
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Infinity

The day he was born was the day everyone went down in the ranking.

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Gojo knew about Touma's hero behaviour so he waited until they would finish.

Touma was shouting at Misaka "You can't defeat Accelerator!"

Misaka just told him to get out of the way.

"I know that's why we got this guy!"

Gojo awoke to (see?) Touma pointing at him. "What?" Touma then continued "This dude is stronger than Accelerator."

Misaka knew that Gojo was a Level 5 but how could the lowest rank be stronger than first ranked? Gojo seeing that look decided to explain. "The scientists give out ranks based of their interest in the power. Me and Guts-boy are ranked near the end as our powers don't make sense to them as mine breaks the laws of physics while Guts just doesn't make sense.

Touma decided to be all heroic and gave a speech and once again convinced Misaka that they could defeat Accelerator.

Accelerator decided to finish finish of the clone but as he was approaching the clone two people stepped out. One of them was not even worth mentioning while the other was dangerous.


Gojo decided to speak first. "Ara~ara I didn't know that you liked to bully and torture little girls Accelerator?" Accelerator mocked him back "What are you doing here watching Blindfold?" Gojo grew a tick mark on his head "Well this Blindfold can erase you off this planet." Accelerator stopped as he was walking into unknown waters at this point.

Touma told Gojo to step back as this was his fight which Gojo agreed to.




Gojo was looking at Accelerator creating plasma and decided to step in. Gojo obviously had to do this in style. Appearing in front of Touma the plasma beams stopped just before hitting Gojo. Touma found Gojo dropping something on him, a speaker. Gojo quickly gave instructions to Touma to run to a safe spot and start playing the music.

Accelerator looked worried at this point but he didn't falter much.

After all what could a 15 year old with a blindfold do?

The moment Accelerator charged music started playing from the speaker. Gojo had seen those anime characters with theme songs when they fought so he did the same and made his own theme songs.

Play: Infinite Potential Ost

Accelerator was closing in on him while Gojo was still humming to the tune of the song.

Seeing this Gojo quickly moved to the side and tripped Accelerator so he fell onto his knees and hands. Gojo quickly sat down on the kneeled down Accelerator and began talking about his favourite sweets to Touma.


Misaka was worried about the two who had ran off to defeat Accelerator. Arriving at the place she was shocked to see Touma sitting down and holding a speaker that was playing music. She looked at the dust cloud that was disappearing to see Gojo sitting down on a kneeling Accelerator. He was toying with him.


"My favourite sweets are daifuku as the cold and sweet taste is wrapped up in that stretchy mochi." Infuriated Accelerator made slammed his fist on the ground causing a blast of rock and air. Looking around he spotted no Gojo until Gojo's head had come into view behind him.

"My friends are looking ya know? So I'm going to show of a bit." Accelerator attempted to grab Gojo's arm only for it to stop. Gojo spun around while grabbing his arm causing Accelerator to 360 in the air. Gojo decided for the memes "360 no looking punch!" Gojo spun around 360 degrees gathering more force before punching Accelerator a few meters away. Gojo did all that while filming with a phone on one hand.

"Sending to Fairy boy, Guts boy and Electric Tsundere. Done!"


Kakine was on top of a tower when his friend Gojo had sent him a video titled

"Get good n00b"

Kakine had a giant tick mark before turning into full blown laughter. The video was played in slow mo but was still quite fast due to Gojo's speed. Kakine laughed as he watched Accelerator being spun 360 in the air while Gojo delivered a 360 blindfold punch.


A loud laugh could be heard in that district that night.


Sogita Gunha could be seen laughing during class while shouting "Massive Guts!" repeatedly while watching the video.


Misaka who was watching the scene saw Gojo click a few things on his phone. *Ping* Misaka looked at her own phone and wondered ("How did he get my number?") she opened the video and saw the entire scene played in slow mo.


Accelerator struggled to get up while Gojo just walked in front of him. In a desperate attempt to defeat the mountain in front of him he stomped on the ground causing Gojo to jump away.

Accelerator looked like he had figured out something even though it might now work against Gojo it was worth a try. Misaka who had ran down next to Touma watched as Accelerator was compressing wind into plasma. Gojo looked disappointed and started his own attack.

"Convergence, divergence my ability bring Infinity into reality. What do you think would happen when one touches this void?" Accelerator could not comprehend Gojo's power that broke the laws of physics.

A few words brought Accelerator back to reality. Seeing Gojo a red orb had appeared on his finger.

"Infinity Reversal: Red"

An explosive vacuum pushed Accelerator into the containers while Gojo decided to get a weapon. Skipping over to Touma and Misaka he handed his phone to Misaka while telling her to film this scene.

He grabbed Touma while slinging him over his back and walked over to Accelerator. Pointing at Touma he stated "See this Level 0? You're going to lose to him." He told Touma to ready his right arm. Holding Touma's legs like a bat he swung Touma at Accelerator who was attempting to stop it using his abilities.

A glass shattering sound was heard as Touma's right hand cancelled out his reflection. The fist came flying in an arc towards his face. The fist burrowed itself into Accelerator's face as he was knocked out cold from the "Touma bat" Touma was puking while saying "Never do that again."


Kakine had just finished calming himself down from the laughter until another ping brought his attention to the new video on his messages. Kakine was done he couldn't take it his laughs permeated through the whole district as he watched Accelerator being whacked by a Level 0.

A head poked through a window "Shut the hell up! People are sleeping!"


Gunha couldn't take it anymore he was rolling on the floor of the classroom while the video was playing on repeat.


Misaka could only stare in shock as Gojo came back with Touma on his shoulder. Gojo plopped Touma next to Misaka saying "I gotta go! Take care of Touma for me okay?" Gojo took his phone and disappeared.


"Maybe I should try that new type of milk mochi."