
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Dragon Egg - [ Chapter - 22 ]

So then all of them started running away from their positions as to not get easily hit by the dragon and then Nari continued to appraise the dragon to see if it had anything in it's description as it's weakness.

She was reading the description and it was actually an epic variant of the fire dragon and it was called the, "Hell Dragon" and so she continued reading it's description hoping to find something that could help them defeat it.

But then the dragon started breathing fire once again and it was directed at Nari, she was too surprised to do anything but then the star wolf jumped out of her shadow and she was extremely surprised.

As soon as the star wolf landed it started howling and as it did a beam of whote light came out of it and then it hit the Dragon's fire blocking it then Nari was now curious as to how the star wolf followed her.

Then after a while she snapped out of it as the star wold hit the dragon scratching it multiple times and then it hid back into the shadows and then went back so then Nari brought out her new wand.

Sstarted casting multiple advance water spells at the dragon and she also casted a new spell she hadn't tried before and it was the first one she shot at the dragon, "Water Bomb" and when it hit the dragon, it created an explosion and then it screeched in pain.

Kameko started charging in as well with Rei behind him getting a water attributed sword from him storage ring and Pru was preparing a water spell with his blue fire to make it even stronger.

When the spells casted by Nari hit the dragon it screeched as it's fire was being weakened and then Kameko appeared in front of it and then jumped up then did a cross slash in the air.

And like before it created an aura of light of the directions that Kameko slashed in and then it hit the dragon and because of this it got agitated even more and was about the breath fire at Kameko and he couldn't dodge as he was in the air.

Then Rei quickly charged in doing an upper slash then a wall made of water appeared blocked it's weakened fire then he quickly charged in then jumped up and activted the blue fire then cut one of it's eyes and then shot water at it again.

After that Pru was finally finished casting the spell he created and it was a ball of water that was moving at an intense and deadly speed and so he slowly pushed it towards the dragon and then it touched it's scaled.

It started screeching in pain, the ball of water was turning red and then Pru activated his blue fire onto the ball of water and then it started screeching even louder then it dissipated but it left a huge mark on it's body.

Then after that the star wolf appeared out of the shadows again and then started shooting white stars that were spinning at high speeds and then it quickly hit the dragon without letting it dodge them.

The dragon once again screeched in pain as the stars pierced it's scales and left huge holes as it dissipated again into little white lights and now the dragon looked like it was about to collapse any second now.

So Nari decidd to out it out of it's misery and then shot the spell, "Water Bullet" at it the was a fast spell that pierces through a lot of stuff easily and with the wand increasing it's strength it was even stronger.

Then Nari casted the spell and then the water bullet pierced through the Dragon's head but it wasn't able to come out the other side, Nari was really surprised even after weakning it, she wasn't able to fully pierce it's head.

After that Nari started searching the Dragon's body to see if it had anything useful and now Kameko and the twins were looking around to see if there were enemies and after checking the body there wasn't anything.

So then Nari put the dragon corpse into the dimensional fracture and then all of them went searching for the boss room since that was the place that most likely had a lot of loot and so they started searching.

They started searching and it took them almost an hour to find the boss room while taking care of the monsters they found while they searching for the boss room so then after finding it all of them gathered together.

Then they opened the gates of the boss room and saw that it had so many treasures and loot, Kameko and the twins were immediately excited and rushed in taking everything they could and looking for anything cool.

But Nari activated her appraisal spell and then started to look for anything that was necessary and after a while of looking she was able to find an attachment that was actually pretty useful to her.

It was an item that could be attached to a wand or staff and then it would improve the caster's magic strength by 100% and it reduces the use of mana by 25% so Nari thought of it as a really good item and she put it on her wand.

So then she started looking again and then something caught her eye through the giant piles of gold so then she went on top of the piles of gold then saw that there was a nest behind it and there was a red and orange egg.

She quickly ran to it and then a appraised it and saw the description of it and like she assumed it was the Dragon's egg and she could actually have a dragon of her own if she hatched it so she took it.

Then she went to Kameko and the twins and showed it to them and they thought it was pretty cool and the twins wanted to play with the egg but Nari told them that it wasn't a toy then she put it in the dimensional fracture.

After that she decided to look for something for the star wolf since it helped them a lot in the fight with the dragon and then saw that there was like food that the dragon brought and it was weirdly glowing as well.

She quickly went up to it and appraised it and it said it was mana imbued meat that was really healthy for tamed creatures and it could also improve their strength and there were loads of the mana imbued meat.

So then Nari took some of the meat then put the rest into the dimensional fractures because she thought she should feed them for who they were really for, the Dragon's baby and she fed the star wolf the meat she didn't put away.

After that Nari decided that she should name the star wolf as well and so she started thinking and decided to name it Asteri since it was the greek term of star and she thought it was a really good name for it.