
Too OP in MHA

MC Acts his own age except really smart and has 1 OP quirk and 1 Fun quirk.

Hippo9999 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Porn and UA’s exams

1 month before the exam.

Stats report on Kia:

In fo dump😉:

Can completely decimate a 10 story building with normal height.

Can shift his body height to 7 stories and when bin that form, if he uses any quirk, the quirk he uses will be 7 times more powerful.

He can shift into multiple types of vehicles including, multiple types of jets, cars, boats and fictional vehicles.

If he uses his Flow Style to his limit, he can Match a peak All Might in speed. If he uses a speed quirk with his style to the limit he will pass a peak All Might in speed by a little.

If he uses his base form he can 1 shot Muscler and 5 shot a Nomu if he uses is style and his KB quirk.

His style moves will now be completely impossible for Eraser head to figure out, unless he records it and plays it in supper slow motion, and even then he will not be able to figure it out, because he will not be physically strong enough to apply it.

Kia has a swimmer bod shape, but you can never tell how strong he is because he. Impacts his muscles so he doesn't get bulky.

Kia will not be able to go into elevators and will only be able to take the stairs because he will weigh like 10 tons.😅(physics really suck)he will not crack the floor unless he falls. And if someone tries to hit him theee bone will break because of how hard his body is. He punch through almost all metals and if not through it will bend significantly inwards.

Kia is 15 years old, 6 foot 1 inches and has electric blue eyes and white hair. When he changes into someone else, there quirk also becomes his and he will get the basic knowledge on how to use the quirk.

1 week be fore the exams:

This is a lemon, if you don't want to read then skip to the part that says EXAM DAY.

Kia POV:

To day Tsuyu came over and told me I can't train until after the exam so I can take a break. She also wants me to spend the whole week with me to keep her company, as her mom is out of town.

When we walked into her room, I saw that it was neat and clean. I also saw that she had a bookshelf with several books that had weird titles that I didn't recognize, and believe me, I have read A LOT of books. The books had people that had revealing clothing on and almost were naked.

After Tsuyu saw me looking funnily at them she brought one over and asked with a voice that was only used when we have Hot Time, "Kia do you know what this is?" "No Tsuyu, I have never seen this type of book. I thought I had read a lot but evidently not." I answered with a curious face. "Well Kia, this is what you call a porn book, it gives you ideas for how to have more fun while we have 'Hot Time'. Come sit here on the bed and I'll show you some ideas I got from it." She gestured to the bed.

So I carefully got on the bed while it violently squeaked and sat with my legs off the bed waiting for her to show me. I also unshifted my cloths so she didn't have to ask. She came over to me while swaying her hips and sat down in front of me. She slowly sook my sick in her hands and started stroking it as she moved her head to my balls and started to suck on them all at once. Her mouth was full and her cheeks were puffed up as my balls were also too big for her mouth. As my dick got hard, she switched her hands and mouth so she now had her mouth taking my tip with her tongue swirling the head and her hands massaging my balls.

She then moved her tongue down my dick, so my whole dick was gone and all you could see was her tongue rapped around the whole thing while the tip was in her mouth. She then started moving her tongue so it was swirling around my dick while she started slowly moving her head down my length. As she would go down she would take her tongue back and move my dick so it was in her throat.

It felt like I was in heaven. This was the best feeling I have experienced so far. As she takes my dick in her throat she squeezes her throat around my dick so you can see a growing bulge in her throat. As she comes to the base she slithers her tongue around my balls and squeezed by dick she made me surprised at what she did next.

She moved her head back up to the tip and slammed down to the base and did it again and again and again. The continued to do this until I said I'm coming when she heard this, her face lit up and she when's back up to the tip so she could taste what flavor it would be. I made it her favorite so far, Cookie Dough, and she tried not to let any leave her mouth. As I thought she was done. I waited for her to clean up but what happened next was a surprise. When she was done, she then slammed her head down back to the base making me cum a little more. Then, she went back up slowly and when she was almost off the tip she gave it a small kiss on top.

Then she looked back up to me while giggling and asked, "So how was that compared to normal? I hope it was good I have been saving this technique for when you were done with training." "That was the best BJ so far." I said breathing heavily as she took a lot out of me. She laughed and stood up and sat next to me and pulled out a book and said, "None of these will help you, but I hope when you help me that you shift your tongue so your tongue is 1.5 inches thick and 4.5 inches long so I can at least be more ready for the real thing.

