
Toji Fushiguro: Young Justice(DC)

Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 1.3M Views
  • 14 Chs
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What is Toji Fushiguro: Young Justice(DC)

Read Toji Fushiguro: Young Justice(DC) fanfiction written by the author A_Real_Werewolf234 on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Anime & Comics fanfic stories, covering action, superpowers, overpowered, transmigration, antihero. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


One day, while scrolling through the internet, Victor came across a questionnaire. When he clicked on it, it asked if you wanted to be Transmigrated. He answered yes, and it allowed him to meet the god of gambling. He gambled and hit the slot machine three times. What he got he thought was decent, but it did make him look like Toji so he was all for it.

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一个原本可以造福人类的机会,因为一次意外,变成了毁灭人类的究极武器。 身体素质相当于国家一级运动员的普通丧尸,千奇百怪的变异丧尸,在地下肆虐的变异老鼠群,在空中肆无忌惮的袭击活物的变异鸟群,以及人类根本就没办法涉及的深海生物。 这些怪物们的出现给人类造成了巨大的打击,全球各大城市相续沦陷,为了反抗,人类不得不启用了核武器,但结果却是因为核辐射的原因,人类亲手造出了更加难缠的核变异丧尸。 随着丧尸不断的变异,人类节节败退,只能形成一个个的聚集地,利用手中的武器,尽力保护聚集地不会被丧尸攻破。 在末日之中苟活了十年的蔡文杰,最终还是死在了丧尸的嘴里,也许是上天并不想让这个世界就这么毁灭,已经死亡的蔡文杰重新活了过来,并且回到了末日发生前的前三天,并且还获得了一个军火系统,可以利用点数兑换各种各样的武器来对抗成出不穷的丧尸。 数十年后 面对如潮水般涌来的丧尸潮,蔡文杰只是冷酷的说了一句。 “开始进攻!” 随着蔡文杰的一声令下,由无数的坦克,装甲车,机甲组成的装甲部队开始对丧尸进行了反冲锋。 天空中也全是听命于蔡文杰的空天母舰,战斗机,轰炸机。 人类和丧尸的最终之战打响了。

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The Game Called Love

“Don't feel bad, it's all because you don't know how to play the game of love" “Love isn't a game” Arianna defended, sounding like a child who was trying to prove Santa was real. Nathan looked at her from the corner of his eye, a smirk played on his lips. “It is a game and the sooner you realize that the better, you're never going to get a guy to fall in love with you if you continue to act the way you do” “I know you are my boss and I'm supposed to agree with whatever you say but I can't agre e with this. Love isn't a game and I can make any guy fall in love with me just the way I am” “Okay then prove it” Arianna raised her eyebrow questioningly at him, maybe he was drunk. “Prove it? how?” “Make me fall in love with you” …….. All her life Arianna has believed in love. The way it was told in fairy tales. She knew that one day she was going to find her prince charming and that made her ready to do anything for love. Even things that looked foolish to others, to her it was a little price to pay for the happiness that comes with being in love. Although she had her mind in a good place. Fate always played a nasty game with her and she always ended up heartbroken but that did not stop her from dreaming. She had never questioned her way of love until she meets Nathan Miller, her boss who seems to believe love is a game and she doesn't know how to play it. The two go out to drink and something happens leading Nathan to carelessly say that she should make him fall for her. Arianna takes his words seriously and makes it her mission to make him fall for her. And let's not forget Kyle, Arianna's handsome coworker who she has unintentionally friendzoned. What could happen when these three people's lives get intertwined. Will Arianna give up on her dream to find true love? Will Nathan's ways rub off on her? Would she find love I the arms of her boss or would she realise her prince charming had been sitting right in front of her the whole time or would she give up on love in general? Read this book to find out

