
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Guild Secrets - [ Chapter - 23 ]

So then after naming Asteria, Nari continued to look around to see if there was any treasure and then she found the twins playing with jewelry while Kameko was taking the swordsmanship manuals.

She laughed a bit then continued looking and after a while she found a robe and it had a lot of mana in it so Nari activated the appraisal spell and checked out what it does and it was actually very strong.

It was called, "Dimensional Robe" inside of it holds a vast space inside of it and it had a 75% decrease in both magic and physical damage and it could return spells shot at it's wearer 50% of the time.

Nari saw it as a really good item and so she wore it and it instantly turned invisible and she couldn't even feel it was there and she could make it appear and disappear at will, Nari now had really good equipment and weapons.

But she wanted them to be bounded to her so she tried out one of the really advance spells she knew, "Blood Bounding" so then Nari started clearing a huge place for her to create a giant magic circle.

After clearing it she started drawing the magic circle on the ground then she plsced the wand, the attachment and the robe in the then after that she started giving the magic circle mana and it took out a lot.

Then Nari took out a dagger from the dimensional fracture then poked her right index finger and then a drop of her blood fell to the circle while this was happening the twins were watching in awe.

The circle that was once blue light now was glowing the color of blood then the circle started shining a red color then Nari felt a pain in her chest then there were now red marks on the items in the circle.

After a bit it disappeared and then Nari tried it out and so she went up to the items and said, "Call wand, attachment and robe." then suddenly they appear on the olaces where she usually puts them.

Now Nari could summon the items whenever she wanted to her and nothing would stop her since the items are now technically part of her body so even magic can't cut off her connection to the items.

Then after that Kameko ran to Nari wearing less armour than before then he said, "Nari, try and shoot me with your magic.", then Nari smiled and then said, "Inferno" a huge fire enveloped Kameko.

His smile was immediately wiped of his face the moment he saw how strong Nari was and then he tried running away but it was too late and he got hit by it and Nari was immediately surprised and worried.

Since she didn't expect her strength to become that strong already but then she found Kameko with the holy sword facing forward with only bunch burns and a few tiny ones as well and then he said, "Tada.".

So then Nari asked, "You have a new cool armour as well?", then Kameko said "Yep!" the she said, "Then try attacking me with your swordsmanship." so then Kameko took out some gloves from a new storage ring her got.

Then a dark red aura came from the gloves and then Kameko's physical strength was visibly stronger than it was before and then he took out the holy sword then said, "You'll regret asking for it.".

So then Nari was a bit worried so she added loads of magic circles onto the robe and myltiple layers of magic barriers she could charge and she also set up a few new ones as well she learned like one that takes energy from the sun and turns it into mana.

Kameko then charged in and swung his sword going through Nari then he said, "I told you, I am just to-", then when he turned around he was in shock that he found Nari just wiping of the dust that fell on her clothes.

After seeing that Kameko asked, "Wha-WHAT?", Nari giggled and then said, "Well, looks like I am superior to you." and then after that the twins came running down the piles of gold and then showed Nari what they got.

Pru showed Nari his new equipment and accessories he got and all of them improves his magic, mana and physical strength as well, it looks like he used the appraisal spell to look at their effects.

Then Rei showed Nari what he got and he had a similar armour to what Kameko had but it was a bit weaker and he got loads of new swords as well to add to his collection plus he got two more storage rings.

So after that Nari complemented them on their choices then took a storage ring and filled it with useless treasures that weren't useful to them and then they started headin back out of the dungeon.

They were greeted by a few monsters as they exited but they were all instantly killed takes to the treasuess they got from the dungeon and now they were even more powerful than they were when they entered it.

After exiting it they started heading back to the guild and everything went smoothly since all of them were now stronger so Kameko and Rei ran together then Nari and Pru were using quick movement spells.

Then after a while they were able to get back to the guild then they gave the storage ring that they deemed useless to the guild then when they saw what was inside they were shocked at how much gold there was.

So their ranking in the guild skyrocketed due to this and they were called to the Guild Master's office and then when they got there the Guild Master chuckled and then said, "You two are really powerful huh?".

Then his aura changed he released a huge amount of blood lust bigger than before and his hair started rising then Nari activated, "Evil's Restraints" which was a unique magic spell from the magic knight from before.

Which she learned to use after thinking of many different spells and the restraints would increase the more evil the target is and when Nari checked the Guild Master's percentage with True Rating it was a 94% evil.

The Guild Master then chuckled and asked, "You guys knew huh? Well then, kill them." then suddenly multiple people went out of hiding and all of them had extraordinarily auras and mana energy.

Nari chuckled as she said, "Call wand." then Kameko brought out the holy sword, Pru then brought out his own wand and then Rei brought out a red sword that had a strong aura with it.