loss of the two most vital individuals in his life dealt a crushing blow, shattering Clark's heart beyond repair!

To make matters worse, Darkseid had the audacity to imply that Lois perished due to Clark's inadequate protection!

As Clark's gaze fixated on the screen, a chill ran down his spine.

The fury simmering within him threatened to consume the world itself!

Bruce hammered his fist down upon the table, his gaze burning with fury at the screen!

He was convinced that if the future entailed safeguarding Lois himself, he must be prepared for any eventuality!

Yet despite his vigilance, Lois still met her demise!

"Blast it all! Why is there no coherent playback? Why does the footage stutter?"

With nothing but the forewarning of Lois's impending death, Bruce found himself utterly clueless!

Off-screen, the jubilant cheers of Earth's populace had turned to a deafening silence, replaced by an overwhelming sense of dread!

In Gotham, the Joker's eyes gleamed with a newfound intensity, as though he had unearthed a realm of untapped potential!

"The anti-life formula has been unleashed successfully," Darkseid announced, withdrawing his hand with a satisfied smirk.

Moments later, with an air of authority, he commanded Superman:

"Go forth, Child of Krypton!"

"You were cast out of paradise by them; now, it's time to bestow upon them a taste of hell!"

Superman lowered Lois's charred remains, bowed his head, and knelt upon one knee.

"I shall obey, my lord."

All hope seemed lost.

Within the DCEU realm, a myriad of voices harbored similar sentiments.

Many refrained from laying blame upon Darkseid, the instigator of this catastrophe, instead directing their ire towards Bruce Wayne for his failure to safeguard Lois!

On the desolate grounds of Apokolips, Darkseid's lips curled into a satisfied grin.

If his plan succeeded in this footage, victory in the future was assured!

"I already possess the Omega Effect and have acquired the anti-life equation!"

"The New Genesis will fall under my dominion and kneel at my feet!"

A thunderous boom reverberated through the skies, heralding the arrival of Superman hurtling through the air at breakneck speed, his destination: Wayne Manor, the abode of Batman!

The Justice League's newly erected watchtower lay in ruins, yet the members' meeting place remained unchanged, a testament to their resolve amidst chaos!

[He only has one idea now, kill Batman!]

[And at this moment, two emerald lights streaked through the sky with incredible speed, intercepting Superman!

[In an instant, the emerald lights coalesced into existence, forming two immense cages, ensnaring Superman perfectly!]

[The momentum of the emerald lights ceased, revealing two figures within!

[One unmistakably an alien of unique appearance, the other, a human!]

[Yet both adorned in matching emerald attire and wielding a singular green ring!]

"It's the Green Lantern Corps again. These pests are relentless, traversing the cosmos!" Darkseid sneered coldly, recognizing them as one of his greatest impediments to world conquest.

Meanwhile, in the Marvel universe, Deadpool stood tall, his animosity seemingly forgotten as he proclaimed proudly:

"As expected, I must be the hero!"

"The bleak DC universe relies solely on me for salvation!"

Strange couldn't help but twitch his mouth. "Truly hopeless," he muttered.

Deadpool was about to recite a Green Lantern oath when Superman's voice resonated from the screen!

[Inside the confines of the cage, Superman regarded the two figures before him with icy resolve and uttered:]

"Submit or perish?"

[Without hesitation, one of the Green Lanterns spoke in a hopeful tone 🙂]

"[Alien beings, resist the control. This isn't your true selves! Look around, your homeworld lies in ruin, and the humans you cherish weep in sorrow!]"

"[Awaken, Darkseid is your foe…]"

"Wrong answer!"

[Superman's voice, cold and unwavering, cut off the other's words, shattering the seemingly impenetrable green cage in the next moment!]

[Simultaneously, the sickening sound of bones being crushed filled the air!]

[Hal's body froze, his gaze shifting slowly to his side, fear evident in his eyes!]

[There lay the Green Lantern Warrior Kilowog, his neck twisted by Superman's hand, his head limp!]

[The ring on the fallen warrior's finger detached, floating into the air!]

"A second kill? Impossible!"

On the OA star, countless Green Lanterns gazed in disbelief!

Across the cosmos, Sinestro, leader of the Yellow Lanterns, grinned cruelly:

"Yes, embrace your fear, the ultimate warrior!"

In that moment,

[A yellow lantern ring pierced through space, appearing before Superman, a distant voice echoing in his ears!]

[Target acquired.]

[Kal-El of the Milky Way!]

[You wield the power to instill great fear in others." 

[Welcome to the Sinestro Corps!]


Superman crushed the yellow power ring, causing the green light, which had hovered in the air, to scatter in a hurry, dissipating into nothingness!

Off-screen, the once-smiling face of Sinestro, now flushed with anger, turned a shade of purple!

He hadn't anticipated Superman's outright rejection of the Yellow Lantern Corps, let alone the destruction of the Lantern Ring!

Such an affront to him!

Yet, despite this, he harbored no intentions of descending upon Earth!

Devoid of the Parallax fusion, he stood no chance against Superman whatsoever!

Unperturbed, Superman fixed his gaze upon Hal Jordan, his eyes ablaze with crimson intensity, his heated stare poised for action!

["Surrender or face oblivion!"]

[Superman demands once more!]

Casting a glance at the lifeless body in Superman's grasp, Green Lantern Hal Jordan drew a deep breath and shut his eyes!

[Fear? Yes, indeed!]

[But will he yield!?]

Hal reopened his eyes, facing the formidable Superman with unwavering resolve!

[Confronting one's fears, that's true valor!]

In the pivotal moment, in the shadow of impending doom, he made his decision known!

["In brightest day, in blackest night!]

["No evil shall escape my sight!]

["Let those who worship evil's might,]

["Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!"]

["I am Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern, and I shall never surrender!!!"]


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