
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Infinity

The day he was born was the day everyone went down in the ranking.

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Just Another Day

Accelerator was bringing the brat to a family restaurant as he could not cook. He walked down the street and was just about to arrive until an annoying voice came out of nowhere.

"Oh Accelerator can't even cook and is taking care of a mini Misaka." *Snap* a photo was taken. Accelerator gave a glare to Blindfold? Gojo no longer had that blindfold anymore and instead wore round black sunglasses.

Gojo was staring at Accelerator who was sitting with a mini Misaka in a family restaurant. "Oh this is great! Gotta show my friends." Gojo started taking pictures from different angles at high speeds while giving a childish laugh.

Accelerator was trying to block the camera with his frail arms but to no avail. The mini Misaka asked "Who is he?" Accelerator told her about his defeat and who Gojo was.


Kakine couldn't take it anymore. First he gives out videos of him meming Accelerator and now he's showing pictures of him taking care of a loli. "Accelerator's going to lose his street cred!"


Gunha was shouting in a shop. "He's got GUTS! to take care of a child when he himself is a beanpole."


Gojo and Accelerator both spotted a familiar researcher, Amai Ao.

Accelerator/Gojo: "What is he doing here?"

Accelerator just left and so did Gojo. Gojo needed to know what was happening.




Gojo was rushing hoping he would make it in time. ("Shit, shit, shit") How could this happen?

"Amai Ao you better hope that you live from having crushed limbs cause I'm not going to easy on you for the lives of so many people at stake." Gojo was rushing towards the demolished site as fast as possible.

A crushed car came into sight as he saw Accelerator focusing on saving the child. A movement caught his eye as he saw Amai aiming a gun at Accelerator. This was bad as Gojo realised that the calculations where so immense that Accelerator would have his default reflection off. Hoping he would make it in time he tried to at least curve the bullet.


Gojo could clearly see the bullet curve a bit as it moved slightly away from the intended spot. The world was filling itself as it ripped a bit of the bullet off making it curve. The bullet landed into Accelerator's head.

Gojo walked up to Amai while he cowered in fear. Amai shot a bullet at him which stopped just before it hit him.


Amai's arms and legs where instantly crushed and twisted in a painful way while he screamed.


Yoshikawa arrive to see Gojo taking away Last Order and Accelerator, who had a bullet in his head. She looked around to find Amai with his limbs crushed despite that he pointed the gun and fired before dying.

Gojo heard another gunshot as he looked back and saw the researcher being shot. ("And another one bites the dust.") Gojo decided to pile the researcher on his shoulder while holding Accelerator and Last Order between each of his arms.


Heaven Canceller was shocked to see Gojo appear in front of him carrying three people. Gojo immediately told him to get working.




"So big guy got shot in the head huh?"

"Yep I should have reduced the damage caused by the bullet shard."

Gojo and Kakine were in their meeting spot which was on top of a tower.

Gojo/Kakine: "WTF you doing here?"

They were looking down at Accelerator who was drinking his coffee one level below them on the tower.


Awaki was currently running away from the Railgun and that pesky teleporter. She exited the alleyway only to find the Accelerator and Gojo Satoru, Academy City's strongest espers.


Accelerator had softened up a bit after losing to Gojo in the most ridiculous manner possible. Gojo decided to follow Accelerator hoping there would be a bit of fun. Gojo seeing Awaki realised that Aleister was still not finished.

Awaki stood there in disbelief until she started laughing and ranting about how Accelerator was shot in the head and how he couldn't use his ability anymore.

Accelerator looked like she was stupid. "Yes it's true I got shot in the head that day but my calculation abilities got saved however my language and motor functions are disabled and rely on these electrodes which have batteries needed, cause this guy managed to move the bullet and curve it a bit before it could damage the calculation bit of the brain." Accelerator pointed at Gojo who gave a thumbs up and a smile.

"But just cause I got weaker doesn't mean you got any stronger!"

Just like that the show had started while Gojo filmed this whole thing on his phone.

Accelerator flew up and smashed Awaki's face knocking her into the net of a building.

"And send."


Kakine was nodding in approval at this video titled "Advocate of Gender Equality"


Gunha was shouting "He's got GUTS! to hit a girl."


Misaka was tired but despite that she managed to open her messaging app to have a look at Gojo's video. A few minutes later she was enraged but managed to look on the bright side that Awaki got pummled.


Accelerator walked off with Gojo while talking about retiring as Academy City's strongest.

Gojo just sighed and followed him back to the hospital where Last Order was spouting out all the information she received to Accelerator.

Accelerator was complaining about how she was sleeping like a log while he was sneaking out of the hospital before Last Order shut his ability to talk. Gojo quickly snapped a photo and sent it to the group chat. The photo had a caption "Last Order has the ability to mute Accelerator."

Accelerator ended up tying Last Order into a blanket burrito while Gojo left with a wave of his hand.


Gojo was walking down the dark streets of the night while having a sad smile on his face, looking at the stars he sighed and spoke to no one in particular.

"It's just another day."