
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Monkey Swordsman - [ Chapter - 3 ]

So the abilities she had was pretty good and they were all related to magic so it was like the world wanted her to learn more about magic and so this made her more excited since she could do a lot more than she had now.

Then Nari decided she would try hunting a bigger animal since she was actually able to become bigger from the mana she kept absorbing and it looked like she was a monster since now she had like stripes on her back.

She was now a lime green frog with light blue stripes so it was really hard to not notice her and so because of her growth she had to make a new house and luckily there were bigger trees than the one she was living in before.

So it was really easy to move her stuff and move into another tree and this time the tree was absolutely big and so she created different floors using the magic spell "Grow" and "Plant Growth".

The first spell grow allows Nari to speed up the growth of the plant and the second spell allows Nari to control how the plant grows so she was able to make little furnitures and floors inside the tree.

The home that Nari was staying was almost so beautiful but Nari decided that's not where she wanted to stay permanently so she was still on the look out for a better place to stay than a tree.

But she lit up the home with the spell "Light" which creates little orbs of light that uses mana from the caster so she could turn it off and on whenever she likes so it was just like a light bulb and switch.

So then Nari wanted to try and hunt one of the Moon wolves that she saw in the forest before since she hasn't killed a creature with the mana of the element of darkness yet so she wanted to collect some.

Then Nari went out to look for any of the moon wolves and after finding one she immediately used the spell "Hidden" to hide her aura and scent so then started to set traps with magic and she created a plan to kill it.

So then after all that planning and preparation she was now carrying out the plan and when the wolf was in a spot where it's movement was a bit restricted she started her plan completely.

Nari jumped closer to the wolf and went in front of it and then shouted, "Fire Ball!", the wolf was immediately surprised by this and it's face was immediately burnt but then it started talking, "Ugh, magic.".

After hearing the wolf talk, she was immediately confused and then she asked carefully, "You can talk?", the wolf was then surprised as well then it said, "Yes but what's more surprising is that YOU can talk.".

It started to walk closer to Nari as she didn't expect anything like this to happen but then it continued to talk and it said, "Only stronger monsters have the ability to communicate with other monsters so that means your strong.".

Nari didn't know to take it as a compliment and she just said, "Thanks, I guess?" but her gratitude to that compliment quickly disappeared when the wolf said, "Let's test out how strong you are shall we?".

Then the wolf started chasing her but thanks to Nari's ability to not need to chant she was able to use the wind magic skill "Swift" to quickly get out of there and the wolf seemed like it couldn't catch up to her.

But then suddenly it jumped into the shadows under the trees and it started moving even faster and it was slowly catching up to her and she kept casting other movement spells to speed her up but it wasn't working.

So then when the wolf caught up to her she was immediately hit by the wolf's paw and then the wolf laughed and asked, "You know human magic? Even if you do, it was all just basic magic not made for hunting.".

Nari was confused since she didn't know there were other magic and it didn't say anything about that in either of the two books she had but she still had an ace up her sleave and she was about to use it.

But then she heard someone shout, "Hey, Stop that." then suddenly a little monkey jumped out from nowhere and it looked he was holding a long sharp stone that was in a shape of a sword.

She then asked, "Who are you?", then the monkey said with confidence, "I will be the one to defeat this atrocious beast!", then wolf laughed and said, "You? A puny monkey defeat a moon wolf, don't make me laugh.".

Then the monkey charged forward towards the wolf while the wolf charged towards him as well but then suddenly the monkey's sword started to glow and this suprised both wolf and Nari.

After crossing paths both the monkey and wolf took significant damage then the wolf shouted while asking, "Why does a puny monkey have aura?!?!", Nari also wanted the answer to this question.

Since you need to be well trained in the sword and aura is similar to using magic so it came up quite a bit in the two books that Nari read and she didn't understand either at how did a monkey learn that.

The monkey still with confidence then said, "Because I am protecting the weak.", when he said that it made Nari really mad and then she shouted "WEAK?!? WEAK?!? OH I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S WEAK!".

She then casted a spell that required nearly all of her mana to cast but after casting it she would be in a paralyzed state so it was dangerous to use with multiple enemies since she could be attacked during that time.

So she then shouted "Solar Strike!" even though she didn't need to shout the spell, she just shouted it in anger and then suddenly her mana went into the sky and then burning spears of fire was created in the sky.

Then she said, "Burn" and all of the spears came down at the wolf and it looked like absolutely over kill, this was the ace she had before the monkey disturbed her but at least she had someone to watch over her.

Nari fainted as the wolf and the monkey were absolutely terrified at what was happening before them, the spear of fire created explosion when it hit the wolf and it's blast could be felt even by far away.

This terrified the monkey since he saw how the wolf was easily killed by just one of the spears she created and there were still more firing at the dead corpse of the wolf and the monkey decided to help Nari even though he didn't know her and it was kinda due to fear.