
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Infinity

The day he was born was the day everyone went down in the ranking.

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Daihasei Festival

Touma at this point had a walking controller to a nuke named Gojo. After what happened last time Gojo got Touma's contact number and said "Call me if something fun happens or your in danger."

Touma was with the Stiyl and Motoharu chasing a magician who was most likely carrying a sword that could kill a saint, the magic equivalent of a Level 5.

They arrived at a warehouse for the automated buses. The moment Touma stepped in a trap was set off firing a beam at Touma, who instinctively reacted with his right hand. The trap disappeared with the distinct sound of Imagine Breaker.

Touma saw the lady run away so he ran after her with the rest following him.


Misaka was wondering around when she saw HIM again.

Gojo was looking around at the sweets that they had to offer. In his arms there was a huge pile of sweets.

"Heya Misaka-chan!"

Misaka ran off with a blush from his new looks.


Touma and Motoharu had just discovered where the magician was heading and Touma had a fat smile on his face. Motoharu questioned him because of that "Why are you smiling? She's going in the direction of the school!"

Touma gave him a shit-eating grin and replied "Cause she's walking straight into the path of a nuke." Motoharu realised what Touma was implying and also gave a shit-eating grin in response "She is so dead as long as Aleister has THAT prepared"




"Damn it looks like she only came here for a bit to plant something on the basket!" Touma slammed his fist in anger and came out more determined then ever.

Touma and Motoharu quickly located the magician and started heading over there. The magician headed into one of the buses which exploded as Motoharu had told Stiyl to plant runes on all the buses back there. Touma started hounding Motoharu saying that they went too far when the lady in question stepped out unharmed.

"You cant fire this Onee-san up with physical flames but I wet myself a little from the surprise. See?" She then showed Touma and Motoharu...(Nope just Nope). She then pulled out some cards which burnt Motoharu. Touma tried to dispel the magic but it came right back.

The lady continued "If you want to save him either heal him or beat this Onee-san"

Touma chuckled as he started a full blown laughter "You've activated my trap card!" The lady got ready in case he did something but it turned into full blown confusion.

Touma called someone from his phone. After a while Touma had a shit-eating grin as he said "Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru"

The lady was confused as someone appeared behind her saying "NANI?" It was the legend Gojo Satoru. The lady was knocked out as Gojo chopped her neck anime style, Gojo stared at the fallen lady as her button came off and her.... were showing. Gojo noticed that she was waking up, the lady took one look at Gojo's face and blood gushed out of her nose like a upside down volcanic eruption.

The lady teleported away and left the item on the floor. The lady's last thought before leaving with a trail of blood was ("He's so hot."). Touma was instructed to destroy the item while Gojo looked in anticipation. It was an Ice-cream billboard. Gojo looked so disappointed and walked off with a big sigh though he did get to see some .....


Gojo was in a cafe with two other boys sitting in a booth. Kakine Teitoku and Sogita Gunha where eating there meals while talking until they saw Misaka. Gojo decided to call her out "Misaka-chan you're here as well?" Misaka noticed him and cursed him internally before she ignored him. Gunha seeing this added his thoughts "She's got GUTS! to be ignoring the strongest.


Kamijou Touma was in shock as he returned to find a classmate lying on the floor covered in blood. Stiyl just placed a barrier and was about to leave before Touma shouted out "You're just gonna leave her?" Stiyl immediately held Touma by the head saying that he shouldn't get carried away and if he could do anything.

Touma suddenly remembered about Gojo saying that he could heal injuries by reversing the Infinity process. Touma quickly got out his phone and called Gojo saying he needed urgent help. In less than five seconds Gojo was there looking at the girl before healing her up. Stiyl was in shock as he thought that esper's couldn't use magic to which Touma replied "He's a gemstone, the strongest esper don't ask how his abilities work as it causes headaches."

The wound was healing so fast that it was visible to the naked eye. Gojo finished it off and dusted his hands before leaving and saying "I expect you to repay this favour as I'm not your magic genie! or janitor for the matter of fact"


Kakine was watching with a sinister smile as he had just convinced Gunha to perform a taboo act. Gunha was reaching towards the four pieces of strawberry mochi on Gojo's empty seat. Kakine was holding it in as much as he could but occasional snickers came out. Gunha had secured the mochi and stuffed it in his mouth while Kakine recorded the whole thing.

A figure reappeared into the seat as Gunha became pale and started sweating excessively. Kakine prepared his phone for the upcoming event.

Gojo had just warped back to his seat only to find his mochi missing from the plate. Looking up he saw a pale Gunha with his cheeks stuffed with round objects. It didn't take long for Gojo to start chasing him. Gunha prepared himself with a "GUTS!" he started running for his life while Kakine followed them in the air with his wings while filming the whole ideal. Accelerator was interested as to what was happening until he saw the brat running away "Tch that damn brat."


5 minutes later


Gojo could be seen walking back to the restaurant while dragging a Gunha that was beaten black and blue with visible dents and cuts all over him. His clothes were ripped and his undies could be seen through the holes ripped in the pants. Kakine quickly snapped a photo before sending it to the others in case they wanted a copy.

Misaka watched as Gojo dragged back a messed up Gunha. Could this THING even be called the seventh level 5 anymore? Misaka was glad she did not eat those sweets she snatched from him.


Gojo was standing back at the counter.

"What flavour should I pick?"