
Too OP in MHA

MC Acts his own age except really smart and has 1 OP quirk and 1 Fun quirk.

Hippo9999 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Quirk Apprehension Test!

<p>Kia POV: <br/>Today is the day we go to UA! We are currently flying in the sky at just below Mach one. As to not disturb people from sleeping. We are very high though. We left our houses extra early so we can scope out our class mates. <br/><br/>When we arrived to class we sat down in the back as we were the only people in class and we were scoping out the pranking spots. Then the door suddenly opened and a tall girl with spiky hair came through and looked surprised to see some one earlier than her she sat down in front of Tsuyu and introduced herself, "Hello I'm Yaoyorozu Momo, but you can call me Momo! I was surprised that there was someone who came earlier than me. What are your names?" "My name is Tsuyu and he is Kia, nice to meet you too. He flew use to UA so we wouldn't miss class, but evidently we were way too early." <br/><br/>Momo's eyes widened when she heard I could fly and said, "Oh cool, you have a flying quirk. That's very convenient. My quirk is Creation. I can creat anything with my lipid molecules." When she said that I shook my head and corrected, "Oh no, my quirks allow me to shape shift and use energy to knock them around." Her eyes widened even more as she asked, "What can you shape shift into is it only animals?" "Huh? No I can shape shift into anything and anyone." I said, "wow," she said and sighed. <br/><br/>As she sighed the door opened and more people walked in and sat down. The blonde kid came in and looked around and sat at the desk 3 seats up and to the right and placed his feet on the desk. When he did this, the glasses kid came up to him and started arguing about how he needs more respect. I saw this and smiled as I got a great idea. The girls noticed and I said to them, "Hay girls, watch this." <br/><br/>After I said this I shifted into the blonde and walked over with a scowl. "Hay you bastard with blonde hair, get the fuck out of my seat." They both looked over and were very confused. The blonde said, "What the fuck, why do you look like me you bastard! Shut the fuck up and fuck off!" He said this and there were small explosions at his palms. I scowled back and said, "The fuck did you say, you blonde haired bitch! I'm real you copying fuck! Get the fuck out of my seat of I'll paint the walls red with your blood!" I yelled this as I copied him and small explosions cane out of my palms as well. Just as he was about to attack, glasses got in between us. I took that opportunity and changed into a mini jet and flew back into my seat. The blonde was confused as he just saw someone disappear in front of him. He searched around but couldn't find himself, so he sat back down and cursed under his breath to find who pranked him.<br/><br/>When I came back the girls were giggling like crazy. We started talking again as more people came in. Mina came in and sat next to Momo as she joined the conversation. Then when everyone was here, a yellow sleeping bag came inside and a person came out with a face that said I haven't slept in months. He introduced himself as the teacher and had us introduce ourselves. There were many people I was interested in such as the blonde and the half and half. When it was my turn I got up and said, "Hello. My name is Kia Usagiama and I hope to have some competition this year. I went to the same middle school as Iida and I have 2 quirks!" The almost the whole class looked surprised that I have 2 quirks. Some one asked, "And what are your 2 quirks?" "That's for me to have and you to find out!" I said as I smiled brightly.<br/><br/>After introductions, Aizawa Sensei said in a uninterested voice, "Now that that is done, put these on and come to the PE grounds." As he said this PE uniforms came out of the floor. We all went to the rack and went to the locker room. I took mine and went to the locker room. When I got there everyone was talking and putting there stuff on. Someone with red spiky hair came up to me and asked, "So what are your quirks, you seem normal to me." I looked at the uniform and looked at him. I said, "Just watch. This is a sneak peek to what my first quirk is." After that I shifted my cloths to the PE uniform and laid out the real uniform. When Bakugo saw me shift he pointed his finger at me and yelled, "Your the bastard that pranked me this morning by changing into myself and trying to steal my seat!" Everyone looked at me and I heard the green haired kid named Izuku mutter with stars in his eyes, "Shape shifting." I looked at him and said, "Bingo!" <br/><br/>Then I left to go to the PE grounds. I was the first person there so I just waited for everyone else. When everyone arrived, Sensei said, "We are going to do a Quirk apprehension test today instead of doing orientation." The class was shocked and some one said, "But this is the first day of school!" "And this is UA, we are training you to be hero's not students." Said Sensei. Then someone else said, "Wow! This is going to be fun!!!" Sensei scoffed and lectured us about how this is serious and how we will get expelled if we get last place. He said PLUS ULTRA and got everyone fired up.