
Too OP in MHA

MC Acts his own age except really smart and has 1 OP quirk and 1 Fun quirk.

Hippo9999 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Lemon ? [18+]

——————Author's note————————-

If you skip this chapter it won't really matter so if you don't want to read it then just skip to the next when it's out.

Things you might have a problem with, even though I don't care if you do.😁:

1- I write this on my IPhone.

2- This is my first time writing a lemon and if I think it's bad I'm just going to put "and then they had sex."

3- I'm winging this whole story and haven't actually watched BNHA. 😏

4- Hope it's not that bad and it will be short.

5- I don't like harems because it's too mind to keep track of. But he will have only 2 so I may be able to handle it (Kia is the MC so no more Rumi POV until I say so.

6- I am a virgin, so if I'm wrong, deal with it. I'm winging this whole thing.


Also Rumi will have sex with Kia later. Probably not this chapter though.


Kia POV:

"WoW" they said.

I have no idea what is so surprising, but instinct says it's good so I'm happy they are. Rumi starts by saying, "Alright now that we see the outline, I will explain what will we are doing so you aren't confused. We will be showing you what sexual pleasure is. So first, unshifted all your cloths." Since she is teaching me something new I follow her instructions, but even I know it's embarrassing to get naked in front of someone, so I start to feel uncomfortable.

Rumi sees this and says with a calming smile, "Just relax Kai, it is ok. You are still learning so it will feel uncomfortable at first, but once we start, you won't regret learning." "Ok I say." Then I unshift my cloths and they are once again stunned still as they look down to my penis. I don't know what's so good about it, it gets in the way in everything I do! It's so big I have to always wear either baggy pants or shorts, and when I wear school cloths I have to buy a size to big in pants, just so it doesn't stick out!

Then Rumi asks me, "Kia, have you ever measured you penis?" I say, "No, I have never thought it was necessary and thought it was bad because it gets in the way too much." When I finish my sentence she looks at me funnily and asks, "Kia, can you calculate it for me, cause I'm curious?" I say yes and do mental math and say, "It's 11 inches long and 1.5 inches thick; when it's erect it will be 12 inches long and 2 inches thick." She humms at that and I look at Tsuyu to see what she thinks and I see that she's still shocked. I ask Rumi, "So, what's next." I don't feel as uncomfortable, but I get scared when they start taking their cloths off.

I thought it was impolite to look so I covered and closed my eyes. "Kia, open your eyes. This is part of the lesson, so you have to keep your eyes open, ok?" Says Rumi. I uncomfortably nod and open my eyes to see Tsuyu on the floor in front of me and Rumi sitting next to me, naked. "Now this is the part where you will learn how to receive what is called a blowjob. Tsuyu is going to put your penis in her mouth and make you feel good, so lay back and relax. But first, you need to be hard so Tsuyu will be massaging your penis, which is called masterbating."

After she says this I see and feel Tsuyu take my limp penis in her hand and starts to rub it up and down. After 10 seconds it is standing straight up and is really hard. I can feel it's stiffer than any when I get puberty erections in school and have to excuse myself to the bathroom until it calms down. After they see that it's ready to go Tsuyu starts to get closer and closer with her face. Rumi starts to explain, "This is when the pleasure starts and when you will feel good. Tsuyu will put your penis into her mouth and will use her tongue to give even more stimulation."

Then Tsuyu puts the tip into her wet mouth and starts to suck on the tip. I feel a jolt as my body gets excited and my penis harder. She looks happy that my body reacted. She looked straight at me and started to take the whole tip into her mouth. I looked at Rumi and she looked kind of envious. I didn't understand why, but I asked her, " If Tsuyu is the one doing this, and then why did you get naked too?" At this she smiled and said, "I am going to teach you how to pleasure a girl after you ejaculate, which is called cumming for slang. Tsuyu agreed that I can teach you this, while she pleases you."

At that I say ok and I watch as Tsuyu takes her slimey tongue out of hey mouth and raps it around the width of my penis. She then uses her tongue to stroke my full length from her mouth to the base. As she strokes my penis with her tongue, she slowly starts taking my penis into her throat. As she does this Rumi is surprised and asks, "how can you take it in without chocking? If that was me I would've stopped half way and had to work my way down as I slowly got used to the length." To this I say, "I think she can turn her gag reflex off because she can swallow other objects and store them in her stomach."

This makes Rumi put a pout face on but she puts it aside and just continues to watch Tsuyu take almost my whole length and she is now only 2 inches from the base. When she finally reaches the base there is a giant bulge that is very visible in her throat. I feel a wave of pleasure and say, "I think I'm about to cum in a couple of seconds!" Tsuyu gets excited and moves her face back up to the tip and quickly slams he mouth to the base of my now very wet and slimey penis.

Then I feel my penis twitch very hard and see Tsuyu's cheeks inflate as white sperm comes out of my penis. I see that Tsuyu has a surprised face on and she starts to swallow my cum. This takes her some time as there was a lot of it to swallow. After 3 big gulps she finally goes back up to the tip and starts to clean my penis of all the cum. I have to say, I think she looks very happy that she made me cum.

"I thought cum was supposed to taste bitter so I put his dick in my throat, but I still had to taste it as it over flowed my mouth. It wasn't bad but tasted like vanilla." Says Tsuyu as she licks her lips and looks hungrily at my 'dick'. This seems to surprise Rumi and she looks at me, "I made sure it wouldn't taste bad, because I didn't want her to never want to do this again." I said this with a cheeky smile, which then made Rumi envious. So Rumi said "Then brat let's teach you how to pleasure a woman." Tsuyu puffed her cheeks out at that. And sat on the bed to watch and masterbate herself.

