
Too OP in MHA

MC Acts his own age except really smart and has 1 OP quirk and 1 Fun quirk.

Hippo9999 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

4 years



"Rumi! Rumi! Rumi! Rumi! Rumi!!!" "Wake up" I say.

"5 more minutes" says Rumi.

"No you have to get up, I have a surprise!!!" I say.

"What, did you get another quirk!!!" Says Rumi.

" How'd you guess?!?" I Say.


"Fine, I'm up what happened now." Says Rumi.

"So I woke up this morning and I was going to go open the door to wake you up and I went to open the door and boom, the door flew right off its hinges. I was so surprised I accidentally shape shifted into a pillow. When I unshifted I went to mom and told her what happened and she said I have to wake you up, because we are going to the quirk doctor and then I went to your room and your door flew away too and then I woke you up."

(please keep in mind, 4 year olds speech patterns are not super dignified and they never shut up, so I don't need to add commas to his lines until later.)

"Why do I have to come?" Says Rumi.

"Because your my big sister!" I say.

"Kia Im sure you'll be fine if I sleep cause it's still 5 am."

"NO!!! Get up. You have to come or I won't let you train me today!!!"

She gave me a look like a angry mom and said " Fine, but you have to go over your max during workouts"

"YAY!!!" I exclaim, as she gets up and makes me fall on the floor.

She shoo's we out as she changes and when she's done we go down to eat. When we are done eating we go to the car and mom drives us to the quirk Doctor. We wait for a little and talk about what we think my second quirk is. Eventually the doctor comes and he examines me and says I have a quirk that allows me to absorb kinetic energy's from my body and also produce clear energy that will knock back anything. I'm excited to test this out with Rumi, and knock out all the bullies in school.

When we get back home we go do training and I find out that I can put a layer of energy around myself and when Rumi hit me she slid back like a whole meter!!! That's very far for me I usually can't even move her, that's crazy right!!! I'm only 4 and I can move back a 17 year old! And she's almost a hero!!! I wonder if I will be able to knock down a building when I get older? Maybe.

Oh! I forgot to say my first quirk! My first quirk is I can shape shift into anything and anyone! Cool right!!! Also when I shift into a different person, I get to use there quirk, pretty cool right!!! Also when I shift my clothes into guns I have unlimited ammo!!!

Oh, also when I shift into a girl I don't shift into a girl I turn into them but a boy! So it's like a gender bender, but all boys! Also it's a mutant quirk so it can't be erased from Rumi's sleepy head teacher.

Also when I am not shifted I didn't have a quirk before so now, I have like my own identity, in the form of a quirk!

Also I don't have to wear clothes because I just shift them on so I'm basically always naked.

Any way, back to my new quirk. I also found out if I concentrate the energy on my finger and hit something, it either breaks that object or hits that spot like a pressure point. Also if I punch the air it shoots compressed air like a cannon. Whoosh, like that!!! Any way, I better focus on training because Rumi's punches usually hurt.


"Huh, Rumi did you hold back because that didn't hurt like at all?" I say. "What I hit you with the power I usually hit you with." Says Rumi. "Ok, we'll hit me harder because I didn't feel that." "Whack" "AHH." "CRASH" " Rumi that didn't hurt but why did you punch so hard I flew back?" "Blink, blink" " Did you do something different the second time I hit you?" Says Rumi. "Yes I put up a energy coating on my body." I say. "Ok don't put up a barrier and let me hit you while you block." "whack" "I felt that, so when I put a barrier up I get knocked back and absorb your energy. COOL!!!" I exclaim. "Alright, we will discover that later, so right now let's get on to your shifting training" Rumi says. "K!" I say.

Shift training is when I get used to using other hero's quirks and I usually do it with famous Hero's but some times I train simple quirks to help with control of big quirks like Endevor's quirk. That's right, I'm so awesome I can control Endevor's quirk!!!

Oh I forgot to mention, when I use All Might quirk I just get better results from training, so I think All Might just trained really hard.

Anyway I'm training this hard to be better than Rumi and Impress my best friend Tsuyu!!! She's cool, her quirk is a mutant type frog. She has this really long and soft tongue. She can stretch her tongue 50 feet so far. Believe me, we tested. We want to be hero's and go to UA because it's the best. We have known each other since we were 2. Rumi says it's ok to have friends but it's not ok to team up with anyone else so she's my only friend. Not like I need any fake friends any way.

In conclusion I'm happy and tomorrow will be our day back to school because it is a weekend. I'm going to tell her all about this quirk and I hope she likes it. Then we will beat up bullies together and after school we will go to my house to play and I hoe she will train with me so we can make it into UA together, because Rumi says if we train now, we will have a advantage when we get older. I mean I can already bench 120 pounds and I'm only 4!!! What will happen when I'm older?!?!

Hope you liked my first chapter!!! I will have to watch MHA because most of my knowledge comes from fanfics.






Check out my ideas for fanfics because no one looks so please just do it.


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