
Too OP in MHA

MC Acts his own age except really smart and has 1 OP quirk and 1 Fun quirk.

Hippo9999 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Flow Style and Date.

(A/N: sorry last night I fell asleep while typing this.)

1 week after the lemon:

Kia POV:

Right now I am training. My normal training is 5 sprints around our city, 5,000 of all body workouts with 100 pound weights on and finally martial arts training. This is where I train my precision and style. I have been doing this workout for 10 months now and I have 10 more months till UA's entrance exam. Since, Rumi is a hero, she gets premium workout gear.

I have been having problems with my style lately as I feel it is just a copy of other styles. I want to make my own style. It needs to be smooth, but unpredictable. It needs to be precise and pinpointed. It needs to be unreadable and powerful. To make this style, I have to be tense yet relaxed. I need to have absolute speed and agility. I need it to be effective and with no flashy movements. I need it to flow and connect perfectly, yet the opponent will never know what will happen next. My style will look like an illusion to anyone who looks and I will be able to control all my surroundings perfectly.

I will take these principles and make my own style to be the best and have no challenges. This style will be able to blend with my KB quirk and with whatever way I use my shape shifting quirk for combat purposes. This is what my plan is.

(A/N: He is like 14 almost 15 so I can make him more mature)

2 months later:

Kia POV:

I have finally done it. I have made a style that has no equal.(A/N: I did make him a genius after all.😆) This is everything I wanted and more. While trying to make this style, I have discovered jaw to sense and move my surroundings. My knock back quirk allows me to spread energy around, but I have a way to ease and feel with it now. Since I can use my quirk through the air, I can also monitor and change the air or my surroundings. If a opponent is within a 50 yard radius, I can sense and hit my opponent, but I have to make a motion to hit them.

My quirk is way more powerful if I hit them with it directly, but now I have way more advantage. I can knock down a building easily if I use half my power. If I use my finger to shoot air at a concentrated point, it can go through even the hardest of metals at full power. I can also step where there is nothing as I step on the air.

As for the style, it is unpredictable to the point my opponent/s will be confused by the illusion that I have more than two arms even when I haven't shape shifted. The style contains several combined techniques that if someone else used together it would just look unorganized and sloppy. The techniques have a connection I made that bridges the gap in between the techniques to make them look as smooth as physically possible. The faster I move, the more unpredictable I become. It will form after imagines if I move in a certain way that tricks the eye into believing it is there, when it is not. The style will look like I am moving in slow motion, but I will flicker in and out of sight if you can keep up.

I did this by training my body to move instinctually forwards, backwards, and side to side at a extremely fast pace. The movement to the untrained eye will look like am blurring out of existence. Even if you see this movement, you will have to be able to keep up to be able to dodge.

This style that I have made has powerful attacks and defense, but the main motive, is the act of absolute dodging. Since I am moving continuously, I can dodge without thinking because I am 2 inches back, 2 inches forward and 2 inches to the sides at the same time. I will look live I am vibrating if you can keep up. This continuous movement sets up the required space to dodge any and all attacks.

For speed and agility, I have made several movement techniques that make my body move faster than what is my normal pace, which is already faster than what is normally possible. If my quirk can push me to move faster, I can also move air out of the way so I have no resistance. I have another technique that makes me flicker while moving. This sight will trick my opponent into thinking that I am teleporting.

For attacking, I created a technique they will be able to hit the opponent at any angle. For this I use the illusion that I am in front of them when I'm actually behind them. I can also shift my arms and legs into rubber arms, to make impossible angles harder to defend or dodge. Also since I am always 'vibrating', I will be able to do more internal damage to my opponent. Vibration is what causes injuries, so if I make my self vibrate, without hurting my self, I can severely injure my opponent.

This style can only be used with an extremely powerful body. Fortunately, I am already strong enough for the minimum requirement. But to more efficiently use this style, I will have to push my self to the absolute limit in these coming months. Also, I will have to use my shape shifting to compact my muscles, because I need super speed to use my style the best possible way.

Unfortunately, I can't continue practicing this style to increase its power, because I promised my girlfriend a date to the mall tomorrow. She said I have been training while forgetting her but I'm cluelessly what she means.(He takes everything seriously, so he's terrible when it comes to sarcasm.)

