
Too OP in MHA

MC Acts his own age except really smart and has 1 OP quirk and 1 Fun quirk.

Hippo9999 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Rumi’s Reveal

Rumi's POV:

Right now I'm sitting in front of Tsuyu while she's sitting on my bed. She has extremely red cheeks because she knows I heard her declaration.

Flash Back:

I'm Rumi. Right now I'm 14 years old and I'm walking home from the last day of school, and the start of summer break. I'm so happy I get off school because I can finally train my body as hard as I want. I need to train to go to UA anyway. As I get closer to my home, I start to hear the sound of a baby. I ignore it because I think it's the neighbors newborn that has been keeping us up at night.

That was until I tripped over a basket at our front door. "What the fuck." I looked over at what I tripped over and become stunned at what I see. "That's a baby." I get up, open the door and call my mom who is in the kitchen. "What do you need I'm making dinner." She says as she walks over to me. I look at her with wide eyes and point to the storm door. (Clear glass door).

She instantly becomes appalled and says, "When I said get a boyfriend, I didn't mean have kids too." "Mom! That's not mine! I found it here just now when I got home!" She stared at me and said "It better not be! Well, bring it in so it doesn't get cold and I will call the police to see who the parents are."

So I brought the baby in and put it in my lap as I sat on the couch in front of the TV and watched the news. When I looked at the TV I was shocked to see it showing a couple with white hair fighting All Might. All Might seemed to be struggling while holding back.

He had a serious look on his face and then the cameras cut off as I heard his most powerful move be announced, "UNITED STATES SMASH," after 5mins the cameras cut back on and displayed a crater as big as a football field and All Might in the middle with a very sad face, without the two white haired villains in sight.(American Football) This was when I realized something, the baby I was holding had white hair. He had a name tag that had Kia on it. And this baby's parents were now gone.

"Well I called the police and they said they would come to pick him up in a little, how is he holding up?" I stared at her for a second, then I reworded the TV Chanel and showed my mom what I just watched. I saw as her face changed to horror as she realized what she just witnessed.

She stared at the baby for a few seconds and picked him up from the basket. She hugged him and her horror stricken face changed to a caring one. She then told me, "I think we should keep him. After watching that, he will be shunned in the orphanage if they realize his parentage. I will tell the police we are adopting him after they look him up. His new name will be Kia Usagiyama." I nodded in agreement. She got up and handed him to me as she went to get it done. The rest of the night we were busy taking care of everything that I never started training until the week after, but we aren't there yet.

After that we were told he was almost a one year old and already he already had a quirk. It was a mutant type quirk, like mine but his made me jealous for a moment. His quirk was he could shape shift into anything and/or anyone he has seen or can imagine, but the downside was all his transformations would be male. Also he has a locked quirk that will unlock sometime when he is 4 years old.

I was jealous until I thought about how good of a training partner he would be. With his multiple quirks he would be so good of a training partner that I could get into the top ten hero's with ease. Now I was excited to adopt him. So after that we were done at the police station, we adopted him and registered him as our own.

Then everything was was going to go back to normal...

Or so we thought.

Do you know how hard it is to catch a baby that has an IQ higher than your own! His learning speed is so fast he figured out how to run by watching me walk! When we taught him to read it only took him 10 minutes to memorize that whole book, and he's not even 1 yet!!! When I saw that I wanted to test what would happen if I let him watch me train. Bad idea. Do you know what happens when a person can control every single cell in there body? He watched how my muscles flexed and his body started to strain his muscles and heal him, so he started to grow muscles from watching me!!!

Thankfully, when I stoped training he stopped growing muscles, because who wants their cute baby to turn into a muscly baby? No one. I think for now I will stick to me teaching him academic stuff.

Anyway, this continued for a week until he got settled with us and was content. He started to act more like the child he was. Well, sorta. He is still really smart but he didn't learn from everything he saw anymore. I guess he stopped paying attention or he had already learned it. He started to take interest in my mutant parts, such as my ears and tail. He would grab and put anything into his mouth. Ya know, baby stuff.