When she said that she got up stripped and layed on the bed belly up. She moved her knees up to her shoulders and I put my tongue and asked, "Are you ready?" She nodded and when I put my shifted tongue in she yelled, "SO FULL!!!" And almost came then and there.








Time skip to EXAM DAY.

Today is the exam day. I am super excited. I am currently flying in stealth mode with Tsuyu. And we are talking about what we think the exam is. She is confident about taking the education based exam and she is confident that she will at least getting into the bottom of class 1-A.

When we arrived, we saw many people going inside. So when we landed and I unshifted in a ace with no cameras, we went into the exam building and sat down next to each other and started talking to waste time.

When everyone had finally arrived, the Hero Present Mic started explaining that we had 1 hour to complete the test and that if we didn't finish or we cheated we were automatically disqualified.

When the test started and I looked at the questions, to me they were child's play. My hand blurred andI finished the whole test in 5 minutes. When I was done I put my head down and started daydreaming about what I thought the practical exam was.

The test proctor looked at me and thought I gave up so he went up to me and told me to hand him my test and leave. I was so bewildered that I said, "But I didn't give up, I just already finished. Why would I leave if I have to wait another 1 hour and 50 minutes till the test is over." The test proctor grabbed my test and started looking at it. His eyes kept growing wider and wider as he saw that I really did finish. He apologized and asked if he could give it to his supervisor to grade. I said sure and he left me to daydream again.

We were pretty quiet so only Tsuyu heard me and him talk, as she had a big, fat smirk on her face as she watched the test proctor leave.

By the time everyone was finished I had so many ideas about the practical exam that I accidentally fell asleep. (Note: they didn't look at what it was before hand, so they don't know that it's robots like everyone else.)

When Tsuyu woke me up, people were already leaving for the practical exam. I hurriedly got up and we went to the practical exam. We sat down and after 10 minutes when everyone was here, Present Mic started explaining what we would be doing.

"Welcome to my love show today! Can everybody say, HAY!!!" "HAY", I exclaimed, while only one other green haired kid also did the same. The other testers were surprised that some people actually did it.

"Alright, Now I'll give you all a brief summary as to how this exam is going to go! Is everybody ready!!!" "YEAH!!!" I yelled as is two were the only people to respond again. The green haired kid looked at me, so I gave him a thumbs up. He smiled nervously and turned back to listen. "Today your going to be taking the practical exam! You will be facing 3 types of robots for points; The One Pointer is at the level of a animal with just instincts and a lock on system, the Two Pointer will be at the level of a thug and the Three Pointer will be at the level of a villain."

"Excuse me Sensei-Present Mic, aren't there supposed to be another robot? And you over there with the white hair, do you think this is a joke, if you do the I have to ask you to leave!!!" Said a glasses kid with a finger pointed at me."Yeah this is serious, but I'm just following sensei's instructions!" When I said this, his eyes widened in realization and he immediately shut up and sat down. "Yes participant number #######(A/N: idk, glasses) you are correct. There is another robot but it is not worth any points and is as tall as a 10 story building. No one should be strong enough to defeat it so you should just run away."

After he said this, I smiled because I was going to shatter that thing when it came. After he explained that, we all walked to a giant gate. When it opened there was a replica of the city behind it.

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Present Mic yelled. When that happened, I immediately disappeared from the crowd and destroyed the first robot that was in front of the group. While the group was still confused why we started without a timer, the people who saw me were taken aback at what they just witnessed. I was smiling like crazy as I finally got to test my power. Now I already knew I was strong, but after I turned 10, I destroyed the machine that measures strength, and it was the most powerful one at that. So this is my test of strength.

I disappeared again and went robot hunting. In 10 seconds, the street that was in front of the test participants was completely covered in robot pieces and shattered parts. There was another participant that had glowing palms that was staring at the carnage I made with a frown as he was looking for me while destroying robots of his own.

On my side it had now been 5 minutes and I had 100 points. And I saw some people in trouble as I was getting points and I finally decided to help them. Now I don't really agree with Rumi's rule about teaming up, but she never said anything about helping another person. So I went and helped the other struggling participants and just saved them by destroying the robots that were going to hit them.

It has now been 15 minutes and I now have 250 points and I haven't even used my KB quirk yet. I have only been using Flow and my base strength.

Boom Boom Boom!!!

