
Too OP in MHA

MC Acts his own age except really smart and has 1 OP quirk and 1 Fun quirk.

Hippo9999 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Before bed time:

On the computer:

[What does it mean when a person is dense?] Typing on the computer, we see a white haired foreigner, about 5'1 in height and 11 years old in age. ( I forgot to say how he looks😅. If you want the looks of other characters, look them up yourself.)

[If someone calls you dense, they think nothing can get into your thick skull. Dense comes from the Latin densus which means thick and cloudy. In general, the word means packed tight and gives the sense that something is difficult to get through.]

'Well I guess that explains some things like why I don't have any shame but it doesn't have anything to do with Tsuyu.' He thought as he sat back in his chair and contemplated if he should call Rumi or just ask Tsuyu tomorrow. 'I'll just ask Tsuyu tomorrow,' as he thought that he shut his computer down and went over to his bed after turning the lights out. He laid in his bed and closed his eyes to dream about what type of pranks to do tomorrow with Tsuyu.


In the morning after his routine of; get up, work out, take a shower, eat breakfast, make bed, brush teeth, get out of the house and go pick up Tsuyu, Kia was ready to ask Tsuyu if she thought he was dense and see if he could help her get happy again.

Once Tsuyu got in the car he started a rather normal conversation and was now ready to ask the question. "Hey, Tsuyu, do you think I'm dense." Tsuyu looked at me curiously and asked " Why the sudden topic." I looked thoughtful and told her, " well you seemed down and when I asked you if you were ok, you said everything was fine, but never looked fully happy. So I called Rumi and told her about you and she said that I was dense. I searched up the word and it didn't really help with figuring out why you were sad so I wanted to ask you if you thought I was dense so I could try to figure out how not to be dense."

Tsuyu started laughing at my serious face and said, "yes I think your dense, and I'm waiting for you to ask me a question that is important to me, if you figure it out with that smart brain of yours I will be happy again." She said as she tapped me on the head. I looked at her and started thinking of questions that would make her happy. As I thought she put on a sad face and I got panicked and started with "When is your birthday." Her face didn't change so I kept asking, "Do you want me to help you study?" Nope not that either. "Do you want my homework?"

Nope... Nope....No....Not a...Ugh.....I'm lost. I asked her questions all day and she is still sad. I'll ask her for a hint. "Can I have a hint, cause I'm clueless." "It has something to do with you and me being together more often." Then it came to me. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Her face lit up like a lightbulb when I said that "Yes, and now we can be together for ever because you asked me first." I furrowed my brows. "Why couldn't we be together if you asked me first?" "My mom said you have to ask me because if I ask you it would seem like only I like you and it would make you look bad." I looked very confused, "Well, ok. Now that your my girlfriend what does that change?" "It means that you have to do what ever I say and we get to kiss in public." "Well I already do what you say so i got that covered, but I think I need to tell my mom before we start making out." "Ok, but now that I can boss you around with out you saying no, I will make one rule that you have to follow unless I say otherwise."

I looked at her curiously and said ok and she continued to say "You are only allowed to prank people while in school and you have to spend weekends with me" I went pale at the first part but thought it was reasonable if I can make her happy. "Ok, but my rule is you have to tell me if you have a problem that you can't solve." We agreed and that's how we got together.

Time continued to pass. We got together every weekend, I stopped doing pranks out of school and started to train instead. I got so into training that I almost missed our first official date. We now had a routine on how this relationship thing worked.

I was kind of lost at first because when I asked Rumi she had no clue because she has been single almost her whole life. She said she dated one guy in middle school for a little but, she didn't like how he treated her so she never dated again. Now that I have been in a relationship, I kind of feel bad for her. Maybe when I get older I'll try to set her up with someone.

Anyway, time passed and we were now out of 8th grade and it is summer. Me and Tsuyu have come a long way, but she has started to act weird lately. I asked her what was wrong and she said "I want to meet you at your house tomorrow. Also make sure no one will here us." I told her, "My mom won't be back until the end of the week, but Rumi is here to watch over me, but she is always in her room on the computer working, so I think we will be fine. What do you need them gone for." "That is a surprise." She said and then left with a apple red face, while I was sitting there confused as could be.

The Next Day:

Right now we are sitting on my bed and Tsuyu is wearing very thin clothing. She has been starring at me for quite a while now and looks like she's about to ask the biggest question of her life.

"KIA!!!" she declared, startling me "LETS HAVE SEX!!!"


The door flew off its hinges to reveal Rumi. She had an angry expression on her face. She ran over to Tsuyu at lightning fast speeds, grabbed her by the wrist, pulled her into her own room, and slammed the door shut before locking it. This happened so fast I couldn't even react because I was still in confusion because of Tsuyu's statement. I was wondering about what sex was and why Rumi was so angry.