
Too OP in MHA

MC Acts his own age except really smart and has 1 OP quirk and 1 Fun quirk.

Hippo9999 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Time skip

The Net Day:

Kia POV:

Today I am going to school and meeting Tusyu for class.

"Hi, Tsuyu, guess what happened."

"What?" I scoot in close to her so others can't hear my secret, "I got another quirk!" When I turned to look at her, her eyes were as big as ostrich eggs. She scoots closer and asks, "what does it do?" To that I turn to look at a blonde spiky haired kid and poke the air where his chair leg is. CRASH!!! "Who the fuck did that?!" Some random kid in class asks the teacher, "What does 'fuck' mean?" I say "Rumi says fuck is what you say when the teacher is there and you want to get out of school really fast, but also says that if you say it you will get sick and have to stay in the same grade for 5 years straight!!!" Now a green haired kid looks really pale and asks "Is that true?!?" And the teacher doesn't answer and sends the blondey to the principal's office.

Tsuyu asks again "so what does it do?"

"It makes me able to knock stuff back like in a video game!" I say in a shushed voice. "I will show you when you come play at my house, OK?" Tsuyu nods at my question.

I put on a mischievous grin and say "but for now, it it will make for great pranks!" Tsuyu copies my face and we prank the whole class and the teacher for the rest of the day.


Tsuyu and I when down into the train room and I showed her all the applications of my new quirk and also discovered that if I cover myself with a layer of energy and someone touches me that I can block the one who touches me gets blown back. We also found out that if I put a layer on my mouth and blow it feels like a gust of wind is blowing. And we found that when I add more energy, the knock back gets stronger. "I wonder if I focus it all on my finger?" BOOOOOOOOOM!!! Uh oh, the punching bag exploded. 😬

After we were done, we went to play video games and also went to the park and played 'what can I shift into'. The game goes I have to shift into any thing she says and let her see if what I shift into is useable. So I shifted into a a toy car and she launched me off the slide then some random kid picked me up and ran away, so I shifted into a snake and he screamed and ran away. After that the kids mom came to us to see what happened and asked where the snake was so I said in a really cute voice "I don't know where the SNACK went."

To go home I shifted into a scooter with a mouth and eyes so we could go together. When we got home she got picked up and I had to train with Rumi.

The days went on and on like this and I got stronger and smarter and we went to school and had fun pranking people, especially that blonde kid. He eventually stopped leaning back in his chair and only cursed when the teacher wasn't around. His green haired friend got bullied too, so we pranked the bullies a lot and they eventually stopped in school and just ignored him.

For Halloween I was Endeavor for all those years and I had to runaway from the real Endeavor one unlucky year. His son looked horrified, so I guess my costume was

Time skip 6 years:

I am now going into middle school! Crazy right?! I have gotten so strong I can knock down a tree and shift in to electrical and gas powered vehicles!!! The other day Tsuyu was going home by walking, so I surprised her and shifted into a car. She looked so happy when she got in I was blinded by her smile. She asked me to do this every day, so I said why not.

Also I found out if I shift into a thing that has room, like a Barbie house or car, I get to have like another me inside like a avatar in a game, but inside the place IRL.

So that's cool and all but what's cooler is Rumi is now a hero!!! She's my favorite, the top hero on my list and next is All Might because of how good he is to Japan.

My training went up again and since I am really good at hand to hand combat, Rumi got me to practice with guns, and I can shift a lot of different guns. I have tried fictional guns but it seems I have to know all its functions, because I had to watch all the 'space wars' movies (MHA Star Wars) to be able to shift in to a 3 meter wide Millennium Falcon. I was able to hover 5 meters off the ground and shoot lasers that can pierce 1 meter into concrete.

Anyway, today is my first day of high school and the only person I know so far is Tsuyu. When we get to class we sit in the back and scope out the prank opportunities. The whole class gets a chill down there spine as we look around. I found a very interesting guy with glasses that is Karate chopping at a student😏. I put 1/2 a layer in front of my mouth and blow his feet out from under him.

CRASH "Hey who did that? If you did it, it would be extremely responsible to come and apologize to me and if you don't I will tell the teacher some one did that." Everyone looked at him like he was crazy!

The teacher came in after that and made everyone introduce them selves and when I introduced myself some one said "Hay, I heard about your school, someone said last year about there was someone who was pranking people by acting like a ghost, but when people tried to remove the bed sheet there was nothing under it. Do you think the ghost moved to this school?" "Oh, I think he may have, because when I came here I saw the ghost's sticker on the front door. Maybe we should go on you should go on a ghost hunt and see if you can find him."

So that's what happened. They went on a ghost hunt after school and I scared them like 20 times. You should have seen their faces, the glasses kid was as pale as me. Tsuyu stopped pranking with me because she says she has to study so I take her home and then come back and prank.

Oh, if your wondering if I have to study, the answer is no, because I have finished college level material and I am just in school, basically for the Pranks. Also when ever I see Tsuyu she always seems like she's expecting something and when I asked Rumi she just said "Brat your dense," so I don't know what to do.

I hope she will tell me what is bothering her so she is happy, because when I ask her what's wrong she says nothing is wrong, so I'm lost. I guess I will have to look up the word 'dense' when I get home.

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Hope it’s good because it needs more attention than the other books I will never continue...

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