The Next Day:

I have just shifted into a car and am driving to Tsuyu's house. She seemed really excited to go with me. Also I don't know why I'm so dumb not to think about it, but I can just make my junk shift into my body so it doesn't get in the way. Tsuyu said I'm not allowed to make it smaller, and I'm no way in hell am I going to make it bigger, so this is the only alternative I can think of. This way I can wear jeans. I just hope Tsuyu doesn't find out because if she does she will probably not allow that too.😞

I am picking her up now. We talk about random stuff while I drive us there. When we get there I stop in the front and let her out. We are in a public place but I don't think people will care if I unshift here right. I unshifted and I now feel that 100 people are starring at me. I ignore them, and walk into the mall while wearing sunglasses in case someone was recording me.

As we walk in I ask, "So Tsuyu, where do you want to go first?" I am kinda rich, because Rumi gave me an allowance and I helped her a lot during her studies. She I very good at buying tutoring from me. "First I want to go to the cloths store because you need better cloths." Says Tsuyu. "But I have plenty of cloths and they fit fine." "No, I want cloths for you that will show off your body to make others jealous." I furrow my brows at that, "Why do you want people to be jealous?" "Because I'm your girlfriend." When she says this I just shut up and agree as she pulls the girlfriend card, she does this when she just wants me to agree with her.

And so, we go to the cloths store and she picks out cloths that are all one size to small in tops and the right size in pants. She tells me to try some on, so I go to the changing room and change. When I come out there is a pink skinned girl with horns and dark eyes talking with her. They seem to be having a conversation about me so I interrupt and say, "Tsuyu these cloths are really tight. They are not uncomfortable but they will rip if I have to fight in them." This sentence brings them out of conversation as they stare at my perfectly sculpted body and say "wow" I have to wave my hand in front of they're faces to wake them up.

Tsuyu starts by saying, "That's a keeper. You shouldnt worry about fighting, you can just copy the cloths into yours without buying them." "Oh yeah." I forgot I don't have to buy cloths and can just copy them. Mina just keeps starring at me so I introduce myself and offer her a hand shake. "Hello I'm Kia, when did you meet Tsuyu?" "Oh yeah, I'm Mina. Nice to meet you. I met her just now, we were talking about you being her boyfriend. It seems that I have made new friends today." Mina says this in a very excited way as she traces my abs with a red tint on her face. Tsuyu pouts and says, "Go change into another outfit." And so when we are done and I have copied enough cloths for Tsuyu's satisfaction, we go to the arcade and play a little. When we are done we share our numbers with Mina and talk about ourselves and how we are all trying to go to UA. She leaves and says, " I hope to see you all at UA, maybe we can hang out more before that! Bye!" We go to the parking lot and I make sure no one is looking as I change into a car.

Little did I know there was someone waiting for me as they recorded me when we arrived and was waiting to see me shift back into a car. They said silently to them selves. "This is going to go viral." As I shifted into a car. Later they put it on YouTube and it went viral in 24 hours. So tomorrow I would need to hide my shifting from the public for a while.

Later when we got back home and we were going to have another session of Hot Time, Tsuyu got a text from Mina that said 'your boyfriend's quirk is going viral on YouTube.' She took out her phone and we watched as they recorded me sifting and in shifting into two different super cars. Tsuyu looks at me and says, "Well that is a pain. I guess you have to fly us to places now!" Huuuuuh I sigh. I didn't want to fly her because it's to flashy and I hate flashy. But at least I can camouflage my self in the air, as I don't have to worry about traffic.

I can now shift into a almost full size millenniun Falcon, as I have trained my quirk for a while now. My lasers can shoot all the way through buildings and they are 6 inches wide in circumference. I guess I should memorize some planes and jets huh. That's a pain. But at least I have more training that can help me improve my quirk.

I can now change into any person and have a basic understanding of how there quirk works when I shift into them.

And so after that we continue our Hot Time (sexual pleasure). We do this for an hour until Tsuyu is full and I am mentally exhausted. Since I can shift my cells, I can make my sperm into something nutritious, so I make it into healing solution for healing injuries and make it taste good so Tsuyu can enjoy it. Rumi also gets it when ever she comes back home. But she has her own home so she comes here like once a week.

When we are done Tsuyu goes home for sleep and I go to sleep after I take her home via flying. She really enjoys flying and since we have to do it now, she wants me to fly here everyday.

When I wake up in the morning I start training and continue training for the whole day, only stopping to take breaks when Tsuyu texts me. This goes on for a while as I train to my limit and now it's 1 month away from UA's entrance exam. I'm so excited. Rumi said it changes every year so I hope it's fun.

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