I look up at the noise and see a giant robot that is at least 10 stories tall. This makes me smile like crazy as I prepare to use my KB quirk for the first time. I can see people running away from the 0 pointer as they avoid me and I watch as it gets closer. I look around and I see a blonde, spiky haired boy starring at me. He seems to be watching what I'm going to do.

I smile at his scowl and wave at him as I turn to the robot and start to 'vibrate' this causes a humming sound to come off of me, as I blur to other people. I jump up to the chest height of the robot and stack and concentrate 10 layers of KB energy on my fist. Then time slows down for me as I raise my fist and punch out. 5 sound barriers break as I land my fist on the robots.


Then all the other participants stop and stare at the 0 pointer as it is now shattered into pieces of scrap metal. The loose metal falls, as I land on the ground. All the other participants are starring at me in horror, as I walk away with a bright smile. I look at the blonde haired kid that was here before and he is frowning with a scowl as he turns away and stomps off.

"THE TEST IS FINISHED!!!" Present Mic exclaims as he brings everyone out of there daze. Everyone walks back and an old lady walks up to me and asks, "That was quite the punch there sonny, are you injured anywhere?"I shook my head and smiled and she walked away.

10 minutes ahh go boon a room with a bunch of computers:

"There are some good candidates this year, don't you think?" Says Present Mic as he looks at a small dog/mouse. The mouse nods and looks at a maniacally smiling guy with a scarf that is looking at the screen with 'our wonderful MC'. He looks like he haven't slept in a month and he has a scarf around his neck. There are a few others in the room looking worriedly at him as if he never smiles.

Then a giant buff dude who anyone can identify as All might says, "Yes there are multiple great people, but it seems Aizawa has someone whom he is interested in." "Yes All Might, it seems there is a student that has created a martial art that I cannot see through. I need to have him in my class to see his limits." Says Aizawa with a crazy smile on his face. The others shiver as they hear him. "What about that kid who is using his palms to explode the robots. He seems pretty promising too, right Aizawa-sama." This is a hero who looks like a porn star. Her hero name is The 18+ hero: Midnight. Aizawa doesn't answer and just keeps starring at the screen.

The mouse sees that the timer is at 5 minutes and says, "release the 0 Pointers." As the 0 Pointers are released he sees as almost all the participants are running away. Then one 0 Pointer falls and crashes to the ground. You can see All Might smiling as he looks at a screen with a green haired kid. Then all the people present look at the screen Aizawa is starring at and they see the participant blur on the screen. Then he jumps up to chest height of the 0 Pointer and what happened next made even All Might drop his jaw. He brung his fist back and punched the enormous robot. The next second, the robot shattered into a million pieces and started falling to the ground.

All the people watching the screen were either jaw dropped of stunned starring at the monitor. They were so shocked they forgot to end the exam. Only after another 2 minutes were they brought out of there daze by Present Mic yelling the end of the exam.

After all the participants were gone, they started at the file that was brought by the mouse. They were waiting for the participants info to be said, "His name is Kia Usagiama is the adopted brother of Rumi Usagiama, and has 2 quirks known as They Knockback quirk' and the 'shape shifting quirk.' He is said to be kind hearted, likes pranks and extremely strong. In middle school he beat international records in physical ability and got the 'Strongest middle schooler award.'" This made everyone nod and they all agreed that they would do anything in their power to make him a hero and not a villain.

Kia POV:

It has been 1 week since the exam and I have just gotten UA's letter. Tsuyu has already told me that she has gotten hers and said she is in class 1-A. I hope I got in that class too. I opened my letter and saw a hologram pop up in front of me. It had a small mouse that was going to tell me if I got in or not.

"Congratulations Mr. Usagiama you have been accepted into UA's class 1-A, and might I say, with flying colors. You got 250 normal points, but we are not just scoring with normal points. We are also scoring with rescue points. You have gotten another 50 rescue points and have successfully scored on the top of the list for points. If you want to know the list of people with points just click here. Remember we always do our best, even when life is against you, PLUS ULTRA!!!"

After that the list of scoring popped up and I saw how my name was on the top and Tsuyu's name was in 11th place. I was so happy that I was in class 1-A that I rushed over to Tsuyu's house and kissed her on the lips. She reacted as she rushed into her bed room and we had a hot and steamy session.

Kia POV:

Today is the day we go to UA and I'm so excited!!!

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I keep waiting for the next chapter to come out like I’m not the author. So sorry if I forget I’m the author!!!?

This was a really long chapter. It took me very long, but I really want to write more. So the next one will come out either today or tomorrow.

Hippo9999creators' thoughts