
Toneri in DC

After his tragic encounter with Otsutsuki urashiki and being trapped in the void known as the dragon king palace. In his moment of despair he is rescued by his ancestor, Hamura otsutsuki, the brother of Hagoromo Otsutsuki bringing him a glimmer of hope and possibly a chance at a new beginning…

Fredozy · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 25: Project Kr

They had finally reached the doors leading to Project Kr, but they were closing, and Guardian and his pack of Genomorphs were still on their tail. Kid Flash sprinted ahead and accidentally collided with an African American woman who was engrossed in some data. As the doors began to shut, he quickly grabbed a barrel and jammed it between the doors, allowing his friends to squeeze through. Aqualad and Ctoneri came in last, and Aqualad kicked the barrel to the other side, closing the door before Guardian and his squad could get in.

Robin was immediately on his holographic computer. "I disabled the door. We're safe."

"I think you mean, we're trapped," Aqualad replied.

"It's only a matter of time before they get through," Ctoneri said, looking at the door with a calm expression.

"You don't seem to be worried about any of this at all," Aqualad observed.

"There is nothing here to cause such a thing," Ctoneri replied, glancing over Aqualad's shoulder. 'So that's what I and the original were sensing. I actually thought he was the one down here,' he thought.

"Uh, guys, you might want to see this," Kid Flash called out.

After finding a light switch, the group saw something shocking: inside a glass pod was a sleeping teenage boy with short black hair, wearing a white jumpsuit with Superman's shield symbol on the chest. Kid Flash approached the tube. "Big 'K', little 'r', the atomic symbol of Krypton!"

"Is he a relative of his? He looks like a younger version of Superman," Ctoneri said, activating his Byakugan. 'No! He feels just like him, but dimmer. If Superman is the sun, then he is akin to a moon,' he thought.

"Let's find out," Robin said, typing on his holographic computer after hacking into the pod's systems. "Weapon designation: Superboy, a clone force-grown in…" Robin's eyes widened. "Sixteen weeks!? From DNA acquired from Superman."

"More like stolen from Superman," Aqualad said. Ctoneri narrowed his eyes as he stared at the clone.

"No way the big guy knows about this," Kid Flash said.

"His solar suit allows him to absorb yellow sun radiation 24/7," Robin said grimly.

"They created him to be a living weapon, a counter for Superman perhaps, and intend to use him like one," Ctoneri said. Kid Flash turned to him.

"You don't sound surprised at all, Toneri," Kid Flash said. Ctoneri sighed before looking at him.

"Back in my home dimension, Kid Flash, I have seen a lot of people create clones for the purpose of war or just so they can harvest them because of their special bloodlines. I have even seen a situation where the cell of a single man was used to create hundreds of thousands of clones for war," Ctoneri explained. "During my experience, I have watched a lot of people like this, using others as weapons, tools for their selfish purposes, and disposing of them once they have no use for them. This is exactly what Cadmus is trying to do to him."

"Whoa, that's a lot, being bred to become a weapon or to be harvested," Kid Flash said in disgust.

"Guys, look," Aqualad said, pointing at three G-gnomes in the pod with the Superboy clone. "Those creatures? I assume they are more Genomorphs."

"Yeah, Genomorph Gnomes," Robin confirmed, still on his holographic computer. "They're telepathic. Force-feeding him education."

"I saw one on Guardian's shoulder earlier. He's being controlled by the G-Gnomes' telepathy, they all are. If they are building an army, then this guy must be their trump card. They're trying to force mind control commands into him, making him a real living weapon," Ctoneri said. 'Their techniques remind me of the Yamanaka clan's methods,' he thought.

"They're making a slave out of, well, Superman's son," Kid Flash said.

"Now we contact the League," Aqualad said, activating the communicator on his belt. All they heard was static. Robin checked his computer.

"No signal," Robin confirmed.

"We're in too deep, literally," Kid Flash said.

Ctoneri sighed and looked at them. 'He's probably having fun,' he thought, wondering what his original was doing while looking at the figures outside the door in amusement.

Outside the lab's massive door, Guardian stood with a contingent of Genomorphs, watching impatiently as a scientist fiddled with the lock. The sound of hurried footsteps drew his attention. Turning with a frown, he saw Dr. Desmond and Dubbilex approaching rapidly.

"They're still inside, with the weapon," Dr. Desmond spat out, his face contorted with rage.

"The door is sealed," Guardian replied, his tone measured.

"Then use your telekinesis!" Desmond barked at Dubbilex.

"I've already attempted that," Dubbilex responded calmly, though his frustration was evident.

"Useless!" Desmond muttered under his breath before stepping closer to Guardian. "This is unacceptable. Call for the G-trolls to force it open!"

"They're en route," Guardian replied, placing his hands on his hips. His patience with Desmond was wearing thin.

"You understand that once we breach this door, we cannot allow them to leave," Dr. Desmond said, his voice dripping with malice.

"These aren't just some meddling kids," Guardian said firmly. "Antagonizing the Justice League is a bad idea."

"Facing the Cadmus board of directors is worse," Desmond shot back. He turned to the G-gnome perched on Guardian's shoulder. "Relay our orders to the G-Gnomes in Project Kr." The G-gnome's horns glowed in response.

Dubbilex took this moment to interject. "One of them, a white-haired individual, presented an unusual challenge. I couldn't penetrate his mind. His power and intent were formidable."

Guardian nodded. "I faced him too. He overpowered me effortlessly. He's not someone to underestimate."

Dr. Desmond's eyes narrowed in contemplation. "Is he aligned with the Justice League?"

Guardian shrugged. "I can't be sure. He didn't display any insignia, and his methods were... unconventional."

Desmond mulled over this information. 'An unknown variable... Is this related to the disturbances we've detected in other sub-levels? It's not unheard of for subjects to break loose and cause chaos. Acceptable losses, of course.'

He snapped out of his thoughts and addressed Guardian. "No matter who he is, once we get that door open, we'll deal with him accordingly."

Guardian maintained his stoic expression, but internally, he was concerned. 'I hope you're right. This individual feels like a significant threat.'

Dubbilex remained outwardly composed, but his mind was racing. 'Who is this white-haired figure? His presence complicates everything.'

As they awaited the arrival of the G-trolls, the tension in the corridor was palpable. Desmond paced, his mind a whirlwind of anxiety and resolve. 'No interference will be tolerated. Not even from an unknown entity. We must act swiftly and decisively once the door is breached.'

Finally, the heavy footsteps of the G-trolls echoed down the corridor. Guardian and his team steeled themselves for the impending confrontation.