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Zui re was woke up and she noticed something different. When she woke up she saw six men. All of them was crazy. They were still together until now. Taecyeon was so stubborn, Wooyoung always make trouble, Nichkhun was like angel but when he angry he will became devil, Minjun was like a team leader but he not the leader, Junho always asked question until all of them always wanted to run away from him, Chansung was the younger but he was born the same year with Junho. Junho was in January and he was in February. Wooyoung ideas were brilliant but it had corns from the ideas. He suggested to Minjun to go to the club. Finally, Minjun got into trouble because his 'brilliant' ideas. Junho always wanted to the answered for his questions. That why he always asked and asked. Finally, they just left him with his questions. Chansung was silent for the most time. He didn't talk to much and he just follow the other members. But when he started to talk no one can understand what he talk about because he always changed the topic. Minjun liked a big brother all the other members obeyed to his order. That made him looked liked grandpa sometimes. But he always got to bully by the other members especially Junho. Taecyeon almost burned their dorm when he wanted to cook lunch for the other members. But he still wanted to cook even Nichkhun was stopped him. Finally, they ate at the cafe. Nichkhun was not different from the other members. Actually, he the funny member in 2PM. He liked an angel and always help the other members. He will became devil when he wanted to bully someone. All of them always help each other and make problems together. They love did what they wanted. Friendship more than 10 years made them always be together. Half of this story were based on true stories and all the characters were true people and their attitude also true only Zui re character was create in this story. Another half story were created to make stories became more interest. If you wanted to know which one was based on true story you just comment and I will tell you. Taecy, In mangatoon this novel was already released and the chapters was more from webnovel.

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Toji the king of monkeys will always be the best


I see Toji, I click.


Author here, disclaimers before going in to the story. The main character is not Toji; he looks like him, so he won't be imitating the way he acts. I still have not decided on a romance or if this will be a harem. Likely not. The story will involve the DC Multiverse starting on Earth 16, the Young Justice TV show. Next Earth will either be Earth 3(Crime Syndicate) or Earth 49(Injustice Universe)


I don't really like DC/MARVEL, but it's Toji so it's okay x x x x xx x x x xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


i like this i really do and i know there only 10 chapter right now but it kinda annoying that legit 90% of this fic so far is just training, training test abilitys and more training please for the love of god make the next few chapters ANYTHING but god dam training please


The story is just bad, there is literally zero character interaction after the first 2 or 3 chapters (the shikigami and his pets don't count), each chapter is just a boring summary of his off screen grinding, interspersed with MC slaughtering nameless redshirts, nothing has any impact or emotional weight. It's not worth reading.


It's seriously good. He is OP, atleast in the YJ universe he is, a bit reckless but he knows that too, let's see what happens in the future..


Here's my summary of the book: Great grammar, fluid and well-written combats, and a huge and rich cohesion of words. The story so far is very good, I hope he remains an anti-hero and that this novel isn't a harem. Congratulations on a great book, my only criticism is that it has too few chapters hahaha, I'm looking forward to it.


Are you going to write a different story?


Reveal spoiler


This is just as great as the other series, but author-san will the adeptus series continue or is it dropped?






It’s honestly really well writtne but I can tell the story is not for me. I hope the author continues his work it is really well done


A wonderful novel set in the world of DC, with perfect grammar and a story without too many plot holes I strongly recommend you read it!!!


Mydymtsjtenhdngengengensgnmhmhdndgnhd j hd hnrmhrmrhmrunhrnhrnejgenhenhrmrynyrmhrnhrmgenwgnrh eh genhr egnyrnegngeneyn yngen yj ynegn yn umrym um umrum u tj


Better not drop this. I don’t really like DC but the skills chosen and mc lookin like Toji already makes me interested In seeing where this goes.


Goku eta vaina es seria, Hasta el momento me está gustando esta historia, el protagonista tiene una buena personalidad y los poderes están buenos, sigue así.


WOOOO a good toji book GIVE ME MORE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a its the long horse a a a a a a worde requirement a a a a




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