
Toneri in DC

After his tragic encounter with Otsutsuki urashiki and being trapped in the void known as the dragon king palace. In his moment of despair he is rescued by his ancestor, Hamura otsutsuki, the brother of Hagoromo Otsutsuki bringing him a glimmer of hope and possibly a chance at a new beginning…

Fredozy · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 24: Alpha-Chimera

As Toneri continued to study the Alpha-Chimera, a thought crossed his mind. "Do you want me to put you out of your misery?" he asked softly. The creature's agitation grew, its breath becoming erratic, eyes wild with a mixture of rage and fear.

Without warning, Toneri raised his palm towards the containment unit. A surge of chakra focused in his hand, manifesting into sharp, needle-like rods. With a flick of his wrist, he shot the chakra rods towards the glass, shattering it with explosive force. Alarms blared throughout the facility, red lights flashing ominously.

The containment unit's straps, designed to hold the creature in place, loosened up and fell away. The Alpha-Chimera, now freed, roared with fury and leaped towards Toneri, its claws gleaming under the harsh fluorescent lights. The ground cracked beneath its powerful legs, sending shards of concrete flying.

Toneri stood his ground, watching the creature with an impassive gaze. As the Alpha-Chimera lunged at him, claws aimed for a lethal strike, Toneri's lips curled into a small, mocking smile. At the last moment, he bent his body backward with fluid grace, the creature's claws slicing through the air just above him.

Using the momentum of his dodge, Toneri twisted his body and delivered a vicious kick to the Alpha-Chimera's midsection. The force of the blow sent the creature hurtling into one of the reinforced walls, cracking it upon impact. Dust and debris filled the air, partially obscuring the creature.

From within the smoke, the creature's eyes glowed with an eerie, red light. A low growl rumbled from its chest, filled with anger and pain. Toneri observed it with a keen interest, noting its resilience.

"Oh, so you can withstand that much?" Toneri remarked, his tone almost amused. "Well, this should be fun."

The creature's agitation grew, its breath becoming erratic. Suddenly, it activated its camouflage ability, blending into its surroundings in an attempt to catch Toneri off guard. However, Toneri's Byakugan saw through the illusion, tracking the creature's every move.

The Alpha-Chimera lunged at him, but Toneri dodged effortlessly. "Chidori Nagashi," he muttered, and lightning chakra erupted from his body, racing across the floor and electrocuting the creature. The Alpha-Chimera roared in pain, its camouflage failing as it was forced back into visibility.

The Alpha-Chimera wasted no time. It charged at Toneri once more, moving with a speed and power that belied its bulk. It swiped at him with its deadly claws, each strike powerful enough to rend steel. Toneri danced around the attacks, his movements a blur of precision and agility.

As the creature's claws came dangerously close, Toneri summoned a chakra rod and parried a particularly vicious swipe, using the force of the blow to spin around and land another powerful kick to the creature's side. The Alpha-Chimera roared in fury, its claws scraping the ground as it tried to regain its balance.

The ground beneath them cracked and buckled from the intensity of their battle. Toneri's Byakugan eyes allowed him to anticipate the creature's every move, giving him an edge in the fight. He dodged and countered with calculated strikes, each blow landing with devastating precision.

The Alpha-Chimera, though powerful, was no match for Toneri's skill and experience. Yet, it fought with a ferocity born of desperation and pain, its primal instincts driving it to attack relentlessly. Toneri respected its tenacity, even as he prepared to end the battle.

The creature lunged once more, jaws wide open in a feral scream. Toneri sidestepped the attack, coated his fists with Raiton (Lightning Release) chakra with a swift motion, delivered a series of rapid strikes to the creature's pressure points using his chakra-infused fists the chaotic element infused into the Alpha-Chimera's body. The Alpha-Chimera staggered, its movements becoming sluggish as the effects of the precise blows took hold.

With a final, powerful kick, Toneri sent the Alpha-Chimera crashing into the wall once more. The creature slumped to the ground, its breaths coming in ragged gasps. Toneri stood over it, his expression unreadable.

"Your suffering ends now," he said quietly, summoning another chakra rod. With a swift, merciful strike, he pierced the creature's heart, ending its life. The Alpha-Chimera's body went limp, its tortured existence finally over.

He looked at the body of the chimera for a second before bringing up his hand which had a dull white glow to it signifying the use particle style. Moving to touch the chimera's head and letting the particle style chakra evade its body as he atomized the Alpha-chimera.

Toneri stepped back, the alarms still blaring around him. He knew he had little time before more Cadmus security arrived. But for now, he took a moment to reflect on the grotesque creation before him, the dangers of unchecked ambition and the hubris of those who sought to play God.

Toneri left the vault, now a tomb for the Alpha-Chimera, and turned to his left, continuing deeper into the labyrinthine Cadmus facility. His mind raced with thoughts of the creature he had just slain, its chaotic energy still lingering in his senses.

'That creature had a very tiny fraction of the chaotic energy I felt from that creature I fought months back,' he mused. 'Is there a connection, or is it just a coincidence?'

As he ventured further into the facility, the horrors he encountered grew more unsettling. Each step brought him past new grotesqueries—creatures that seemed born of nightmares, writhing in their containment units or slumped lifelessly in their cells. The scale of Cadmus's experiments was staggering, a dark testament to humanity's hubris and relentless quest for power.

Toneri's thoughts drifted back to the Elemental Nations. The image of Orochimaru, a mortal obsessed with power and forbidden knowledge, floated into his mind. Orochimaru had conducted experiments with an eerie similarity to those he now witnessed at Cadmus. Yet, even Orochimaru had required a basis of chakra to fuel his creations.

'That mortal obsessed with power is one of the few I have seen capable of creating things like this,' he thought, a faint smirk touching his lips. 'But even he needed a basis of chakra to do it. These humans here... they have found other means, it seems.'

As he moved deeper into the facility, Toneri couldn't help but reflect on the limitations and potential of humanity. For all their flaws, they possessed an unyielding drive to transcend their natural bounds, often with disastrous consequences.

'Well, it would seem there are still things in reality I need to learn, huh, Hamura-sama?' Toneri thought, a hint of reverence in his mental address to his ancestor.

He passed through another set of heavy, reinforced doors, which hissed open to reveal yet another chamber filled with disturbing experiments. The air was thick with the scent of chemicals and the faint, almost imperceptible hum of machinery. Toneri's Byakugan scanned the room, taking in every detail—the fluctuating energy signatures, the array of containment units, and the dispassionate faces of the scientists who scurried about, oblivious to his presence.

The sight of their cold, methodical work brought a fresh wave of disdain. They tampered with forces they barely understood, their ambitions leading them down paths fraught with peril. Yet, amidst this disdain, there was also a grudging respect. The humans at Cadmus, much like Orochimaru, possessed a relentless curiosity and a willingness to push the boundaries of what was possible.

His thoughts turned inward once more. 'If these humans can harness such chaotic energies, perhaps there is more to their world than I initially thought. Perhaps there are lessons to be learned, even from their misguided attempts at playing God.'

Toneri's pace quickened, a newfound determination in his stride. He would delve deeper into Cadmus's secrets, uncovering the full extent of their experiments and the knowledge they had unearthed. The horrors he had witnessed were merely the beginning—there was still much to uncover, much to understand.

And as he moved deeper into the facility, one thought lingered at the forefront of his mind: 'In a world teetering on the brink of chaos, knowledge is the most powerful weapon of all.'