
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Basic Magic And Mana - [ Chapter - 2 ]

So then Nari decided to see what she could use to get stronger but it was hard since she couldn't easily gather information with her new frog body and when she tried talking to the little boy, he didn't understand her.

But Nari tested out a few things like if she killed other animals, so she explored a bit of the forest doing this and she found out that there were monsters in the forest and there were a few weak ones she could kill.

The first one was a bug that the people called, "Fire Beetle", it was a monster that had an attribute to fire and it just lit up at night and if there were enough of them they could start a little fire together with the hear they produce.

So Nari started killing them and she found the best way to killing them was... eating them, it was disgusting for her but they actually tasted good for her because of her frog body and she felt ashamed as she ate them.

But as she ate them, the fire beetles would release a red energy then it would be absorbed by Nari's body, there was no notification like she leveled up or recieved experience so she couldn't think of what it does.

Also while she ate some of the fire beetles, she was able to steal two magic books from the kids and their parents assumed they lost it because they were careless and they brought it outside.

She also set up a little house inside one of the trees and that's where she kept the two magic books, the books she got were called, "Basic Magic" and "Mana For Beginners" so it was a pretty good start for her.

And while reading the book about mana, she able to find out that some people have a rare ability to see mana in their a physical form but there were people who had the an even rare ability.

The ability was that they could see mana in their elements and attributes and there were only two people known for this ability and Nari was able to find out that she also had this legendary ability as well.

So what Nari was absorbing was actually mana of the fire element so Nari was pretty excited about what she could do with it and she got the idea maybe she could use it for magic spells since she couldn't train normally.

Then after coming up with that idea, Nari started looking flr the most basic fire spell and she was able to find a spell called "Lit", it was a baby spell that could create a small little fire like a candle's fire.

So then Nari memorized the chant of the spell and she kept thinking it and thinking it to memorize it and so then after that she went out of her little house and was about to chant the spell that she was thinking of.

But then suddenly the lit spell appeared in front of her and she able to control it so she definitely knew it was her spell and she was immediately confused by this and so she went back to reading the book about magic.

She kept looking and looking but it was definitely heard to move each page with a body of a frog but after a while of flipping through the pages she was able to find the sections about people with abilities as well.

There were loads of abilities just like about the mana ability but she looked to see if there was an ability to cast magic without chanting and after a while she was able to find the ability in the book.

It was another legendary ability so Nari was really happy and excited about this since even if she didn't have the system she seemed to have transmigrated into the new world with a lot of special abilities at the start.

The ability was that she didn't need to cast magic but rather she just needed to think she wanted to cast the spell and the mana will act like she chanted the spell so it was another OP skill that she got.

Nari decided that she should get more mana from other animals other than the fire beetle since there were so many elements and there were even elements that haven't been recorded yet so it was really exciting for her.

But as she was only a little frog she could only continue to kill bugs of other elements and when I mean kill, I mean eat even though it looked disgusting it was filling Nari's hunger so it was a good for nutrition as well.

Nari ate bugs like Earth Bug, Electtic Fly, Water Strider and other bugs of different elements and she spent then next few months completely learning how to cast spells and she learned more about the abilities she had.

After a few months of training she was able to master all of the basic spells in the spell books and she was able to collect a massive amount of mana from different elements and she didn't need to only kill bugs now.

She was able to kill horned rabbits, adolescent burning boar, lake carp and more small animals using the magic that she was able to learn and she used her intelligence as well to kill some of the bigger animals.

And because she was able to kill bigger animals than the bugs her mana growth improved by multiple fold and Nari also looked for her ability that absorbed mana from the animals she killed.

But she didn't find it in the book and it said there could be more abilities, so she might be the only one in the world that has that ability but like I said, Nari was also able to find out more of her abilities.

During the few months she found out she had two more abilities, the first ability was another legendary ability and it seemed like all her abilities were looking to be at a legendary rank but her ability wasn't as strong as the others.

The ability was that she could have a mana barrier around her and the strength of the barrier is the amount of mana she has so her growing mana from her ability was really useful as well.

The second ability was a rare one this time, so it wasn't that sad she just hoped she was going to be a legendary figure in this world with legendary abilities but the skill was that she had a 20% Magic and Physical damage reduction.