Then Rumi said to me in a matter-of-fact way, "Lay down and make yourself comfortable. I will be teaching you which way to move your tongue in order to make me feel good." I then laid down and waited for Rumi to do her thing. She made me surprised when she started to get up and move her butt on top of my face. She smiled and placed her vagina right above my mouth while she faced where my hair was. All I could see was her 2 big breasts that are bigger that they are when she has her hero costume on, and I thought her hero costume was revealed way to much. I realize now that she is actually compressing them with her costume.

"Do you see the bead that is at the top of my 'pussy', that is my clitoris. That is where the most sensitive spot is, on the outside of the vagina. The flaps are sensitive too, but the clit is the best for the outside. Try to lick it and rub your tongue all around my pussy to explore. When I say it's a sensitive spot, remember it for when we do this for real."

So that's what I did. I explored all around with my tongue and she told me spots that were sensitive. She moaned when that spot was sensitive, so I figured, the louder she moans the more sensitive the spot was. After 30 seconds she was getting dripping some sweet and salty stuff, but she didn't tell me to stop, so I kept going. After another minute, she said stop and she was so wet I had to breath through my pores to not breath in any.

Rumi was breathing heavily and said, "Now that you are good at that, we will move on to the inside. There is something called the g-spot on the front wall of the vaginal cavity. It's 1 to 2 inches in from the outside. If you press up it will give me a wave of pleasure and will make me cum faster. I recommend not pressing it too much as to not make me cum as fast so I enjoy the sensation longer."

Then I put my tongue at the entrance and try to go in. It doesn't budge so I shove it in forcefully. This causes Rumi to jolt, but she didn't say stop so I push in farther and realize that I can't teach the g-spot so I shift my young to be longer and when I stop shifting my tongue is 3 inches in. I hear her moan so I move my tongue back and I hear her softly moan again. I realize that if I keep moving it back and forwards, she will have pleasure, so I continue doing this and every 10 seconds I press her g-spot. At first she didn't moan for the g-spot, so I pressed harder and harder until she moaned louder than moving back and forth. This happened for 2 minutes and while this was happening, Tsuyu was starring at us masterbaiting furiously.

When we reached 3 minutes Rumi pulled my head closer and screamed, "I'm cumming!!!" At this, I learned from Tsuyu, and pushed my tongue as deep as I could with the length I could reach. Then she moaned the loudest and came. It felt like a damn opened because it sprayed all over my face.

"Wow, that was the best orgasm I've ever had. We should do this more often, but for now, Tsuyu and I are going to switch places and you are going to pleasure her while I pleasure you." And so, they switched. I was enjoying this a lot and said to Rumi and Tsuyu, "This is the best lesson you have ever taught me," and they smiled and said, "Wait till we teach you sex."

When Rumi got to my dick she said, "wait and see what this is going to feel like, I will use my boobs to make it feel better than what Tsuyu gave you." At this, I was curious to feel if it really was better. Rumi started the opposite way Tsuyu did. She started to lick and suck my balls. It was a strange feeling, but it brand pleasure too. When she was done playing with my balls, she kept her tongue on my dick and licked the whole length of it and circled the tip.

While she was doing that I was pleasuring Tsuyu. She was moaning and shoving my head deeper, while I was moving my tongue and playing with her butt. Her butt was a little smaller than Rumi's, but I didn't try this with Rumi and when I did it with Tsuyu I felt happy she was liking it too. She had already masterbaited, so she was wet when I started, but that didn't make a difference to me. Tsuyu was about to cum, so I tested something and pinched her erect nipples. She screamed in pleasure and came on my face and in my mouth. Then she fell over and moved down to lay on my chest, still leaking love juices.

Meanwhile, Rumi was still at it and she started to get farther down my length and was half way down. She was massaging my balls and stroking the rest of my dick that she couldn't fit in her throat. There was a little bulge in her throat, but it wasn't nearly as big as when Tsuyu did it. She kept trying to fit more of my length in her throat that she was choking herself and had to stop to get air. When she saw that I was about to cum she put the tip in her mouth and sucked as she kept massaging my balls.

When I came, she had my dick in her mouth and her cheeks were very full but she didn't let any cum drip out. It must have been because she had a rabbit mutant gene and her cheeks were able to hold more or something. When she tasted my cum she was also satisfied as I made it taste like her favorite sweet, chocolate.

She was so happy that she drank all of it and cleaned my dick afterwards too. When she was done she asked me if I could keep going and I said you trained me to have enough stamina to run around the city with her. This caused her to smile and she started again and since I was still sensitive, it felt even better than before.

After she was done cleaning me up, she told us she was going to sleep with us and we all got under the covers and went to sleep. Tsuyu said she already told her mom she was staying over tonight, so she was all set. We all had the best sleep we have ever had and had great dreams. The next morning they told me that this was a private event and I was only allowed to talk to them about it. I agreed and we all did it again until it was time for breakfast.

After breakfast, Tsuyu went home and I went to start training for UA. 'That was the best experience I have ever had. I hope we do it more often' I thought while I did my 1000 pushups.

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Hope it was a great read!!!

It took like 3 - 4 hours to write on my phone, so I hope I did good for my first lemon.

Hippo9999creators' thoughts