<br/><br/>Everyone looked shocked and I had a fire lite in my eye as I could do my best in this exam. Then he said, "Bakugo, since you have a quirk good for this exam, you will show everyone how to do the ball throw test. You may use your quirk." Bakugo smirked and looked at me as I raised my eyebrow and looked back at him. He took the ball, charged up his sweat and yelled, "DIE!!!" The ball launched and went 708.4 meters. Almost everyone was shocked. "Not bad. As you can see, the way you use your quirk can get you to throw it farther than others." Said Sensei. <br/><br/>Then we all went to the next test and it was the 50 meter dash. Iida got just above 3 seconds and that was the fastest time before I went. When it was my turn I told the teacher, "For all these exams, I'm not going to use my shifting quirk only my other one. Is that ok?" He nodded and said, "I want to see what your style in person anyway." I laughed and nodded. "I see you have good eyes." He just nodded as I went up to the starting line. <br/><br/>I was racing Todoroki. He seemed to look at me like a rival. So I nodded to him and smiled. "Get ready." Time started to slow down in my perspective. I started my technique of my vibrating. It drew everyone's attention, as I was moving so fast the air around me started humming. When my class mates looked at me they could only see a blurred figure. Sensei smirked. "Set." I layered my feet with as many energy layers as I could muster, which was 20. You could now see a smiling figure and a grinning teacher. "Go." When he said, that he immediately looked at the finish line and saw my figure. Just after that you could hear 7 booms as I had just traveled Mach 7 to the finish line. The whole class was very confused. They all thought, 'If he did that with his other quirk, then what would happen when he used his shifting quirk too.' This one thought made them shiver. Then the robotic voice sounded, ".007 seconds, 5.248 seconds." On the right of Kia you could see a panting Todoroki. He seemed dissatisfied that he lost, but when he realized the other time, he just started at me. <br/><br/>Next was the grip strength test. Everyone went and someone impressed me by gripping 540 kg. The machine was supposed to hold up to 1000 kg of force, but I knew I was going to break the machine, so I asked, "Sensei, if the machine breaks, will I have to pay for it?" "He looked at me and said, "IF it breaks you won't have to pay for it, but I don't think you can break it. It can withstand 1000 kg of forc-" CRACK!!! SHATTER!!! "Oops, well you did say I didn't have to pay for it so, what's next?" Everyone had there eyes wide, including the teacher. <br/><br/>He looked at me with a deadpanned look and said, "The next test is the standing long jump." Most people just jumped as far as they could. Some used there quirk to go over the box. I just used my body strength and jumped over the box.<br/><br/>"The next test is the ball throw again. Bakugo since you already did this you don't have to take it again." Then everyone went up. Surprisingly, some one by the name of Uraraka got infinity. I was also surprised that Izuku got his finger broken, but got .1 meter farther than Bakugo. When Bakuho saw that, he ran at Izuku trying to blow him up, but was stopped by Aizawa and put back in place. When it was finally my turn, everyone was expecting something great and I was going to give them just that. "Sensei, if the ball is destroyed or lost, do I have to pay for it?" I once again asked. "No Kia, you will not have to pay for it."said Sensei with a sigh. I smiled and got into the circle. Then I pulled back my arm and threw the ball straight up with 20 layers of energy pushing the ball up. The ball was sent to space and was headed to the sun. My class mates didn't know hat happened so they just looked at me and I said, "I sent it to space. If nothing hits it, in 100 years the sensor will be burnt To a crisp." Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard me and looked at Aizawa. He just looked at the distance and how it just kept going up, so he just gave me infinity and moved on to the punching machine. (I know I added this, but I'm a fan of DBZ so deal with it.) <br/><br/>"Next is the power test, just punch, kick or hit any other way to see your results. Just go in the same order as always." Said Aizawa. We all got in a line and each of us went in order. Of course I was last, but I didn't mind. Now it was my turn and right when I opened my mouth Sensei said, "no you won't have to pay for it and I want you to give it your all. This machine can stand up to 10,000 kg of force." (In case you didn't remember, Kia already weighs 10 tons, but no one knows that as he is to embarrassed to tell them his weight. 10 tons = 9071.847 kg.) I looked at him and asked, "do you really want me to use full power?" He gave me an annoyed look and said, "yes." I nodded and went up to the machine and started my Flow and energized my fist. I then said, "you might want to move back because this is going to generate a lot of wind." Some of them didn't believe me and stayed there, but the smart ones moved back. Surprisingly, Bakugo grunted and moved back as well. I gave them 10 seconds to move back and when I saw people who hadn't moved I said, "At least I warned you." Then I punched out with all my strength. BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! The impact sounded like a rocket launch. Everyone who hadn't moved yet was blown away at least 10 meters. When the dust cloud cleared, you could no longer see a machine, but there was a crater that was 10meters wide and 4 meters deep. Everyone wasn't even surprised at this point as they were just starring at me smiling.<br/><br/>The next test was the side to side jumps. Surprisingly someone named Mineta got second just under me.<br/><br/>Then there was the seated toe-touch, sit-ups and the distance run. Not so surprisingly, I got first in all three tests.<br/><br/>"That concludes all the tests. Also the expelling thing was a lie. Now we are going to go back and do normal stuff." He said this as some people gasped. Momo said it was rational deception. I told her it wasn't as my sister is a hero and she said when she was his student, he actually did expel multiple people from her class.<br/><br/>Then everyone went back to do normal stuff and we met all the teachers and we just talked the rest of the time. I told everyone what my quirk was and they told me theirs. Izuku even came over and asked me, "s s so, w what can you share shift into." I smiled and did jazz hands as I told them, " Anything, but girls. For some reason I can't shift into a girl. I even shift into the boy version of girls I shift into." Mineta visibly deflated for some reason and left the group. After that, we all went home. As I took Tsuyu home and we had some Hot Time together. <br/><br/>"That was a great day!!!!!!!!" I yelled before falling asleep.</p>

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