
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Magic Circles - [ Chapter - 4 ]

So then the monkey brought Nari to his cave since he didn't know where she lived and so he went to his home instead and he actually treated her in any way he could since he doesn't understand how to treat a frog very well.

When Nari woke up she saw the monkey starting a fire but he was having a bit of trouble so Nari went up to the makeshift campfire he made then use the spell lit to help him start the fire.

He was surprised to see Nari awake but he asked, "Are you okay?", Nari replied happily, "Yeah! Thanks for taking care of me.", the monkey then introduced himself and said, "My name is Kameko, what's yours?".

Nari was immediately surprised that he had a name and the name he had was actually japanese since he met a few japanese transfer students in her school so she learned a bit of their language.

So then Nari tried speaking in japanese and she asked, "Nihonjindesu ka? (Are you japanese?)", Kameko was immediately surprised when he heard her speaking in his language and he said, "Yeah, are you japanese too?".

Nari laughed then answered, "I'm not, I'm korean.", Kameko was a bit sad that he didn't meet another japanese but then he realized they were both from the same world and they were both transmigrated there.

So there was a bit of silence but Nari broke it when she asked, "So Kameko, when did you arrive into this world?", Kameko was immediately happy that the weird tension was gone and answered, "I arrived a few weeks ago.".

Then Nari said excitedly, "Well it looks like I'm superior to you since I arrived a couple of months ago!", then Kameko started clapping and said, "Wow, no wonder your so strong but I will become stronger.".

He said pointing at himself while brimming with confidence, Nari just laughed at him and she said, "Thanks for taking care of me, well I got to leave now, do bye!" and so then after that she left the little cave.

Nari was a bit lost since she didn't know where she was but luckily that she used the spell "Beacon" to create a beacon for her only to find places she marked and a lime green light flashed like a beacon showing her where her home was.

She was able to get back and then Nari was able to learn a bit of the darkness magic and she was able to learna useful skill that she could use to take some more books since she wanted to learn more magic.

The spell she learned was called "Shadow" which allowed Nari to hide in the shadows so combined with hidden it would be perfect to try and get the books from the boy's family again so he went to his house.

Then after finding the house she waited until the sun was at the perfect spot so the shadows align correctly so that she could go to their bookshelves and take the books while going back into the shadows.

So then Nari started her plan the moment the sun was at the right place and when she saw that no one was around yet and then so she went through the open window and then used the spells hidden and shadow.

After that he was going through the shadows until she got to the bookshelves she then went out of the shadows and then looked to see if there was any useful books that she could use to learn magic with.

So then while looking Nari found four books that were extremely useful for her and she also found two books that had an intresting topic for her so she then used the basic spell "Transport" that transports objects at a short distance.

Nari was able to transport all of the books onto the open window but she used a bit too much mana but Nari was luckily still able to move so she then went into the shadows and then got back to the window.

But then suddenly she heard the door opening and so she quickly pushed the books off and onto the bushes outside and she jumped down as well, luckily none of the man didn't see Nari or the books.

Then after she saw that there was no one there anymore she then used the spell float onto the books and then she used the spell strengthening on herself and she then carried the books back to her home.

After she got back she didn't have the energy to read them because she almost used up her mana again and so she had to rest and so she took a nap in her little bed so that she could recover her energy.

Then after taking a nap she excitedly stood up and went to the books she got from the boy's house and then she took the first book she saw, it was called the "Magic Circles" and it was full of different spells.

It was different than normal spells since these could be attached to surfaces and you can even use it craftsmanship so there were many uses for it and there was one that interested Nari the most.

It was the spacial circle, it was used to create dimensional pouches but only skilled masters of spacial magic could create a spacial circle well enough to let it be called a dimensional pouch so Nari wanted to try it.

So she tried it by taking one of the water pouched she stole from the boy again and again the boy got in trouble since he was actually blamed for the loss of the advance books that Nari stole before.

But anyway, she tried creating a spacial circle inside of the pouch but it just kept failing and failing and she couldn't connect the spacial mana she had into the circle so she had to try something different.

Then suddenly in her mind a circle was made and it looked like it was for the circle she was trying to create so she copied what she was seeing in her mind and it was actually able to create the spacial circle.

Nari was suddenly surprised and she was sure this was an ability helping her creating it so she looked through the basic magic book once again and then she found the ability, it was called "Circle Imagination.".

It helps a person create magic circles through showing an image of a circle that has the use of what the person is thinking so it was used by the circle masters since it pretty much helped them create circles.

So she was extremely happy that she got this ability but then he heard outside that Kameko was fighting something so she then went outside of her home and checked to see what was happening.