Weeks turned into months and now it has been a year since we got him. He calls mom, mom now and me Rumi, he's really growing on me. He also made friends with the neighbor's daughter.

Also I haven't been slacking off, I now have full confidence I can make it into UA easily. The exams are in a week and since Rumi has been able to understand speech for awhile, I started training him to be the best possible partner ever. Oh, and don't worry, I only let him do body weight exercises. I also told him to truly be strong he needs to grow his muscles naturally. So he is not allowed to cheat and grow muscles without my permission or if he is in a bad situation.

Naturally, when I do start sparing with him I won't use that much power, but it will hurt if he doesn't learn to dodge.

It has now been 5 weeks into hero training and I have to say, it's easier than what I trained for. The people in my class are a bunch of lightweights. They didn't train at all and just used their quirks to get into UA. There is this one guy who thinks he's all that just because his quirk allows him to shoot rockets out of his body. He really is just a perv, who thinks he can do what ever he wants just because he's in a hero school. His hero drive is to have a bunch of girls and has tried to molest some of the girls in our class during battles. The only reason he is still in this school is because he has rich and powerful parents.

I need to make sure Kia doesn't end up like that.


When I came home that day I was surprised to see mom with a guy in front of her sitting at the table eating his meal. His facial features looked strangely similar to mom's. When they heard me come in they both looked at me and I said " didn't know you got another boyfriend mom," then the man turned into Kia and asked me in a very cute voice, "What is a boyfriend?" I went pale because I wanted to make him as innocent to relationships as possible, so I said " Kia a boyfriend is something that you only need to learn about when you get older, ok." I usually only say his name when I am tired or teaching him so I hope he will think that is a lesson. "Ok Rumi, then I will only look it up when I am older." He said with a smile and came up to me and hugged me and patted my tail. He's too cute, even I can't call him brat in this situation. "Also, how did you shift into mom?" "I just imagined it. And poof, it happened."

Then he went back to eating and when he was done he said he was going to bed. When he was gone mom turned to me and asked, "what was that about, why didn't you just tell him what it was?" "I don't want him to be a pervert when he gets older so I am only going to tell him when he gets older. This is my safe guard to him not being a perv. I am also going to ban other relationship and adult stuff until he is in highschool." I said, to which mom said,"what ever, whatever you want with that I don't care as long as you give him the talk." I nodded in agreement and that is how I made him so innocent and dense.

2 years past and now Kia had his second quirk, and it powerful. Not as OP as his shifting one, but still up there. We discovered a lot about it and how his body no longer takes damage. Since he can now not get hurt from my training I can go all out during our training. It's not like he is bad at sparring anyway, he can dodge most of my blows and what he doesn't dodge, he blocks.

I have been in UA for those 2 years and have won the sports festival both times. Kia was super excited for me, he tackled me when I won and congratulated me with a bear hug. He thought it would be funny if he turned into a bear and hugged me in front of everyone, so I kicked him out of the stadium because he wouldn't get hurt. After our time together we had to split up and go back to our houses and that is when we met my teacher. He was coming to congratulate me when he saw I was talking to Kia.

Kia said hi to him and they started a conversation. Well, it was more of Kia talking to the teacher and the teacher half ignoring him. Then Kia started talking about how I train him. Teach got mildly interested to learn Kia could spar with me at full power. He asked me "I thought you would never team up with anyone?" I scoffed at him and said "I only train him, I won't team up with him." Kia went quiet when I said that and ended the conversation.

Then we went home and while I was on the couch Kia came up to me, sat on my lap he looked sad as he asked,"Would you never, ever team up with me?" "Kia I would only team up with you when either one of us are in need or when you get a internship at UA." Kia looked visually happier. He's too cute.

While I wasn't paying attention he climbed onto my head and started petting my ears. I stared at the TV with a blissful expression. I think he found my weak spot because I couldn't move it felt so good. He looked down and smiled as he saw me, "Gotcha!" he says.

5 years past and he is now 11 going to middle school. And I have been a hero for a little while. When I was at home chilling Kia called me and asked some thing that made me happy on the inside. "Hay Rumi, I wanted to ask something about Tsuyu. She has been acting weird lately. She is perpetually sad. I don't know how to explain it, she seems to be expecting something of me but I don't know what. Can you help me? I'm worried what will happen if she is sad for too long."

I frown as I think about it for awhile and then it hits me. 'Tsuyu must want him to ask her out, I'll just tell him something vague and hope he takes awhile to find it out.' "Brat your dense." 'Just like I taught you.' Then I hung up like this wasn't my problem. But inside I was happy he told me because he is as innocent as ever. I can only hope he doesn't get perverted.

So from what I heard he is clueless about how a relationship works because he always asks me what girls like and I have to lead him to be the as clueless as possible while also helping him out, not like I have experience anyway.

3 years later

I am at home and Tsuyu is walking in with Kia with what you would call revealing cloths, not like Kia would know that anyway. He doesn't look anywhere but her face which makes me happy. They were going into Kia's room and I had a suspicion something bad was going to happen when before Tsuyu went into his room she looked at my room and tried to listen if I was out of range or if I could hear them. When she finally shut the door I silently went to Kia's door and listened. What I heard from Tsuyu would make all of my plans for nothing.

Flash Back end:

Right now I am glaring at Tsuyu, waiting for her to explain what she was doing with Kia. "Rumi I thought you weren't listening." She says, as I click my tongue at her and ask, "Why do you want to make Kia a adult?" "I'm not making him an adult, I'm going to make him not be so clueless, about girls. He barely knows anything about being in a relationship. I had to teach him what a kiss was because you were being so vague about it." She says, to which I say "I did that on purpose to make sure he isn't a perv, who becomes self centered and uses his quirk to pleasure himself." "Oh, I can see how he could do that, but he didn't need to be this clueless about it. If you didn't come in and interrupt me I probably was going to have to explain what sex even was."

Yeah that's how it is supposed to be but now that I think about it, I kind of stopped Tsuyu from having a good relationship too. Maybe she's unhappy and just wants to progress their relationship, but to do that he doesn't need sex. "You still can't have sex with him, but maybe you can start slow and just tell him about it and only do some sexual activities, because your not even of legal age anyway."(I don't know about Japan but American legal age is 18, so I'll go with that)

"Fine but I still want to progress so I'm going to give him a blow job and teach him how to pleasure me when I want him to." I sighed "That's Pushing it, but I will allow it because you are so close with him. But I have to monitor you so I will be in there with teaching him what some things are too, and that's not because I want to see his dick, but to monitor him. Yeah it's to monitor him." She looked at me weird and said "you are as shameless as him." To which I smiled and said, " I taught him well then."

Then, we both together went back to Kia who had stayed on the bed with a thinking face as if he was trying to think really hard. When he saw us he smiled and said so I guess you made up, although I don't know why Rumi was so angry, I'm happy you are both happy again." 'He's too cute,' they both thought. Then, without saying anything they both sat on either side of him and Rumi said "Kia, right now we are going to teach you what your sexual organ can do, ok? Make sure while we are 'teaching' you you don't lose control of your quirk." His eyes lit up at the sound of teach, "Ok Rumi, but why don't you just teach me?" "Because this is something that I will be helping you with. It will also be another weekly activity." Says Tsuyu, to which Rumi hesitatingly nods but nods nonetheless.

"Ok, well first off we need you to un-shift your pants so you are just in your underwear so we can have a understanding of what we are working with." He looked at me weirdly and said "This is a weird lesson." And with that, he unshifted and showed the outline of his dick to us.

Both our hearts leaped as we saw the massive outline and we said in sync,
